Dr. Nandini G
Designation : Associate Professor
Area of specialization : Computer Science & Engineering
Date of Joining BNMIT : 15/06/2023
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id : nandinig@bnmit.in
No. of years of Experience : 15 Years
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing | % of marks obtained |
Ph.D | VTU-RRC | Dec 2023 | Awarded |
M.Tech | AMCEC | Sep 2009 | 68% |
B.E | HMSIT | Aug 2006 | 59% |
Experience: Teaching – 15 Years
SI. No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Associate Professor | BNMIT | 01/04/2024 to Till date |
2 | Assistant Professor | BNMIT | 15/06/2023 to 31/03/2024 |
3 | Assistant Professor | PES University | 16/08/2021 to 05/06/2023 |
4 | Assistant Professor | RRCE | 1/08/2013 to 13/08/2021 |
5 | Assistant Professor | TJIT | 22/02/2012 to 24/07/2013 |
6 | Teaching Assistant | JVIT | 27/09/2006 to 06/08/2007 |
Lecturer | 01/08/2008 to 30/10/2010 |
Awards and Achievements
- Outstanding performer from JVIT in the year 2009
Invited Talks Delivered
- Nil
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (University Level)
- Test and exam cell Coordinator in PES University
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (Institute and Department Level)
- Admission cell Coordinator, Test, Project, Internship, cultural, Women Empowerment cell coordinator
Reviewer at National/International Conference/Seminars
- IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Science for Interdisciplinary Applications
- International Conference on Computing and Intelligent Information Systems
- International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics
Professional Memberships
- LMISTE: Indian Society of Technical Education from 2012 (LM 86274).
- IAENG: International Association of Engineers (LM NO: 137945).
Expertise / list of Subjects handled
Programming in C, Computer Networks, Automata theory, Compiler Design, Network Management, User Interface Design, Operational Research. Data Structures.
Research Interests:
- Networking
Funding received
- Rs. 5000/- from VTU for student project
- “Social context-aware macroscopic routing scheme for opportunistic network” in Wiley online library, July 2023. DOI: 10.1002/ett.4844 (Q2 Journal).
- Nandini G; J. Anitha, “Performance Chronicles of Multicast Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network” International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 2017 | Journal article DOI: 10.14569/ijacsa.2017.080941 Part of ISSN: 2156-5570 (Q3 Journal).
- Nandini, G. Anitha, J. “An optimized modelling of PSO to enhance WSN clustering operations in a multi-cast routing environment” ,Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 2019 | Journal article EID: 2-s2.0-85078762887 Part of ISSN: 1943023X (Scopus).
- Nandini G, J Anitha, “A Comprehensive Analysis of ACO for Wireless Sensor Network Routing”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2020-08-30 | Journal article, DOI: 35940/ijeat.f1628.089620,Part of ISSN: 2249-8958 (Scopus).
- “Health care management system with secured De-duplication scheme using cloud assistance”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering(IJRTE), ISSN:2277-3878, Vol-7,Issue-6S5 June 2019.
- “Data Lake: Anonymous Data Sharing, International Journal of Science and Innovative Engineering &Technology, ISBN 978-93 81288-81-4,vol 7, June 2019.
- “An Overview of Swarm Intelligence Based Algorithm for Optimization Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks” International Journal of Advanced Networking & Application, May 2016 ISSN: 0975-0282 Impact Factor: 3.16.(Journal)
- “Sensor-based approach for chronic wound healing monitoring” International Conference on Computing and Intelligent Information Systems (ICCIIS-2024) organized by BNMIT on 19th-20th April.
- “Multicast Routing Technique using Bat algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks” Springer International Conference on Evolutionary Computing and Mobile Sustainable Networks [ICECMSN-2021] organized by RVITM, September 2021(Conference).
- “Multicasting in Wireless Sensor Networks- A Survey on Existing Technique” First National Conference on Green Computing Technologies NCGCT-2015 ISBN:978-93-84935-31-3 Page.no-28, May 2015.(Conference)
- Presented paper on “Automatic Railway Gate Controller by using Micro Controller” in NCRTCE-16 Conducted by Dept. of CSE, RRCE held during 22-23 Sept 2016.
- Presented paper on “Secured Load Re-Deployment of File Chunks in Distributed File System” in ICICN-16 conducted by Dept. of CSE, RRCE dated 12-13th May 2016.
- Presented paper on “A Novel Identity Based Encryption using Outsourced Revocation in Cloud Computing”, conducted by Dept. of CSE, RRCE dated 12-13th May 2016.
- Presented paper on “An Overview of Swarm Intelligence Based Algorithm for Optimization Problem in Wireless Sensor Networks” in ICICN-16 conducted by Dept. of CSE, RRCE dated 12-13th May 2016.
- Presented paper on “Multicasting in Wireless Sensor Networks-A Survey on Existing Techinques, in National Conference held at DSATM on May 2015.
- Presented paper on” Privacy Preserving Dynamic Groups for Data Sharing in Cloud” in National conference held at DBIT, Banglore on May 2014.
- Presented paper on “QR Code based navigation system using cloud computing” in National conference held at AMC Engg College on May 2014.
Book / Book Chapters
- Nil
- Singing
- Drawing
- Dancing.
- Volleyball
- Light Music
Any other things
- Nil