Dr. Seemanthini K
Designation : Associate Professor
Area of specialization :
Date of Joining BNMIT : September-2021
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id :
No. of years of Experience :
Degree | Institution | Month and Year of Passing | % of marks Obtained |
Ph.D (CSE) | Regional Resource Centre,VTU, India. | October 2020 | Commended |
M.Tech (CSE) | R.V.College of Engineering, Bangalore, VTU, India | August 2014 | 77.89% |
B. E. (CSE) | P.E.S.College of Engineering,Mandya, VTU, India. | June 2008 | 69.02 % |
Sl. No | Designation | Institution / Organization | Duration |
1 | Associate Professor | BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India | September-2021- Till date |
2 | Assistant Professor | Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore | July-2012-September 2021 |
3 | Lecturer | Yellamma Dasappa Institute of Technology, Bangalore | Jan 2009-July 2012 |
Research Gate Link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Seemanthini-k/stats
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-seemanthini-k-gowda-87115466/
Awards and Achievements
- Received Certificate from InternShala for co-ordinating carrier talk on ‘How to ace your summer internship’ powered by Internshala.
- Received Certificate for working as DST Camp Co-ordinator of 6 Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps sponsored by EDII, NSTEDB in association with DST.
- Received Certificate for working as Co-PI and Program Convener of 12 days FDP on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” sponsored by DST.
- Awarded a letter of appreciation for obtaining Very Good Student Feedback of subjects Adhoc Networks and Discrete Mathematical Structures in 2017.
- Received Certificate of Appreciation for obtaining 100% Result in Subject Internet of Things Technology in 2019 and 2020.
Invited Talks Delivered:
- Delivered talk on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” at Impact Lecture Series Session organized by Institution Innovation Council, MoE Innovation Cell on 26th July 2021 at DSATM.
- Delivered Career Talk on “How to ace your summer internship” powered by Internshala on 12/03/2021 at DSATM.
- Delivered talk on “How to have an Innovation Mindset” and Entrepreneurship activities at DSATM in 1st year Induction program on 21/11/2019.
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (University Level):
- Appointed as UG Practical Examiner for the conduction of Project Viva-voce and Practical Examination from VTU.
- Worked as Evaluator of UG Theory Examination from VTU.
- Worked as Question Paper Setter for VTU Autonomous Institutions.
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (Institute Level):
- Appointed as Founder Faculty of ISE, DSATM and Established ISE department with the first batch of students during 2015, under the leadership of Dr.Manjunath S.
- Worked as Entrepreneurship Development Institutional Co-ordinator at DSATM (from 2018 to 2021).
- Worked as MHRD-Institutional Innovation Council Convener at DSATM.
- Worked as Tier-II NBA Criteria 2 Accreditation & NACC Criteria 6Accreditation at ISE,DSATM.
- Worked as a member of Department Assessment Committee.
- Worked as a Member of Grievance cell at DSATM.
- Worked as a Member of Anti-Ragging Committee at DSATM.
- Worked as a Internal Question Paper Quality Team at Dept. of ISE and Dept. of CSE, DSATM.
- Worked as a Time table and Test Co-ordinator for 5 Years.
- Worked as Project and Seminar Co-ordinator in 2016.
- Worked as a Lab Exam Time table Co-ordinator for 5 years.
- Worked as Internship Co-ordinator on 2018 and 2019
- Class Advisor for different batch students.
- Served as an effective tutor and counsellor for the affairs of the students.
Academic Achievements As Entrepreneurship Development Institutional Co-Ordinator, DSATM:(From 2018 To 2021)
- Entrepreneurship Development Institutional Co-ordinator at DSATM (from 2018 to 2021).
- Worked as DST Camp co-ordinator to conduct Entrepreneur’s Awareness Camp Organised at DSATM under the Aegis of NSTEDB- Department of Science and Technology ,Govt.of India for the academic year 2018-19 and 2019-20 and Successfully completed 6 Entrepreneur’s Awareness Camp at DSATM.
- Worked as Co-PI and Convener for the 12 days Faculty Development Programme on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation “ sponsored by Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi from 22/02/2021 to 06/03/2021.
- Executed an MoU with Karnataka Small Scale Industry Association on 9th November 2018 for the period of 3 years.
- Co-Incubated under Atal Incubation Centre –JITF and Executed an MoU with AIC_JITF on 21st November 2019 for the period of 3 years.
- Worked as a Co-ordinator for the event “B-Plan Challenge for Women” and an project won a Cash Prize of Rs 15,000/- under Niti Ayog, AIC-JITF on 10-03-2020 and expecting a grants upto 20,00,000 .
- Invited Speakers from Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises (MSME) , Karnataka Small Scale Industry Association (KASSIA),National Institute of Design
(NID), Indian Start Ups, Alumni Entrepreneurs to create Entrepreneurial awareness to the students. - Incubated two student Entrepreneurs at ISE,DSATM viz Smart Desert Organization and LoopIt Organization.
