3 years
6 Semesters


About Programme
The Departments of Information Science and Engineering Offers M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research, which is a minimum of 3-year program.
- The department has a state-of-the-art R & D centre recognized by VTU.
- The research centre has highly qualified and competent Research Guides with rich industrial & academic experience.
- The thrust areas of research in the department of Information Science and Engineering are:- Network Security, Internet of Things, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Image Processing.

Programme Overview
Eligibility for registration to M.Sc. (Engg.) by research Admission to the M.Sc. (Engg.) by Research Course shall be opened to candidates who satisfy any of the following requirements:
- Candidates who have passed B.E. / B.Tech. Examination of VTU or B.E. / B.Tech. of any other recognized University, recognized by this University as equivalent thereto or any other examination recognized by this University as equivalent thereto and have passed the prescribed qualifying examination with not less than 60% of the marks in the aggregate, in the examinations of the semesters considered for the declaration of class/grade. However, a relaxation to the extent of 10% shall be allowed for candidates belonging to SC/ST and any other category as notified by Government of Karnataka from time to time.
- Teaching / Research Staff / Teaching Assistants, working in any Engineering College and Polytechnic Institutions recognised by AICTE either in the State of Karnataka or outside, who have passed B.E / B.Tech. Examination and put in a minimum of one year of teaching experience in Engineering Colleges / Research Organizations and sponsored by the respective Institutions / DTE in case of aided institutions.
- Employees of the State Government/Central Government/Quasi Government Organizations/Public Sector Industries/Reputed Private Industries, who have passed B.E./B.Tech. Examination and put in a minimum of one year of working experience and are sponsored by the concerned Organizations.
- Awardees of research fellowship by nationally recognised bodies like CSIR etc., provided they have B.E. / B.Tech. Examination and put in a minimum of one year of working experience.
- NRI/FN/PIOs who have passed the B.E. / B.Tech. or equivalent examination recognised by VTU as equivalent to UG Engineering Degree Programme, with medium of instruction in English or qualified TOFEL/ELTS. Such candidates shall be able to communicate and to submit the synopsis of Dissertation work in English language. In addition to the above, the candidates shall be qualified in GATE or equivalent National Level entrance exam within the immediately preceding five years or in the University level Research Aptitude Test, the result of which shall be valid for a three-year period.
Career Opportunities after M.Sc. (Engg) by Research An M.Sc degree can boost a student’s career, help them be prominent in the job market, and get lucrative job prospects when compared to what they would get with a graduate degree. Some of the jobs that a MSc IT graduate can look for in a corporate sector are: Computer Programmer, Software Engineer, Security Expert, Systems Support Administrator, IT Consultant, Network Administrator and Web Developer.

Why BNMIT for this course ?
- The Department provides state-of-the-art facilities like well-stocked libraries, laboratories with all technical equipment, and computer systems and research center with required hardware & software facilities for pursuing research work.
- Library of the college & department has a collection of books, magazines, journals, e-Journals and other useful databases. Facilities for internet browsing and e-services are also available in the library for the convenience of students.
- The faculty members/guides of the Department have expertise in their respective areas and are ready to share new knowledge and experience to each student so that they can make their future bright.

How to Apply?
The University shall call for applications for registration in the months of January and July of every year. The M.Sc.(Engg.) by Research Committee shall meet in the months of February and August of every year to consider applications of the candidates for registration and the eligibility and recognitions of the Guides.The candidate shall submit his / her application for registration to the University in the prescribed form along with other necessary documents viz., degree certificate, marks cards of all examinations, employers’ certificate and no objection certificate from the employer, consent of the Guide, through the Head of the Institution where the candidate intends to do research.
The Head of the Institution shall forward the application of the candidate along with the Bio-Data of the Guide, his/ her degree certificate and list of Research publications to the University. In case of employed candidates, no objection certificate from the employers for pursuing research shall be necessary.