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    This post was last updated on       January 13th, 2025

Scheme and Syllabus for UG

2024 Scheme and Syllabus                                                                                             2023 Scheme and Syllabus

2021 Scheme and Syllabus                                                                                                2022 Scheme and Syllabus

Scheme and Syllabus for PG

                  2024 Scheme and Syllabus                                                                                             2023 Scheme and Syllabus

2021 Scheme and Syllabus

Under Graduate: BOS Committee

1.       Dr. Chayadevi M LHead of Dept.Chairperson
2.       Dr. Seema
Prof. Dept. of CSE
M S Ramaiah Institute of Technology
BOS VTU NomineeMember
3.       Dr. Gowri Shankar
Prof. CSE
Dr.AIT, Bengaluru
Subject Expert from Other InstitutionMember
4.       Dr. Ashok Kumar
Prof. ISE
BMS college of Engineering
Subject Expert from Other InstitutionMember
5.       Dr. R Ranganath
Subject Expert from Other UniversityMember
6.       Dr. Sujith Chrakborthy
Assoc. Prof/Dept of S/w Engg
Subject Expert from Other UniversityMember
7.       Mr. Mohan Rathod
Sr. Businees Manager
Industry ExpertMember
8.       Mr. Sudhakar Gopalrao
Project Manager
LTI Mindtree
Industry ExpertMember
9.       Sivaraman Arumugam
Associate Director
Industry ExpertMember
10.   Shrikanth Hampiholi
Principal Architect,
Synamedia Technologies
Adjunct ProfessorMember
11.   Mr. Kevin Prasanna R
Sr. Software Architect
UG Meritorious AluminousMember
12.   Dr. Anitha NProfessorMember
13.   Dr. Geetha SProfessorMember
14.   Dr. Rajashree SAsso. ProfessorMember
15.   Dr. Santosh Reddy PAsso. ProfessorMember
16.   Dr. Amith Shekhar CAsso. ProfessorMember
17.   Dr. Deepti Balaji RaikarAsso. ProfessorMember
18.   Prof. MonaAsst. ProfessorMember
19.   Prof. Akshitha KatkeriAsst. ProfessorMember
20.   Dr. Raghavendra C KProfessorMember Secretary

Post Graduate: BOS Committee

1.       Dr. Chayadevi M LHead of Dept.Chairperson
2.       DR. Harish Kumar B T
Prof. Dept. of CSE
Bangalore Institute of Technology
BOS VTU NomineeMember
3.       Dr. Mohammed Tajuddin
Prof. Cyber security head
DSCE, Bengaluru
Subject Expert from Other InstitutionMember
4.       Dr. Deepu Singh
Prof. CSE
PESIT, Bengaluru
Subject Expert from Other UniversityMember
5.       Mr. Devarajan
Application Engg Architect
Intel India
Industry ExpertMember
6.       Ms.Ramya
Assistant Prof.
Depatment of CSE
DSCE, Bengaluru
Meritorious AluminousMember
7.       Dr. Raghavendra C KProfessorMember
8.       Dr. Rajani Shree MAsso. ProfessorMember
9.       Dr. Chaitra MAsso. ProfessorMember
10.   Dr. Swetha M DAsso. ProfessorMember
11.   Dr. Majunatha SProfessorMember Secretary
UG BOS Meeting MOMs
PG BOS Meeting MOMs