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Designation: Assistant Professor

Area of specialization: Computer Science & Engineering

Date of Joining BNMIT: 16/01/2025

Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct): Regular

E-mail Id: Menaka.a@bnmit.in

No. of years of Experience: 8yrs 10months


DegreeInstitutionMonth &Year of passing% of marks  obtained
M.E(CSE)K.S.R College of EngineeringAugust201382


Sri Revansiddheshwara Institute of

Technology,Bangalore, India





1Assistant ProfessorBNM .Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, IndiaApril2024 –Till date
2Assistant ProfessorBNM. Institute of  Technology, Bengaluru, IndiaJuly2014 –Jan2021



Awards and Achievements:

  • Cognizant Best Faculty Award at BNMIT for the year 2015-16
  • First place for paper Presentation in FIESTA13 National Technical Fest , Organized byBahubaliCollegeofEngineering,ShravanabelagolaonMay8th 2013

Expertise / list of Subjects handled:

  • Programming the Web
  • Microprocessor and Microcontroller
  • System Simulation and Modeling
  • Advances in Storage Area Networks
  • Software Engineering
  • Management and Entrepreneurship
  • Machine Learning
  • Python programming
  • Java
  • Data Structures
  • Database Management system
  • Computer Networks
  • Computer Organization
  • Analysis and Design of Algorithms

Research Interest:



  1. National/International Journals
    1. K.Murthy,Priyanka.S,“A Survey on WSAN and Zigbee technology in greenhouse Farming”, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, Volume 4 Issue 2, ISSN:2394-9333,2017
    2. K.Murthy,Priyanka.S, “A Survey of Clustering protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”,International Journal of Trend in Research and development, Volume 4 Issue 3, ISSN: 2394-9333,2017
    3. K.Murthy, Priyanka.S, “A hierarchical and distributed in-network query &processing model for wireless sensor  network”, IJSRD International Journal for Scientific Research DevelopmentVol.5,, Issue06,ISSN:2321-061, 2017


  1. Successfully completed course on Neural Networks and Deep learning on Coursera date on 5th October 2020.
  2. Successfully completed a course on Convolution Neural Networks on Coursera dated on 6th August 2020.
  3. Attended Faculty Enablement Programme on Python Programming through INFYTQ platform conducted in virtual mode from 6th to13thJuly 2020 and has been awarded with A+Grade.
  4. Attended 4 weeks Industrial Training on IOT Industry 4.0 conducted by Ennovate skill ,NITTR Chandigarh startup from1st June to 8th July 2020 via ICT mode.
  5. Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analytics using Python”organized by Education and Educational Management Department NITTTR, Chandigarh from 18th may to 22nd May2020,
  6. Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Communication and Presentation skills” organizedby Education and Educational Management Department NITTTR, Chandigarh from 18th may to 22nd
  7. Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Research Oriented Project work” organized by Education and Educational Management Department NITTTR, Chandigarh from 11th May to 15th May 2020.
  8. Successfully completed 4.3 test organized by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.
  9. Attended Faculty Development Programme on “Internet of Things” organized by Education and Educational Management Department NITTTR,Chandigarh from15thApril to19th April 2020
  10. Five days Faculty Development Programme on “Machine Learning using Python” organized by Dayanand Sagar Academy of Technical Education, Bengaluru from16th to 20th
  11. Five days Faculty Development Programme on “Biomedical Signal Processing” organized by Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering, B.N.M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru. from 11th to15th
  12. Five days Workshop on “Mobile Communications using Android” organized by VTU in association with Google at PESIT,Bengaluru from10th to 14thJuly 2017.
  13. One day training program on “ARM and KEIL IDE” at BNMIT, Bengaluru,on 31st
  14. Two days workshop on “ARM7 and KEILIDE” at Global Academy of Technology,Bengaluru,on 4th and 5th January 2017.
  15. Six days Faculty Development Programme on “Research Frontiers in Networking-ATool driven Approach” at B N M, Institute of Technology Bengaluru,from16th to 21st January 2017.
  16. Six days Faculty Development Programme on “Recent Trends in 4G/5G Mobile Communication Networks” at M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, from 11th to 16th July 2016.
  17. Six days Faculty Enablement Programme on “Foundation Program 4.0” at B V B college of Engineering and Technology,Hubli from 20th to 25thJuly 2015
  18. Five days Faculty Development Programme on “Hands On Sessions on Cloud computing, Big Data, Information & Network Security and Storage Area Networks” in Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru,India from 19th to 23rdJanuary 2015.


  • Hobbies : 
  • Sports : 
  • Music