- Worked as a Co-ordinator for the Entrepreneur’s Day organized at DSATM Every year and Conducts a Business Model Competition.
- Organizes Industrial visits at ISE,DSATM from last two years and visited IIMB ,AIC-JITF and DERBI Foundation Incubation .(10 Industrial visits).
- Completed Training on Trainers Training Programme on Entrepreneurship from 24th to 28th August 2020 at Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India , Ahmedabad, Gujarat,India.
- Attended Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights” on 13-06-2020 at Atal Incubation Centre- JITF, Bangalore.
- Attended Webinar on “Funding Opportunities for Product Development” on 19-06-2020 at Atal Incubation Centre- JITF, Bangalore.
- Attended Webinar on “Boost your Digital Marketing Skills” on 28-07-2020 at Atal Incubation Centre- JITF, Bangalore.
Academic Activities as MHRD-Institutional Innovation Council -Convener at DSATM
- Worked as MHRD-Institutional Innovation Council Convener and 5 Prototypes are nominated for the National Innovation Contest 2020.
- Certified Innovation Ambassador Trainer (Foundation Level) at Institutional Innovation Council , Ministry of Education ,AICTE.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing Entrepreneurship Awareness camps and Business Model Contests in 2018 and 2019.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing “Field/Exposure Visit to Incubation Unit/Patent Facilitation Centre/Technology Transfer Centre/Co- working spaces” and visited DERBI Foundation , DSU on 07/11/2020.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing Session on “How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical Steps” on 30/04/2021.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing a webinar titled “Orientation Session on Institution Inovation Council By Innovation Ambassador” on 9th June 2021.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing a webinar titled “Mentorship Session for Innovators (or) Student Entrepreneurs through experts and (or) Innovation Ambassadors/Innovation” on 13th July 2021.
Chairmanship / Reviewer at National/International Conference/Seminars Organised:
- Reviewer of IEEE ACCESS Journal Reviewer(Scopus Indexed)
- Worked as Technical Committee Member of National Conference (NCCSTM) at DSATM in 2016 and an Editor of Conference Proceeding.
- Project Guided-UG projects guided 52 students.
- POC for MoU with eMath Technologies and conducted a three days Workshop on “Advanced Java and J2EE Applications: on 16/03/2018 ,17/03/2018 and 20/04/2018 for 4th semester students
- Worked as Convener of National Level Inter-College Project Competition at ISE, DSATM every year.(from 2018-2021)
- Co-ordinator for Organizing Workshop on “Building an Affective Personal Profile” in 2017.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing Technical Session on IBM WATSON on 09/02/2018 for 6th semester students.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing two days Workshop on “Design Patterns” on 23/02/2018 and 02/03/2018 for 8th semester students.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing Technical Session on “Cyber Security and Its Applications” for 7th semester students in November 2018.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing Web Mini Project Day on Novenber 2018 and November 2019.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing workshop on “QT and QNX Technology “ by inviting speakers from Dhanaina Technologies on 17/10/2019 for 7th Semester students.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing workshop on “Business Model Presentation” by Inviting Speakers from ARCIS Business Solutions on October 2020 for 5th Semester students.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing workshop on “Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking” by Inviting Speakers from RevEngg Technology Pvt.Ltd on November 2020 for 7th Semester students.
- Co-ordinator for Organizing Technical Session on “Drone Technology” by Inviting Speakers from Makermatics Technologies LLP on 12/06/2021.
Professional Memberships:
- ISTE Life Member (Membership ID: LM118342)
List of Subjects handled:
- Internet of Things Technology
- Programming the Web and its Applications
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Data Structures
- Object Oriented Programming with C++
- Operating System
- Database Management System
- Computer Networks
- Adhoc Networks
- System Software
- Programming With C
- Management and Entrepreneurship
- Information Management System
- Computer Vision
- Artificial Intelligence
- Deep Learning
- Internet of Things
Research Interest
Deep Learning, Computer Vision and IoT.
Funding received
Grants received from Department of Science and Technology(DST), Govt.of India and Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDII), Gujarat, India.DST – for the Conduction Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps and FDP on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation”.
