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Dr. Divyashree B A

Designation: Professor

Area of specialization: Information Technology

Date of Joining BNMIT: 4th September 2023

Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct): Regular

E-mail Id: divyashree@bnmit.in

No. of years of Experience: 20 Years 6 Months

Department: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


 DegreeInstitutionMonth & Year of Passing% of marks obtained
Ph.D (IT)Vinayaka Mission University, Salem, IndiaJuly 2011Awarded
M.Tech (IT)AAIDU, Allahabad, IndiaJune 2005
B.E. (TE)BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru, IndiaMarch 1998

SI. No.




Dept. of AI&ML

BNMIT, Bengaluru, India4th  Sept 2023 – Till date

Dept. of CSE

BNMIT, Bengaluru, India1st Aug 2012 – 30th June 2019
3Asst. Professor, Dept. of CSEBNMIT, Bengaluru, India3rd Jan, 2008 – 1st Aug 2012

Dept. of CSE

BNMIT, Bengaluru, India21st Sept, 2001 – 2nd Jan 2008
5Faculty, Dept of TrainingBenz Technologies, Bengaluru, IndiaSept 2000 – August 2001
6Faculty, Dept of TrainingB.I.I.T, Bengaluru, IndiaMarch 1999 – August 2000
7Faculty, Dept of TrainingHi-Tech International, Bengaluru, IndiaMay 1998 – February 1999

Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (University Level)

  • External Examiner for evaluation of PhD thesis, VMU,Salem
  • Examiners for M.Tech., Viva-voce- VTU
  • Deputy Chief Superintendent Appointed as External DCS, VTU


Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (Institute and Department Level)

Institute Level

  • Member, Convener, Grievance Redressal Cell, BNMIT (2018 – 19)
  • ICT Coordinator, BNMIT (2016 – 2017)
  • Chief Timetable Coordinator, BNMIT (2014 – 2015)
  • Chief Exam Coordinator, BNMIT

Department Level

  • Convener, Faculty Development Programme on IoT and AI in Robotics, 24th – 28th June 2019, BNMIT, Bengaluru
  • Mentor for Innovative Project Lab, BNMIT (2017 – 2019)
  • NAAC CSE Department Coordinator, BNMIT
  • Convener, Faculty Development Programme on Machine Learning, 18th – 23rd January 2016, BNMIT, Bengaluru.
  • ISO Coordinator, BNMIT (2016 – 2017)
  • NBA, BNMIT: Worked towards in the process of Teaching Learning Process, Course Outcome, Program Outcome and Program Educational Objectives.
  • PAAC member and DAB member in the department.
  • CSI Coordinator, BNMIT (2014 – 2015): In this venture, organized workshop for students on Cyber Security.
  • PG Coordinator for CSE/CNE (2013-2016)


Reviewer at National/International Conference/Seminars


Professional Memberships

Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).


Expertise / list of Subjects handled


Programming in C

Object Oriented Programming

Data Structures using C

Analysis and design of algorithms

Database Management System

Information and Network security

Cryptography and Network Security

Core Java and advanced Java & J2EE

Artificial intelligence                        

Cyber security and cyber law

Unix and shell programming

Principles of programming language

Computer organization

Service oriented architecture

Multicore programming

Optical networks

Research Interest  
Focused on comparison of temperature measured experimentally microwave heating of potato and sweet potato with ANSYS simulated temperature distribution and artificial neural networks for predetermined temperature distribution. Meshing of the shape, applying electromagnetic high frequency simulation followed by thermal analysis. Subsequently, temperature distribution was analyzed from the ANSYS and was correlated with measured value to know the accuracy of predetermination of heat distribution on sample taken under preparation


  1. Manjushree K, Divyashree B A, “International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Gesture Recognition for Indian Sign Language using HOG & SVM, Volume 6, Issue 7, pp. 1-6, irjet.net, ISSN:2395-0056, July 2019.
  2. Manjushree K, Divyashree B A, “International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Image Processing Techniques for Hand Gesture and Sign Recognition, Volume 6, Issue 1, pp. 1588 -1593, irjet.net, ISSN:2395-0072, January 2019.
  3. Priyanka Madhav, Divyashree B A, “A Survey on several approaches of human action recognition”, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4(3), pp. 280- 281, ISSN: 2394-9333, ijtrd.com IJTRD, May-Jun 2017.
  4. Priyanka Madhav, Divyashree B A, “Human Action Recognition using Covariance Based Feature Extraction”, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4(3), pp. 430- 433, ISSN: 2394-9333, ijtrd.com IJTRD, May-Jun 2017.
  5. Victor Nandi, Divyashree B A, “An IoT Based Automated Shopping System for Blind People using RFID”, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4(3), pp. 378-381, ISSN: 2394-9333, ijtrd.com IJTRD, May-Jun 2017.
  6. Lochan B, Divyashree B A, “CPU Performance in Data Migrating from Virtual Machine to Physical Machine in Cloud Computing”, International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, Vol. 6-Issue 4, pp. 172 – 174, ISSN:2319–8656, 2017
  7. Asif Pasha, Divyashree B A, “Analysis of Information Concealing Utilizing Advanced Picture”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-8753, Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp. 8007-8014, Impact Factor: 5.442, May
  8. B, Divyashree B A “Modelling of CPU Usage for Virtualized Application”, International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER) e-ISSN 2455–1392 Vol. 2 Issue 4, pp. 644 -651, Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.468, April 2016.
  9. Madhu Barole, Divyashree B. A, “Performance Analysis of HTTP and Web Socket Protocols “, International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER) e-ISSN 2455–1392 Vol. 2 Issue 5, pp. 27 – 32, Scientific Journal Impact Factor: 3.468, May
  10. Sindhu A.N, Divyashree B A, “A Secure Architecture for Access Control with Hashing Technique in public cloud”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology, Vol 4, Issue 7, pp-3051-3053, July-2015.
  11. Revathi M, Divyashree B A, “Efficient Mobile Sink Trail Data Reporting Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks” in IJARCCE, Vol 4, Issue 7, pp.351-354, July
  12. Akhilaa, Divyashree B A, An efficient technique for routing in wireless sensor network”, International Journal of Current Engineering and Scientific Research, Vol 1, Issue2, PP-13-20, 2014.
  13. Divyashree B A, Sanavullah M Y, “Application of Back Propagation Algorithm in Analyzing Heat Distribution of Potato Heated in MW oven”, IETECH Journal of Electrical Analysis, published in IETECH Journal of Electrical Analysis, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 062 – 066, August
  14. Divyashree B A, Sanavullaha M Y, “Finite element analysis of temperature distribution in Microwave oven while cooking an egg”, published in IETECH Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 132- 135,



