Late. Bhageerathi Bai and Late. Narayana Rao Maanay
In whose memory, the Bhageerathi Bai Narayana Rao Maanay Educational Institutions (BNMEI) were started.They were living examples of the ultimate truth.
“Karmanyevadhikarasthe Maphaleshu Kadachana”
“Blessed are the parents who are immortalised by their children”

Late. Sushila Devi R Maanay and Late. N.Raghunath Rao Maanay
Eminent educationists and professionals in South Bangalore from diverse walks of life wanted to make significant beginning for promoting higher education. The Trust Bhageerathi Bai Narayana Maanay Charities was founded in 1972 with a focused vision to impart value based, quality education.
From a humble beginning spear headed by Prof. Sunanda P Jadhav the BNM Educational Institutions is now a leader in the field of education, providing the most modern education while maintaining the rich cultural heritage of India
The BNM Educational Institutions is now a leader of repute in the field of education, providing the most modern methods while maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the great Indian traditions.
Prof. Sunanda P. Jadhav
BNMEI – B.N.M Educational Institutions was established by the trust Bhageerathi Bai Narayana Rao Maanay Charities in the year 1972. The Managing Trustee Shri. N. Raghunath Rao Maanay along with Prof. Sunanda P Jadhav the founder Secretary and Principal founded the institution with a focused vision to impart value based quality education irrespective of social, financial or religious status. Prof. Sunanda P. Jadhav strived to provide education at affordable cost especially to the girl child and her unstinted efforts yielded highly commendable results.From a humble beginning the BNM group of Educational Institutions is now a leader in the field of education, providing the most modern education while maintaining the rich cultural heritage of the great India.
Education starts at BNM offering Montessori system to Tiny Tots at the tender age of two and half years in the BNM Montessori House.BNM is an amalgam of Educational Institutions consisting of BNM Montessori House, BNM Primary School (State Syllabus), BNM High School (State Syllabus), BNM Public School (Central Syllabus), BNM PU College, BNM Degree College and BNM Institute of Technology.