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    This post was last updated on       April 17th, 2023

Dr. Sagargouda S. Patil

Designation : Associate Professor

Area of specialization : Cyber Security , Cyber Crime Investigation , Penetration Testing , SOC Analyst , Digital Forensics

Date of Joining BNMIT : 15/05/2023

Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular

E-mail Id : sagar.cs.kle@gmail.com

No. of years of Experience : 8 Years

Department : Computer Science & Engineering


 DegreeInstitutionMonth & Year of Passing% of marks obtained
Ph.DVTU , BelagaviDecember 2022NIL
M.TechPES University , BangaloreAugust 2016FCD
B.EKLECET , BelagaviMay 2014FCD

Experience – 8 Years

SI. No.DesignationInstitutionDuration
1Assistant ProfessorSCET , BelagaviAug 2016 to Aug 2018
2Assistant ProfessorJCER , BelagaviAug 2018 to Aug 2022
3Assistant ProfessorDr. D Y Patil College of Engineering , KolhapurAug 2022 to December 2022
4Director & Cyber security ConsultantCybersena( R&D) India Private Limited BelagaviJanuary 2020 to Till Date

Awards and Achievements

  • Awarded as Cybercrime intervention officer from ISAC New Delhi.
  • Investigated and reported two cybercrime cases in Judiciary of Belagavi and Submitted to courts of law successfully.
  • Selected for Microsoft Cyber security Trainer by ICT Academy , India in 2023.
  • Selected as a Member of MCMC by Government of Karnataka for general elections 2023.


 Invited Talks Delivered

  1. Given Talk on “Mind Mapping on Research Methodology” at Shaikh College of Engg & Tech, Belagavi.
  2. Given Talk on “Technical Paper Writing and Research” at Shaikh College of Engg & Tech, Belagavi.
  3. Given Talk on “Network Security” at Bhartesh Polytechnic, Belagavi.
  4. Given talk on “Cybercrime awareness” at Rani Chenamma University, Belagavi.
  5. Delivered workshop on “Insight on cyber security and forensic technology” at REVA University, Bangalore.
  6. Given talk on “Cybercrime awareness” at JCER Belagavi.
  7. Given talk on “Web application security” at JGI on occasion of IEEE student chapter.
  8. Given talk on “Cryptography and its applications” at Vasant Rao Potdar Polytechnic Belagavi.
  9. Delivered workshop on “Cyber security and Ethical hacking” at Nagarjuna College of Engineering & Technology ,Bangalore.
  10. Delivered Microsoft certified workshop on “Cyber security ” at SNMV College in coordination with ICT Academy, Coimbatore
  11. Delivered Microsoft certified workshop on “Cyber security ” at KLE RLS BCA College in coordination with ICT Academy, Belagavi


Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (University Level)

  • Appointment of Squad Member for PG Exams 2022 by VTU , Belagavi


Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (Institute and Department Level)

  • Internship Co-Ordinator ( College Level)
    Academic Co-Ordinator ( Department Level)
    Dean Research and Development ( College Level)
    Seminar Co-Ordinator ( Department Level)
    Project Co-Ordinator ( Department Level)
    Journal & Magazine Co-Ordinator ( Department Level)
    Incubation and Start-up Head (College Level)
    KSCST Project Co-Ordinator( Department Level)

Reviewer at National/International Conference/Seminars

  • Reviewer for ICIC 2023 International conference conducted by SIET Tumkur


Professional Memberships


Expertise / list of Subjects handled

  • C Programming
  • Computer Networks
  • Information & Network Security
  • Cyber Security
  • Data Communication
  • Cloud Computing
  • Cryptography and Network security

Research Interest

  • Cyber Security , Cyber Crime Investigation , Penetration Testing , SOC Analyst , Digital Forensics.

