This post was last updated on April 13th, 2023

Dr. Rajashree Soman
Designation: Associate Professor
Area of specialization: Cyber Security
Date of Joining BNMIT: 24/2/2023
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct): Regular
E-mail Id:
No. of years of Experience: 15 Years
Degree | University | Year | Score |
Ph.D | Jain University | 2022 awarded | |
M Tech (CSE) | VTU (BMSCE) | 2010 | Distinction |
BE (CSE) | VTU (HMSIT) | 2003 | Distinction |
Sl No. | Designation | Company/ Institution | Duration |
1 | Associate Professor | SJB Institute of Technology | May 2022 to Jan 2022 |
2 | Assistant Professor | PES University | Aug 2019 -July 2021 |
3 | Assistant Professor | Nandi Institute of Technology | Feb 2017 – July 2017 |
4 | Developer | Satyan Technosoft | June 2015 – July 2017 |
5 | Consultant | CISCO Systems | Nov 2011– oct 2012 |
6 | Lecturer | BMS College of Engineering | Oct 2005 -Jan 2011 |
Awards and Achievements
- Best paper presentation award for the paper titled “ Secure communication between groups of Smart IoT devices over the IPv6 network “ at IEEE ICATIECE-2022
- NPTEL ELITE + Gold Certificate in Programming In Java Issued by NPTEL · Nov 2022.
- Best Paper Presented in Computer Science Engineering-1 during the Annual Research Retreat 2020 organized online by JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) on 19th & 20th December 2020.
Expertise / list of Subjects handled
- Cyber security essentials, Cryptography, Analysis and design of Algorithms, Internet of things, Computer networks
Research Interest
- Applied and core cryptography, Cyber security, IoT
- Rajashree S, Sunitha R, Madhumala RB, Rohini TV. “A Secure Chatbot For Training A New Employee Of An Organization.” Journal of Basic Sciences volume 23 issue 2 Page No: 546-553
- Soman, Rajashree, and R. Sukumar. “Secure storage and sharing of visitor images generated by smart entrance on public cloud.” International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics (IJDCF)5 (2021): 65-77.
- Rajashree, S., R. Sukumar, and P. Bhuvankumar. “Security System for Visitor Validation at Entrance using Raspberry Pi and Elliptical Curve Digital Signature.” International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878.
- S, C. Y. L, R. B and S. K. S, “Secure communication between groups of Smart IoT devices over the IPv6 network,” 2022 Second International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing & Communication Engineering (ICATIECE), Bangalore, India, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICATIECE56365.2022.10047733.
- Rajashree, B. Vineetha, A. B. Mehta and P. B. Honnavalli, “Homomorphic Encryption Approach for String Concatenation,” 2022 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cybernetics, Cognition and Machine Learning Applications (ICCCMLA), Goa, India, 2022, pp. 267-272, doi: 10.1109/ICCCMLA56841.2022.9989264.
- Aishwarya Lakshmi, K., Prasad B. Honnavali, and S. Rajashree. “Ensure the validity of forensic evidence by using a hash function.” Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies: Proceedings of ICICCT 2020. Springer Singapore, 2021.
- Nag, K. M., Vaishnavi, D. V., Rajashree, S., & Honnavalli, P. B. (2020, October). RSA Implementation on Sensor Data in Cold Storage Warehouse. In 2020 IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering (ECICE)(pp. 75-78). IEEE.
- Pradeep, K. C., Rajashree Soman, and Prasad Honnavalli. “Validity of Forensic Evidence using Hash Function.” 2020 5th International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES). IEEE, 2020.
- Baby, S., & Honnavalli, P. B. (2020, May). Identity & Access Management System Based on Blockchain. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing & Communications (ICICC).
- Suresh, Veena, and S. Rajashree. “Establishing Authenticity for DICOM images using ECC algorithm.” 2020 Sixth International Conference on Bio Signals, Images, and Instrumentation (ICBSII). IEEE, 2020.
- Prathyusha, M., Nikitha, P., Rajashree, S., & Honnavalli, B. P. (2021). Automation for Furnace in Thermal Power Station Using Public Key Cryptography. In Advances in Computing and Network Communications: Proceedings of CoCoNet 2020, Volume 1(pp. 619-632). Springer Singapore.
- Manjunath, Pavan, Rajashree Soman, and Pritam Gajkumar Shah. “IoT and block chain driven intelligent transportation system.” 2018 Second International Conference on Green Computing and Internet of Things (ICGCIoT). IEEE, 2018.
- Rajashree, S., K. S. Soman, and Pritam Gajkumar Shah. “Security with IP address assignment and spoofing for smart IOT devices.” 2018 international conference on advances in computing, communications and informatics (ICACCI). IEEE, 2018.
- Rajashree, S., Pritam Gajkumar Shah, and S. Murali. “Security model for internet of things end devices.” 2018 IEEE international conference on internet of things (iThings) and IEEE green computing and communications (GreenCom) and IEEE cyber, physical and social computing (CPSCom) and IEEE smart data (SmartData). IEEE, 2018.
- Rajashree, S., and R. Sukumar. “CBC (Cipher Block Chaining)-Based Authenticated Encryption for Securing Sensor Data in Smart Home.” Smart IoT for Research and Industry(2022): 189-204.