This post was last updated on July 9th, 2021
Dr.R V Parimala
Designation : Prof. & HOD
Area of specialization :Power System, Distribution Automation,
Artificial Intelligence application to Power System And Colored Petri Net.
Date of Joining BNMIT : 20/01/2016
Nature of Association : Regular
E-mail Id :
No. of years of Experience : 31
Degree | Institution | Year of Passing | Class Obtained |
PhD (Distribution Automation) | Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore Visvesvaraya Technological University | 2004 -2014 | |
M. Tech (Power System) | National Institute of Engineering, Mysore | 1994 -1996 | FCD |
B.E (Electrical & Electronics) | Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore | 1981-1985 | FCD |
SI. No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Professor & HOD | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | 20thJan 2016 Till date |
2 | Professor & HOD | Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management, Bangalore | Dec 2014 – 18th Jan2016 |
3 | Associate Professor & HOD | Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management, Bangalore | 2012- 2014 |
4 | Asst. Professor | Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore | 2007-2012 |
5 | Selection Grade Lecturer | Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore | 2005-2007 |
6 | Lecturer | Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore | 1996*-2005 |
7 | Lecturer | Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore | 1991-1994* |
8 | Lecturer – Adhoc | BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore | 1989-1991 |
9 | Lecturer on contract basis | Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering, Mysore | 1986-1989 |
Awards and Achievements
- Best research paper awardfor the technical paper “Optimal switching operation using knowledge based colored Petri net”, presented in international conference held from 20th -22nd July 2011, IET Chennai 2nd International Conference SEISCON 2011 (Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System Conference),M.G.R Educational and Research Institute- University, Maduravoyal, Chennai-600095, .Tamil Nadu, India
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (University Level):
- Chief Superintendentat BNMIT, Bangalore from 29-11-2019 to 09-01-2020, for the conduction of Dec 2019/ Jan2010 B.E. examinations of VTU, Belgavi.
- Chief Superintendentat BNMIT, Bangalore from 06-07-2017 to 17-07-2017, for the conduction of June 2017 B.E. examinations of VTU, Belgavi.
- Chief Superintendentat BNMIT, Bangalore from 16-06-2016 to 25-06-2016, for the conduction of June 2016 B.E. examinations of VTU, Belgavi.
- Member,Anti ragging Committee, BNMIT (2016-17).
- Member,Research Committee, BNMIT (2016-17).
- Chairman, College Internal Complaints Committee for Anti Sexual Harassment, BNMIT (2017-18)
- Chief Superintendentat DSATM, Bangalore from 26-12-2015 to 10-01-2016 for the conduction of Dec 2015 B.E. examinations of VTU, Belgavi.
- Chief Superintendent at DSATM, Bangalore from 11-06-2015 to 20-06-2015 for the conduction of May-June 2015 B.E. examinations of VTU, Belgaum.
- BOSMember, Electrical & Electronics, Board of Studies, Alliance College of Engineering Design, Alliance University, Bangalore.
- Member – BOE, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering (Autonomous), Bangalore 2017-18.
Invited Talks Delivered:
- Deliverd the lectures for the course “Electrical Circuit Analysis” through EDUSAT program-21, VTU e-learning center, Bangalore on 21st, 22nd, 23rd,26th , 27th , & 28th of September & 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th of November 2016.
- Deliverd the lectures for the course Electrical & Electronic Measurement through EDUSAT program, VTU e-learning center, Bangalore from 04/08/2011 to 11/11/2011.
- Delivered a Lecture on “Distribution Automation”at a National Workshop on 2nd March 2012, Conducted by the department of E&EE, DSCE.
- Delivered a Technical Talk on the topic “Microprocessor” for Mechanical students on 18th April 2009, Department of Mechanical Engineering, DSCE
- Delivered guest lectures for students of IGNOU and taught BTCM 1st year students “Principle of Electrical Sciences” during April 2010 to June 2010
Chairmanships at National/International Conference/Seminars:
- Session Chair for third edition of Biennial International Conference on Power and Energy Systems: Towards Sustainable Energy (PESTSE-2018) on 19thJanuary 2018 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru
- Session Chair for Second National conference on “Sustainable Emerging Intelligent Technologies” (SEITCON-2017) on 26th to 28th May 2017 at DSCE campus.
- Session Chair for the National Conference on “Convergence of Science, Technology & Management”, held at DSATM, Bengaluru on 05/05/2016.
