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    This post was last updated on       December 29th, 2023

Innovative Methods

The Department has adapted Innovative Teaching Methodologies to emphasis better understanding of the concepts and Technology. Based on the courses offered, an appropriate teaching methodology is followed by the course teacher.

The teaching methodologies adapted in the Department are:

Think-Pair-Share (TPS)

Think-pair-share (TPS) is a Collaborative Learning Strategy where students work together to solve a problem or answer a question about an assigned reading. This strategy requires students to think individually about a topic or answer to a question, share ideas with classmates. Discussing with a partner, maximizes participation, focuses attention and engages students in comprehending the reading material.


Quizzes are interactive platforms where students participate to gain knowledge, seek opportunities to excel beyond academics and be future ready.

  • Quizzes adds a new dimension to studies
  • Promotes preparation
  • Serves the purpose of a brief assessment to gauge the abilities and knowledge of students
  • Designed to enhance student attention and their participation

Flipped Class Room

Flipped classroom ensures that class time is spent in assimilation, rather than in information transmission.

  • The course faculty shares videos on topic with students before the class
  • Students are instructed to watch before coming to class
  • Class time will be spent in related activities and discussions on the topic

Group Discussions

Group discussion on a topic plays a vital role in better understanding of the concepts. It involves sharing of learning by the participant(s) which equally benefits all other students/participants.

  • Helps in generating more ideas on a topic
  • Boosts self-confidence
  • Improves communication, presentation and listening skills
  • Encourages dialogue between and among the students
  • Provides an opportunity to master the language

Peer Instructions

  • Stimulates discussion among students – The question/activity may elicit multiple conceptions leading to a healthy discussions.
  • Plausibility of Choices – All the choices given in PI are plausible and target the misconceptions of students.
  • Students are instructed to see all 4 choices, and show the answer (choice) written on a sheet and display to instructor, a polling is conducted and moderated discussion is encouraged.

Poster Presentation

Posters are the tools that enable visualization in the classroom to foster student learning. Posters are often created by students to visually display a particular concept, significant project, or a research topic in order to provide an opportunity to pair visual learning with textbook reading, lecture, and traditional assignment writing. It is an effective way to catch hold of the attention of students as well as maintain their interest in the subject.


At the beginning of each semester, the students are given with a problem statement with respect to the course by the course teacher. In each internal assessment test the students are informed to follow the stages of software development life cycle to develop a solution/framework for the given problem statement.

Open Ended Questions

In order to provide practical exposure about a concept/topic, students are given open ended questions in each internal assessment test. The open ended questions will be either application-oriented question or a case study.

Open Book Test

Open book test is a tool to examine the ability of a student to quickly find relevant information and then to understand, analyze, apply knowledge and think critically. They also test the ability to find and use information for problem solving, and to deliver well-structured and well-presented arguments and solutions.

TedEd:  TED-Ed is a platform, which allows teachers to take TED Talk, TED-Ed Lesson or educational video and easily create a lesson plan of customized questions and discussions. Users can then distribute these lessons, publicly or privately, and track their impact on the world, a class or an individual student.  It aims to spark and celebrate the ideas and knowledge-sharing of teachers and students around the world.

Easyclass.com: – Easy class is a free learning management system, which allows storing assignments, notes, videos, and also to conduct a test. Used it to conduct quizzes for first-year students.

WordPress: Wordpress is a free and open-source content management system that helps to create the website. Using Wordpress created a website to post the class materials for first-year students.

Kahoot: It is a interesting online quiz conduction tool which has animations to keep the students in the interested and easy to use since all of us (Quiz master and students) can login using our smartphones.

Google sites: Google Sites is a great tool for creating webpages. Google Sites brings together all of the other great Google services in that it allows users to embed  Google Docs, Calendar, YouTube, Picasa albums, and much more. Google sites are used to develop a website to share study materials to students.

Flubaroo: Flubaroo is a free tool and it’s a Google Spreadsheets Add-on that helps educators quickly grade and analyze online assignments and assessments, as well as share scores with students.


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