This post was last updated on January 14th, 2021

Smt. Jebah Jayakumar
Designation : Assistant Professor
Area of specialization : Computer Vision, Machine Learning
Date of Joining BNMIT : 7/8/2020
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id :
No. of years of Experience : 8 years 2 months
Department : Computer Science & Engineering
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing | % of marks obtained |
ME (Computer Science and Engineering) |
Awards and Achievements
Expertise / list of Subjects handled
- Discrete Mathematical Structures
- Machine Learning
- Artificial Intelligence
- Python Application Programming
- Managing big data
- Analysis of Computer Networks
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Computer Organization
- Computer Networks
- Information and Network
- Security, Software Architecture
- Programming in C and Data structures
- Wireless Adhoc Networks
- Dot Net Programming for Application Development
Research Interest
Pursuing researching in the field of computer vision.
Funding received
- Jebah Jaykumar, Dr. Sahana D Gowda, “Drone Types and its applications- A survey”, International Research Journal of Engineering and technology, Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2020, pp: 7360-7368
- Prarthana T.V., Jebah Jaykumar, Challenges and Opportunities with Big Data, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, Vol 4, Issue 7, pp.240-244, July 2017
- Jebah Jaykumar, Prarthana T.V., Traditional Queue Management VS Active Queue Management for controlling congestion in wireless networks, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 04, Issue 06, pp.2415-2417, June 2017
- Pooja G M, Jebah Jaykumar, Blackhole attack in wireless sensor networks, International Journal of trend in Research and Development, Vol 4, Issue 3, pp.329-332, May-June 2017
- Pooja G M, Jebah Jaykumar, Comparative Analysis of Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network, International Journal For Research and Development In Technology, Vol-7, Issue 4, pp.639-642, April 2017
- Prarthana T.V, Jebah Jaykumar, Grid Computing Models for Discovering the Resources, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol-3 Issue 6, pp. 2493 – 2497, June-2016
- Jebah Jaykumar, Prarthana T.V, Packet Transmission in MANET using Dynamic Queue Management Scheme, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 3 Issue 6 , pp.2562 – 2569, June-2016
- Jebah Jaykumar, AbishlinBlessy, Secure Smart Environment using IOT based on RFID, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, vol 5(2), pp.2493-2496, 2014
- Jebah Jaykumar, Prameetha Pai, Prarthana T.V, Secure Implementation of IOT based on RFID with key authority mechanism, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol 5, Issue 5, pp.338-342, May 2014
- Jebah Jaykumar, Dr. Sahana D Gowda, “Trajectory path planning in Indoor Surveillance Drones to assist blind” , ICFE-2020: 1st online International Conference on Future Engineering, Dr RammnoharLohia Avadh University, Ayodhya, India, June 26-27, 2020
- An Efficient Dynamic Queue Management (DQM) Scheme for Packet Transmission in MANETs, National Conference on Advances in Computer Science & Engineering, Dept of CSE, EWIT, Bangalore
- Nil
- Nill
Any other things