- Session Chair for National conference on ’Sustainable Emerging Intelligent Technologies” (SEITCON-2016) on 22nd and 23rd Feb. 2016 at DSCE campus
- Session Chair for the National Conference on “Green Computing Technologies” held at DSATM, Bengaluru on 07/05/2015
- Session Chair for the National Conference on “Horizons in Power Engineering” held at KSSEM, Bengaluru on 29/04/2015
Expertise/Subjects handled
Under Graduate:
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Network Analysis
- Electrical & Electronics Measurements
- DC Machines & Transformers
- Analog Electronic Circuits
- Microprocessor 8085
- Microcontroller
- Control Systems
- Switchgear & Protection
- Utilization of Electrical Power
- Management
- Operational Amplifiers & Linear Integrated Circuits
- Computer Organization
- Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis
- Power System Operation & Control
- Estimation & Costing, Power system Analysis
- Field Theory
- Electric Motors
Post Graduate:
- Power Electronic System Design using ICs
- Digital Measurements
- Power Supply Systems, and Dynamics of Linear Systems
Research Experience Details:
- Research conducted on the topic “Knowledge Based Optimal Method of Service Restoration at Substation using Petri Net Model”. This research concentrated on (i) Developing an artificially intelligent colored Petri net (CPN) model to find optimal switching operations for service restoration during overload condition and system contingency i.e. line open condition and for load balancing among the feeders of the distribution system. (ii) Modeling several distribution systems available in the literature and the rural distribution systems of India using CPN modeling technique. (iii) Developing an algorithm for unbalanced three phase load flow problem and testing the algorithm on power systems.
Sl. No. | Name of the student | Ph.D | University | Year of completion | Title of Research Topic |
1 | Ratna. B | Ph.D. | VTU, Belgaum | pursuing | Optimal Restructuring of Distribution Network with Dispersed Distributed Generation |
2 | K Raghunath Reddy | Ph.D. | VTU, Belgaum | pursuing | Real Time Distribution System State Estimation using Synchrophasor Measurement |
3 | Sujith T | Ph.D. | VTU, Belgaum | pursuing | Forecasting of natural disaster impact and resilience operation of Electrical Power distribution systems |
4 | Ramyashree H P | Ph.D. | VTU, Belgaum | pursuing | Mitigation of power quality issues in distribution generation system using custom power devices |
Funding received
- Title: Development of Appropriate Algorithms for Efficient Management of Energy Control Centres
- Funding Agency: CPRI, Under RSoP, Government of India.
- Amount: 9.5 Lakhs
- Duration: 02 years (2011–2013)
- Title of the Project: Modernization of Relay & High Voltage Lab
- Title of the Project: Modernization of Relay & High Voltage Lab
- Funding Agency: AICTE
- Amount: 13 Lakhs
- Duration: 02 years (2019–2021)
International Journals: Total: 05
- R.V.Parimala & Dr. K.L.Puttabuddhi, “Knowledge Based Colored Petri Net Approach for Deciding Distribution System Switching Operation. ”,IJEEE, ISSN 0974-2042, Vol. 8, Issue No.1, pp.11-19, Dec. 09-Feb. 10.
- R , Dr.B.R.Lakshmikantha & R.V. Parimala, “Observability and Controllability of a power system by optimizing the performance of PMUs and FACTS controllers.”,Published in IJAREEIE, volume 2, issue 6, June 2013, pp.2601-2610
- Akshay B & Dr. R V Parimala, “The Modified SEPIC Converter with Extra Boost Unit and Without Coupling Inductor for PV Application”, IJRASET, Volume 5, Issue V, May 2017
- K Raghunath Reddy, Dr. R V Parimala “Identification Faults on Transmission Line by using Phasor Measurement Unit (PMUs)”IJLRET ISSN: 2454 -5031 PP. 140-144 NC3PS-Aug-2016.
- K Raghunath Reddy, Dr. R V Parimala et. all “PMU based real time power system state estimation” Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) ISSN-2349-5162, 2019 JETIR May 2019, Volume 6, Issue 5, PP 38-43.
In National/International Conference Proceedings: Total: 16
- R.V.Parimala& Dr. K.L.Puttabuddhi, “Petri Nets – A Powerful Tool’,National level seminar in November, 2005 titled “Modern Trends in Power Systems” conducted by Dept. of E&EE, Dayanada Sagar College of Engg. Bangalore.
