This post was last updated on May 25th, 2022

Dr.B.S. Anil Kumar
Designation :Professor and HoD
Area of specialization :Computational Fluid Dynamics
Date of Joining BNMIT :11/3/2002
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) :Regular
E-mail Id
No. of years of Experience : 23 Years
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
Ph.D | Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belgaum,Karnataka | 2018 |
M.Tech | Sri Jayachamarajendra college of Engineering, Mysore, Visvesvaraya Technological University, India | 2001 |
B.E. | P.E.S. College of Engineering Mandya, Mysore University, India | 1996 |
No. of years of Experience: 23 Years
SI. No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Professor and HoD, Department of Mechanical Engineering | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | Sep 2020–Till date |
2 | Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | July 2016–Sep 2020 |
2 | Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | 2012 to 2016 |
3 | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | 2009 to 2012 |
4 | Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | 2008 to 2009 |
5 | Lecturer, Department of Mechanical Engineering | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | 2002 to 2008 |
Awards/ Achievements/Memberships:
- Granted an innovation patent for “Design and Development of Support Less 3D Printing System using FDM Technology” by the Australian Government. (Patent Number: 2021102375).
- Worked as a Warden at BNM Institute of Technology Boys Hostel from 2002 to 2004.
- Worked as a Main coordinator for the Technical Annual Event TATVA 2015
- Received a letter of appreciation from the Management (BNMIT) for scoring more than 90% in the Self-Appraisal for the academic year 2015-16 on 5th September, 2017.
- Received a letter of appreciation from the management (BNMIT) for achieving more than 90% in the self-appraisal for the academic year 2018-19 on 5th September, 2020
- Received the Doctor of Philosophy in Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Sciences for the thesis entitled “Computational Investigation of Flow Separation in Incompressible Aerodynamics Regime” in recognition of the fulfillment of the requirements for the said degree on January 09 2018 at VTU Belgaum.
- Worked as a Coordinator for one week Faculty Development Programme on “Research Issues and Challenges in Mechanical Sciences” during the academic year 2017-18.
- Received a letter of appreciation from the management (BNMIT) for achieving more than 90% in the self-appraisal for the academic year 2017-18 on 19th July 2019
- Our project EASY FOOT which was completed under New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, won 1stplace and received cash prize of Rs 20,000.00 form KSTA during state level technical project exhibition was held at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bengaluru from 12th to 13th March 2019.
- Completed successfully NPTEL online certification course on “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics” with a consolidated score of 68%. Jan-April 2019.
- Coordinator for MOU between BNM Institute of Technology and Fenfe Metallurgicals Bangalore.
- Worked as a conference convener for ICTES-2019 organized from our Mechanical Engineering Department on December 27 & 28, 2019.
- Worked as a Chief Coordinator for one week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Continuity in I-3 (Industry Institute Interaction)” during the academic year 2019-20.
- Worked as an External Chair for the Research Paper review process for the Online 2nd International Conference, SURF-2020, held between the 6th-8th August 2020.
- Received a letter of appreciationfrom the management (BNMIT) for achieving more than 90% in the self-appraisal for the academic year 2018-19 on 5th September, 2020.
- Worked as Coordinator for Collection center / Valuation Center of VTU Examination during 2006.
- Worked as Chief Squad member for smooth conduct of UG / MCA/ MBA, VTU Examinations
- Worked as a Coordinator for VTU Practical Examination Nov-Dec 2012.
- Worked as a Coordinator for Valuation Center of VTU Examination during 2016-17.
- As a Resource person for three days Faculty Development Program on “Computer Aided Machine Drawing” organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering JSS Academy of Technical Education Bengaluru from 28th to 30th December 2015
- As a Resource person for three days Faculty Development Program on “Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics” scheduled between 29th to 2nd February 2018 at Jain University Global Campus.
- As a Resource person for the workshop on “New Model Curriculum for first year BE / BTech -CBCS detailed syllabus (2018-19) as per Outcome Based Education (OBE) format including Course Outcome and Bloom’s Taxonomy under TEQUIP 1.3 for the course Engineering Graphics Design and Workshop Practices Under Mechanical Engineering board held on 09.05.2018 at BNMIT Bangalore organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University Belagavi.
- Appointed as a research registration expert committee member to interview and scrutinize the application of the candidates applied for registration to the degree of Doctor in Philosophy by research under VTU Belagavi
- Delivered a Guest of lecture to undergraduate students on topics such as Student Empowerment in the field of Education (Non Technical) and Engineering Graphics (Technical) on 8th March 2019 at Amruta Institute of Engineering Management Sciences and Polytechnic
- Appointed as Sitting Squad for ensuring the smooth conduct of May/June/July 2019 UG/ PG theory examinations from 6th to 13thJuly 2019.
Expertise/Subjects handled
- Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
- Elements of Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Aided Machine Drawing
- Fluid Mechanics
- Manufacturing process
- Theory of Machines
- Hydraulics and pneumatics/ Fluid Power Engineering
- Foundry Technology
Research Interest:
- Computational Fluid Dynamics.
