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    This post was last updated on       August 5th, 2024


Ph.D Full time 3 years

Part Time 4 years





about program

About Programme

    • The Departments of Electrical and Electronics Offers Ph.D. Programme as Full-Time as well as Part-Time.
    • The Department has an R & D centre recognized by VTU.
    • Since its inception, the centre has a good number of research scholars and guides conducting research activities.
    • Research scholars are encouraged to do quality research works suggested by guides.
    • It is empowered by guides with rich industrial & academic experience.
    • The thrust areas of research majorlyfocusses on power systems, power quality, power electronics, high voltage engineering and digital control for low power applications .

Ph.D. Guides in the department:

Sl.No.Name of FacultyArea of Research
1Dr. R V ParimalaPower systems Engineering, Applications of AI to power systems
2Dr. V MuralidharaHigh Voltage Engineering
3Dr. Venkatesha KPower Quality and Power Electronics
4Dr.Sudalai ShunmuganHigh Voltage Engineering and Power Engineering
5Dr. Priyashree SPower quality and Power electronics


Programme Overview

There shall be provision for the following categories of candidates for admission to Ph.D.:

a) Full-Time: Candidates to pursue Ph.D. research on full time basis shall also include QIP/FIP scholars and those belonging to Integrated Degree programmes such as M.Sc.(Engg.) by Research/(Full-Time) M.Tech.

b) Part-Time: In-service candidates having a minimum professional experience of one year after their PG Degree from among the regular faculty members working in any Engineering College /Polytechnic / University / Deemed to be University (recognized /accredited by appropriate bodies in India) or research staff of public / private organizations shall be eligible to pursue Ph.D. research on a part time basis.

c) Integrated Degree: Students registered for M.Sc.(Engg.) by Research(Full- Time)/M.Tech./M.Arch, may be allowed to upgrade to Ph.D. as applicable on acase by case basis.

e) Distance Mode: Candidates with MBA and MCA Degrees obtained through distance mode from UGC/DEC approved institutions may be allowed to register for Ph.D. as per UGC/AICTE norms on condition of two years teaching/research experience after completion of their PG Degree award.

Ph.D. holders in Electrical Engineering will have extensive knowledge in their area of research, giving them a wide range of skills. This will allow them to be the top applicants in many industry positions, in addition to academic and research/development openings, while remaining competitive in an ever growing field.

Conventionally, the most preferred jobs for Ph.Ds. have been industrial R&D Labs, university positions, and start-ups. Industrial R&D facilities typically hire Ph.D. holders to engage in research, design new products, and also take part in long term strategy decisions. Along with exclusive R&D labs, a lot of development centres hire Ph.Ds.for comparatively senior positions.

Another interesting job prospect for Ph.D. holders is in consulting industries where they are hired as analysts, consultants, and auditors.

Lastly academia has always been a favourite choice of Ph.Ds.It is also possible for Ph.D. holders to pursue academic job opportunities in other countries also.

why bnmit

Why BNMIT for this course ?

  • The Department provides state-of-the-art facilities like well-stocked libraries, laboratories with all technical equipment, and computer systems and research centre with required hardware & software facilities for pursuing research work.
  • Library of the college & department has a collection of books, magazines, journals, e-Journals and other useful databases. Facilities for internet browsing and e-services are also available in the library for the convenience of students.
  • The faculty members/guides of the Department have expertise in their respective areas and are ready to share new knowledge and experience to each student so that they can make their future bright.


Quick Fact

  • State of art R & D Lab
  • Experienced and Well Qualified faculty.
  • Faculty Information:
    • Total No. of faculty members: 16
    • Total No. PhDs: 07
    • No. of faculty pursuing PhD: 03
  • Publications by faculty : 100+ in last 5 years
  • Funded Projects – 23 Lakhs


How to Apply – Ph.D. Programme

The University shall call for Applications for registration usually in the months of January and July of every year. Ph.D. Registration Committee shall meet in the months of February and August of every year to consider applications of the candidates for registration and the eligibility and recognitions of the Guides.

The candidate shall submit his / her application for registration to the University in the prescribed form along with other necessary documents viz., degree certificate, marks cards of all examinations, employers’ certificate and no objection certificate from the employer, consent of the Guide, through the Head of the Institution where the candidate intends to do research.

The Head of the Institution shall forward the application of the candidate along with the Bio-Data of the Guide, his/ her degree certificate and list of Research publications to the University. In case of employed candidates, no objection certificate from the employers for pursuing research shall be necessary.