- R.V.Parimala& Dr. K.L.Puttabuddhi, “Three Phase Load Flow for Distribution System”, during a National Symposium on“Scenario of Scientific & Information Technology in Power & Electronic Systems” conducted by Dept. of E&EE, DSCE, Bangalore & co sponsored by CPRI, Bangalore during 3rd &4th April 2008.
- R.V.Parimala& Dr. K.L.Puttabuddhi, “A fast power flow algorithm for radial distribution system”, National Conference on Soft Computing Techniques in Power System Operation and Control. SoftComp’09, VelloreInstitute of Technology, Vellore University, Vellore. Tamilnadu.during 22 – 24 July 2009.
- R.V.Parimala & Dr. K.L.Puttabuddhi, “Colored Petri Net Approach for Distribution System Network Reconfiguration”,19th-22nd Aug. 2010, International conference on System dynamics and control, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal University, Karnataka – India 576 104.
- R.V.Parimala, Manasa.S & V. Chayapathi, “Advanced Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters”in National Conference on Advances in Electronics & Intelligent computing 2011 held on 2-05-2011 at East West Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- R.V.Parimala & Dr. K.L.Puttabuddhi, “Optimal switching operation using knowledge based colored Petri net” , IET Conf. Pub. CP583, 826 (2011), 20th-22nd July 2011, IET Chennai 2nd International Conference SEISCON 2011 (Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System Conference), Dr.M.G.R Educational and Research Institute- University, Maduravoyal, Chennai-600095, .Tamil Nadu, India, Awarded as the Best research Paper.
- R.V.Parimala, Manasa.S & V. Chayapathi, “Advanced Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters”Second International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Intelligent System (SEISCON 2011), held on July20-22, 2011at Dr. M.G.R. University, Maduravoyal, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 2011. (CP583), ISBN: 978-9-38043-000-3, p259 -264, I1.
- R.V.Parimala, Manasa.S & V. Chayapathi, National Conference on “Advanced Control in Engineering Systems (NACES-11)”held on September 21-23,2011 at M.S Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- R.V.Parimala, Manasa.S & V. Chayapathi, “Multicarrier based Pulse Width Modulation Techniques for Cascaded Multilevel Inverters ”,Conference on Recent Investigations in Electrical Engineering using Experimental and Computational Techniques (NCRE3CT-2011), held on October 14, 2011 at B.N.M Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Kiran. R & R.V. Parimala, “Optimal placement of PMUs for system monitoring and FACTS devices in the power system for voltage stability”, 4th National Conference on Power sector scenario and Challenges(NPSS 2012), organized by Dept. of E&EE, Vasavi College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh on 4th April 2012
- Kiran. R & R.V. Parimala, “Placement of PMUs and FACTS controllers in the power system”, National Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering & Technologies, organized by Jyoti institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- R & R.V. Parimala, “Optimal placement of PMUs and FACTS controllers in the power system for the complete system observability and stability ”,8th National Conference on Efficient Power Generation and Conversion “Efficient Electrical Systems” (NCEPGC – 2012), organized by Dept. of E&EE, K.S. Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamil Nadu,India, on 16th March 2012.
- R , Dr.B.R.Lakshmikantha & Dr.R.V. Parimala“A Novel Software Model for Enhancement of System Performance and Security through an Optimal Placement of PMU & FACTS.” , 3rd IEEE International Students’ Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer, Science(SCEECS-2016), held on 5-6 March 2016, at Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology(MANIT) Bhopal, India.
- R, Dr.B.R.Lakshmikantha & Dr. R.V. Parimala“A Software Model for power system operation & control.” International Conference on Intelligent and Autonomous Systems (ICIAS2015) at MCE, Hassan under TEQIP on 28th, 29th November 2015.
- Dr. R V Parimala, “Smart DC micro grid for effective utilization of solar energy” 1st International Conference on reliable Technologies in Power & Energy Systems, held on 4th April 2016 (RTPES-2016) at AMC college of Engineering, Bengaluru
- Raghunatha Reddy K & Dr. R V Parimala, “PMU based Real Time power system state estimation.”, 7thInternational Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology (ICASET-19) held on 2nd – 3rd May 2019 at Sri Sairam College of Engineering
- Solving crossword puzzle
- Reading mythological books
- Listening to music