Sl. No | Project Title with Ref. No. | Role as PI/ Co- PI | Project Duration | Amount received | Funding Agency |
1 | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp EDII / DST-NIMAT/ 18-19/193 Dated:03/07/2018 | Camp Co-ordinator |
1 Year
| Rs. 60,000 | National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board- Department of Science and Technology, Govt.of India
2 | Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp EDII / DST-NIMAT/ 19-20/190 Dated:12/08/2019 | Camp Co-ordinator |
1 Year
| Rs. 60,000 | National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board- Department of Science and Technology, Govt.of India |
3 | 12 days Faculty Development Program on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” Dated: 19/12/2020 | Co-PI |
1 Year
| Rs. 1,00,000 | Department of Science and Technology, Govt.of India
Publications In International Journals & Book Chapters:
Citation Indices of the Research Publications:
Citations – 36; h-index- 01; i-10index- 01
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath.S.S, “Human Group Tracking and Anomalous Event Detection”, Grenze ID: 02.ICSIPCA.2017.1.52, Grenze Scientific Society, 2017. pp: 322-328. [Grenze and McGraw hill Publishers]
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath.S.S,“Anomalous Event Detection in Videos using Supervised Classifier” in Springer’s prestigious Cognitive Computing and Information Processing, Volume 801, ISSN 1865-0929, pp:449-467.DOI: 10.1007%2F978-981-10-9059-2.
- [Indexing – Scopus, DBLP, SCImago , Google Scholar, EI-Compendex , Mathematical Reviews]
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath.S.S,“Human Detection and Tracking using HOG for Action Recognition”, in Elsevier Procedia Computer Science Journal 132 (2018).pp: 1317–1326. [Indexing – Scopus and INSPEC].
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath S.S ,“ A Cognitive Semantic Based Approach for Human Event Detection in Videos, in Springer’s prestigious Smart Trends for Computing and Communications [SmartCom2019],ISBN:978-981-10-3433-6. (Indexing – SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, Google Scholar and Springerlink] (Publisher-Springer Singapore)
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath S.S ,“Video Synchronization and Alignment using Motion Detection and Contour Filtering”, in Springer’s prestigious Smart Trends for Computing and Communications[SmartCom 2019], ISBN 978-981-10-3433-6 . (Indexing – SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, Google Scholar and Springerlink] (Publisher-Springer Singapore)
- Seemanthini K, “A Survey on Unusual Event Detection in Videos” in Journal of Computer Science Engineering and Software Testing e-ISSN: 2581-6969 Volume 5 Issue 2 [MatJournal].
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath S.S ,“ Small Human Detection and Validation using Pyramidal Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Gray-Level Run Length Method”, in Elsevier Scopus Indexed International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) having ISSN 2249-8958. [Indexing- Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholor, DRGI, UGI India]
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath S.S ,“ Detection of Video and Multimedia Copy-Move Forgery Using Optical Algorithm and GLSM Clustering”, in Elsevier Scopus indexed International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) having ISSN 2278-3075.
- [Indexing- Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholor, DRGI, UGI India]
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath S.S (2020). “Real Time Unusual Event Detection In Videos To Enhance Atm Security”. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology(IJAST), 29(05), 12679-12686. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25868.
- Seemanthini K, (2020). “A Survey on Action Recognition in Sports”. , CRC Press/ Balkema, Taylor & Francis Group, submitted for indexing by Clarivate Analytics.
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath S.S, “Recognition of Small Human Group and Detection of Event using Fuzzy c-mean Clustering and Higher Order Local Auto-Correlation Techniques”,accepted for the inclusion in the book titled “COGNITIVE COMPUTING FOR HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES” published by Elsevier Inc.
- Seemanthini K, Dr.Manjunath S.S, “2D Pose Estimation of Body Via Deep Neural Networks” in Springer’s prestigious Advances in Intelligent systems and Computing (Data Engineering and Intelligent Computing).
- Seemanthini K ,“Covid-19: Automatic Detection from X-Ray Images using Ensemble Feature Extraction with Optimal Deep Belief Network”, in Health Informatics Journal under SAGE Publishers with Impact Factor 2.932 , Q2 Quartile.[ SCI Indexed].
- Seemanthini K ,“Controlling Media Operations on an Automated Local Machine Using Computer Vision : A Survey” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education in March,2021.
- Seemanthini K “Smart Attendance using OpenCV Facial Recognition : A Survey” in International Journal of Advance Research and Innovative Ideas in Education in March,2021
- Seemanthini K ,“Smart Attendance using OpenCV Facial Recognition”, in Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation” indexed in Web of Science In May 2021
Publications In International Conferences:
- “Human Object Extraction in Videos using Motion Saliency”, Advances in Computer and Communication Engineering(ACCE -2014) at Vemana Institute of Technology, held during 21st April 2014.
- “Human Group Tracking and Anomalous Event Detection: A Survey”, International Conference on Signal, Image processing Communication and Automation (ICSIPCA-2017), McGraw Hill at JSSATE, Bangalore held during 6th and 7th July 2017.
- “Anomalous Event Detection in Videos using Supervised Classifier”, 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Computing and Information Processing(CCIP-2017), Springer at JSSATE, Bangalore held during 15th and 16th December 2017.