- 3 D Printing Technology
- Nano Metal Matrix composites
Funding Received
- Received Rs. 98686.00 from New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for the project work entitled “EASY FOOT: Transtibial Prosthetic Leg” during 2017-18.
- Received Rs. 99182.00 from New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for the project work entitled “Development & Fabrication of a 3-Way Actuated Medical Laboratory Centrifuge” during 2018-19
- Received Rs. 2,00000.00 from New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for the project work entitled “Automatic Screen-Printing Machine” during 2019-20.
- Received Rs. 2,50,000.00 from New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for the project work entitled “3D Printer using Linear Guide Rail and Ball Screw Mechanism” during 2019-20
- Received Rs. 99182.00 from New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for the project work entitled “3DPrinter Using Heated Chamber” during 2019-20.
- Received Rs. 2,50,000.00 from New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for the project work entitled “Design and Development of ARIA-I: An IoT-based Processing Line for Acrylic Bending” during 2021-22
- Received Rs. 1,99,913.00 from New Gen IEDC funded by Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, for the project work entitled “High Precision CNC Machine during the year 2021-22
- Design of Low Resource 3-Way Actuated Medical Centrifuge System for Blood Pathology Tests in 11th International Conference on Communication Systems & Networks (COMSNETS), 978-1-5386-7902-9/19/$31.00 January 2019 IEEE
- Computational investigations of flow separation over NACA 23024 airfoil at 6 million free stream Reynolds number using K-Epsilon turbulence model in Materials Today: Proceeding 5 (2018) 12632-12640.
- Computational Investigation of flow separation over NACA 23024 airfoil at 6 million free stream Reynolds number in International Journal of Science Technology and Society. Vol. 3, No. 6, 2015, pp. 315-321. ISSN: 2330-7412 (Print); ISSN: 2330-7420 (Online), January 2016.
- Presented and published a paper “Investigation of pressure contour and velocity vector of NACA 0015 in comparison with optimized NACA0015 using gurney flap at ICMBME on 26thJuly 2015. ISBN: 978-93-85465-63-5.
- Computational Investigation of flow separation over NACA 23024 airfoil at 3 million free stream Reynolds number in International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT) volume 4, issue 10,Oct 2015. Impact factor 1.76.
- Computational Investigation of Flow Separation in Incompressible Aerodynamic Regime, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, (IJIRSET), Volume 4, Issue 2, February 2015. Impact factor 6.209.
International Conference Proceedings
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Aerodynamic Analysis of NACA 23024 Airfoil at 6 Million Free Stream Reynolds Number Using CFD”in the International Conference on Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (ICTMES-2020) on 7th August 2020 at Malnad College of Engineering Hassan.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Computational investigation of flow separation over NACA 23024 airfoil at 3 million free stream Reynolds number using K-Omega SST turbulence model ” in the International Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Engineering and Mathematics held on Sep, 21-22, 2019 at Radisson Goa Candolim, Goa, India.
- Participated and presented a paper in the technical session on 11thMarch 2017 entitled “ Computational investigation of flow separation over NACA 23024 airfoil at 6 million free stream Reynolds number using K-Epsilon turbulence model ” in the international conference on materials, manufacturing and modeling held during March 9th – 11th, 2017 at VIT University, Vellore.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Designof low resource 3-way actuated medical centrifuge system for blood pathology tests” in the 11th international conference on communication systems and networks on January 7-11, 2019 Bangalore presented at COMSNETS New health workshop.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Computational Investigation of Flow Separation over NACA 23024 Airfoil at 3 million Free Stream Reynolds Number Using Spalart Allmaras Turbulence Model”in the 61st Congress of ISTAM organized by the Department of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, VIT University, Vellore during 11th to 14th December, 2016.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Optimization and Analysis of NACA 4412 using Gurney flap” in IRCCSME on 28th June 2015 at Bangalore which will be organized by IRAJ Research Forum and in association with Institute of Research and journals for presentation at the Conference.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Computational Investigation of Flow Separation in Incompressible Aerodynamics Regime”in the 59th Congress of ISTAM-2014 held during December 17-20, 2014 at Alliance College of Engineering and Design Alliance University, Bengaluru
National Conference Proceedings
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “ Computational investigation of flow separation over NACA 23024 airfoil at 6 million free stream Reynolds number”in VI National Conference on Emerging Trends in Fluid Mechanics – April 29 & 30, 2016, organized by Department of Mathematics at Christ University Bengaluru.
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Upstream Pull Loop Implementation in Common Rail Pump Components And Housing Area” in the 5th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Technologies ETET 2016, held on 11th and 12th of March 2016 at Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bengaluru
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “Analysis of NACA 0015 using CFD and validation using wind tunnel” in “3rd National Conference on Topical Transcend in Mechanical Technology-2015” held on 9th May 2015,Conducted at SJB Institute of Technology Bengaluru
- Participated and presented a paper entitled “ Validation of wind tunnel test results for NACA 2415 airfoil using Finite volume method based CFD software” in “ National Conference on Topical Transcend in Mechanical Technology-2013” held at SJB Institute of Technology on 4th May 2013 organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering
- Reading
- Listening to music
- Travel, Singing and Swimming