Funding received

  • NIL

Journal / Conference / Book chapters

  1. Prof. Sagargouda S.Patil, ‘A review on techniques deployed in data compression”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Science & Engineering (IJARSE), Vol.3 Issue 8 AUG 2014. ISSN-2319-8354.
  2. Prof. Sagargouda S.Patil, ‘A data discovery diesemination protocol in WSN”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering (IJIRSET), Vol.6 Issue 1 JAN 2017 ISSN-2319-8753 (DOI).
  3. Prof Sagargouda S.Patil, Dr Dinesh Hiremath , “Android conference hall booking system and Reservation system”, in International Journal of Advanced Research(IJAR), DOI:10.21474/IJAR01/4907. ISSN: 2320-5407
  4. Prof Sagargouda S.Patil, Dr Dinesh Hiremath , “Train wagon weighing and number tracking system”, in International Journal of Emerging Trends In Engineering & Development ISSN:2249-6149 to ELSEVIER DATABASE in UK Issue 7, Vol.4 (July 2017).
  5. Prof Sagargouda S.Patil, Dr Dinesh H A ”Design of efficient technique for secured data aggregation in cluster based WSN “ is sent to INDER SCIENCE Journal and Waiting for reply.
  6. Prof Sagargouda S.Patil, Dr Dinesh H A “ Secure Cyber Forensic Frameworks For Internet Of Things “ in IJEAST, Vol. 5, Issue 1, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 591-595.
  7. Prof Sagargouda S.Patil, Dr Dinesh H A”IoT Based GPS Tracking & Alcoholic based detection system“ in VTU Journal in Coordination with ISTE.
  8. Prof Sagargouda S.Patil, Dr Dinesh H A “ Survey of Cyber Crime affecting Global era of Digitalization : A Cyber Forensics and Cyber Security perspective “ in Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology ISSN-1671-4512 , Vol 50 ,Issue 3(SCOPUS INDEXED Q4).
  9. Prof.Sagargouda S.Patil, Prof.Anand G. ,” Prolonged network lifetime to reduce energy consumption using cluster based WSN”, 1th International Conference on Smart Computing & Informatics(SCI-2017) , SPRINGER Nature Singapore 2018. ISBN: 978-981-10-5544-7.
  10. Prof.Sagargouda S.Patil , Prof Anand G.,” Energy efficient and reliable routing in debsely distributed WSN”, 2nd International Conference on Communication systems, computing and IT applications , in IEEE Xplore Digital Library with ISBN: 978-1-5090-4382-8.(2018)
  11. Prof.Sagargouda S.Patil, “Overview of big data visualization” at 1st International Conference on Innovations in computing and Networking, IJANA-2016, RRCE, Bangalore, India, Computer Society of India(CSI)(Aug.21-23,2014),pp.436-438 .ISSN: 0975-0282
  12. Prof.Sagargouda S.Patil , Dr Dinesh Hiremath ” Agri mark app to connect farmers directly with retailers and food processing industries(FPI)”, World Journal of Technology, Engineering and Research, Volume 2, Issue 1 (2017) 154-161.
  13. Prof Sagargouda S.Patil, Dr Dinesh Hiremath , Dr.Piyush Kumar Parrek , Dr. Shivaleela Arlimatti ”A review on relay selection techniques in WSN with IoT “ is Published in IJCRT | Volume 5, Issue 4 November 2017 | ISSN: 2320-2882
  14. Prof. Sagargouda S. Patil , Dr.Dinesha H A,” URL Redirection Attack Mitigation in Social Communication Platform using Data Imbalance Aware Machine Learning Algorithm”, in IJST Web of Science with ISSN:0974-6846 (2022)
  15. Prof.Sagargouda S.Patil , Dr.Dinesha H A,” Modified Weight Optimized XG Boost (MWO- XGB) for Concept Drift and Data Imbalance Problems in the Online Environment”, in International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology , vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 308-316, 2022 ( SCOPUS Q3)
  16. Prof.Sagargouda S.Patil , Dr.Dinesha H A,“Comparative Analysis and Validation for Cyber Forensic Model using the NSL-KDD Dataset “ , published in the journal International Journal of Research in Engineering Application & Management with Vol.No 08 , Issue No 04 , Page No. 150-156, Impact factor 7.427 and year of publication 2022, published by IJREAM with DOI :10.35291/2454 9150.2022.0397.(Thomas Reuters)


  • Reading and Travelling


  • Cricket


  • Kannada Songs

Any other things

  • Research