- “Human Detection and Tracking using HOG for Action Recognition”, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science(ICCIDS2018), April 07-08,2018, The NorthCap University, Gurugram,New Delhi, India.
- “A Survey on Techniques of Image enhancement of Historical documents to ensure legibility”, ISTE Sponsored International Conference on Computer Networks, Security & Computing-2018”, on 4th & 5th May, 2018.
- “Survey on a Novel Approach for Human Event Recognition using Fuzzy C-mean Clustering”, ISTE Sponsored International Conference on Computer Networks, Security & Computing-2018”, on 4th & 5th May, 2018.
- “A survey on Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction”, ISTE Sponsored International Conference on Computer Networks, Security & Computing-2018”, on 4th & 5th May, 2018.
- “Video Synchronization and Alignment using Motion Detection and Contour Filtering”, Third International Conference on Smart Trends for Computing and Communications (ICSIPCA-2017), Springer Publication at Bangkok, Thailand held during 24th and 25th January 2019.
- “A Cognitive Semantic Based Approach for Human Event Detection in Videos,”, Third International Conference on Smart Trends for Computing and Communications (ICSIPCA-2017),Springer Publication at Bangkok, Thailand held during 24th and 25th January 2019.
- “Detection of Video and Multimedia Copy-Move Forgery Using Optical Algorithm and GLSM Clustering”, 3rd International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Systems (ICDECS-2019) at RNSIT, Bangalore held during 19th and 20th December 2019.
- “Survey on 2D Pose Estimation of Subject Body Via Deep Neural Networks”, 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems (ICCCES 2020), Kerala on 26th & 27th February 2020.
- “A Survey on Action Recognition in Sports”, International Conference On Smart Machine Intelligence And Real-Time Computing (SMART COM 2020) at Uttarakhand on 26th & 27th June 2020.
- “2D Pose Estimation of Bod Via Deep Neural Networks” , 4th International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication (ICICC – 2020) on 19th, 20th September 2020 at Dayananda Sagar University,Bangalore
- “Smart Attendance Using Opencv Facial Recognition”, inITechCET 2021 (International
Conference on Research Advances in Engineering and Technology) on 24th and 25th September 2021 at Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology,Kerala .(Accepted for Publication). - “Controlling Media Operations on an Automated Local Machine Using Computer Vision”, inITechCET2021(International Conference on Research Advances in Engineering and Technology) on 24th and 25th September 2021 at Musaliar College of Engineering & Technology,Kerala .(Accepted for Publication).
Publications In National Conferences
- 5th National Conference on Advancements in Information Technology (NCAIT – 2019) with the title of “Detection of video and multimedia copy-move forgery using coarse-to-fine detection : A SURVEY ” at JSSATE, Bangalore on 10th and 11th 2019.
- 5th National Conference on Advancements in Information Technology (NCAIT – 2019 with the title of “REAL TIME UNUSUAL EVENT DETECTION USING VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM TO ENHANCE SECURITY: A SURVEY” at JSSATE, Bangalore on 10th and 11th 2019.
- National Conference on Convergence of Science, Technology and Management with ISBN No. 978-9385682-48-3 on 3rd May 2018 with the title of “Enhancement of historical or corrupted documents to ensure legibility” in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Convergence of Science, Technology and Management with ISBN No. 978-9385682-48-3 on 3rd May 2018 with the title of “Enhancement of historical or corrupted documents to ensure legibility” in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Convergence of Science, Technology and Management with ISBN No. 978-9385682-48-3 on 3rd May 2018 with the title of “A Novel Approach for Human Event Detection in Videos using fuzzy C-Mean Clustering in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Convergence of Science, Technology and Management with ISBN No. 978-9385682-48-3 on 3rd May 2018 with the title of “Hand Gesture Recognition for Human Computer Interaction Using Support Vector Machine in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Convergence of Science and Management with ISBN No. 978-9385682-48-3 on 19th May 2017 with the title of “Video Change Detection” in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Convergence of Science and Management with ISBN No. 978-9384935-97-9 on 05th May 2016 with the title of “Anomalous Event Detection in Videos” in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Convergence Science and Management with ISBN No. 978-9384935-97-9 on 05th May 2016 with the title of “Survey on Event Detection in Videos” in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Green. Computing Technologies with ISBN No. 978-03-84935-31-3 on 7th May 2015 with the title of “Medical Image Fusion Algorithm using PCNN and Wavelet Transform “ in Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Networking, Image Processing and Multimedia (NaCoNIM-2014) with the title of “Object Extraction in Videos” on 5th April, 2014 in KSIT, Bangalore.
- National Conference on Real-Time Systems (NCRTS-2014) with the title of “Survey on Object Extraction in Videos using Motion Saliency” on 9th and 10th May 2014 in City Engineering College, Bangalore.
- Hobbies : Gardening and Travelling
- Sports
- Music
- Any other things