  1. Akhilaa, Divyashree B A, “Trust & Energy Aware Framework for Routing in WSN “, National Conference on Recent Advances in Technology of Engineering at T. John Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 26thMarch,
  2. Divyashree B A, “Enhancement of video door phones solution for making video calls to mobile phones”, NCACNS-13, organized by SGGSIET, Nanded during 23rd – 24th December,
  3. Kotrick Maheshkumar, Divyashree B A, “Monitoring and reporting UI infrastructure development”, 7th National Conference on “Recent Trends in Computer Science & Engineering, SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 10th-11th April
  4. Lochan B, Divyashree B A, “Practical Outsourcing of Linear Programming in Secured Cloud Computing”, National Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science & Engineering, Jain University, Bangalore, 26th May 2012.
  5. Kotrick Maheshkumar, Divyashree B A, “Review on monitoring and reporting UI infrastructure development”, National Conference on Convergent Innovative Technologies & Management Cambridge Institute of Technology, Bangalore, 2nd– 3rd December
  6. Divyashree B A, Sanavullah M Y,“Estimation of heat distribution in galangal root using Radial Basis Function”, paper presented at International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology (IIST) 09, Sun College of Engineering and Technology, Nagerkoil, pp. 372 – 384, June 18 – 19,


Book / Book Chapters



Participation in Training courses/Seminars/Workshops


  1. Faculty Development Programme on “Research Frontiers in Networking – A Tool Driven Approach”, 16th – 21st January 2017, BNMIT,
  2. Quality Improvement Programme on “Innovative Teaching Methods” 18th – 23rd July 2016, BNMIT,
  3. Faculty Development Programme on “Cloud Computing”, 11th-16th July 2016, BNMIT, Bengaluru.
  4. Karnataka Students Branch Meet at CSI, Bangalore Chapter, Bengaluru, 9th May
  5. Workhop on “Preparation for Accreditation by NBA”, from 3rd-5th Dec 2015, BNMIT,
  6. Faculty Development programme on “Storage Area Network: Configuration and Management simplified”, from 19th – 23rd January 2015, BNMIT,
  7. Faculty Development programme on IT Infrastructure Management Services, from 5th – 9th January 2015, BNMIT, Bangalore.
  8. Training-cum-Faculty Development programme on Cyber Security & Cyber Laws on 20th August 2014, BNMIT, Bangalore
  9. Karnataka Students Branch Meet at CSI, Bangalore chapter, Bangalore, 2nd May
  10. Continuing Education Course on Intelligent Agents during August-December 2012 at IISc, Bangalore.
  11. Workshop on Concepts of “Parallel Programming and OpenMP”, Feb 24, 2011, RNSIT, Bangalore.
  12. One day workshop on “Ph.D in Computer Science: A Perspective” held at IISc, on July 2, 2010, Bangalore.
  13. International Conference on Intelligent Science and Technology (IIST) 09, Sun College of Engineering and Technology, Nagerkoil, June
  14. Workshop on “Emerging Trends on Soft Computing”, Oct 2008, BNMIT,
  15. National Conference on “Next Generation Networks-NCNGN 2007”, April 2007, BNMIT, Bangalore.
  16. IET-UK International conference on Information and Communication Technology in Electrical Sciences (ICTES), Dr. M. G. R. University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, Dec.
  17. Continuing Education Course on Cryptography and Network Security during January-May 2006 at IISc,
  18. Oracle University Course on Oracle Database 10g: Administration Workshop I during July 2005 at Oracle,
  19. Instructional Design and Delivery held at BNMIT, Bangalore, 09-08-2004 to 14-08-2004.

Hobbies: Yoga and Meditation


Sports: Badminton, Chess