This post was last updated on May 7th, 2024

Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D
Designation :Associate Professor
Area of specialization :Smart Sensor Technologies, Distributed Computing, Internet of Things, Wireless Networks.
Date of Joining BNMIT :25/07/2016
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) :Regular
E-mail Id
No. of years of Experience :21
Qualification: Ph.D
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
Ph.D | Visvesvaraya Technological University | September 2018 |
M.E | College of Engineering, Anna University | May 2008 |
B.E | Saranathan College of Engineering, Bharathidasan University | April 2002 |
- Teaching – 20 years
- Industry – 1 year
Sl No | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1. | Associate Professor | BNM Institute of Technology | August 2017 to till date |
2. | Assistant Professor | BNM Institute of Technology | July 2016 to July 2017 |
3. | Associate Professor | AMC Engineering College | February 2012 to July 2016 |
4. | Assistant Professor | AMC Engineering College | April 2009 to February 2011 |
5. | Senior Lecturer | RMD Engineering College | August 2008 to March 2009 |
6 | Lecturer | RMD Engineering College | December 2005 to July 2008 |
7. | Lecturer | Prathyusha Engineering College | January 2005 to November 2005 |
8 | Lecturer | Sudharsan Engineering College | August 2003 to December 2004 |
Awards and Achievements
- Received Appreciation Letter for securing more than 90% in self-appraisal for the year 2019-20, 2020-21, 2021-22,2022-23.
- Received NPTEL Course Certificate on “Foundation of Cloud, IoT, Edge, ML”, April 2023.
- Received Udemy Course Certificate on “Wearable Technologies” on June 2023.
- Received NPTEL Course Certificate on “Internet of Things”, 23rd April 2022.
- Received Coursera Course Certificate on “Exploring Emerging Technologies for Lifelong Learning and Success” on 4th April 2022.
- Young Scientist Award 2020 from Technical Research Publications, A Research Forum.
- Best Teacher Award for the academic year 2013-2014 at AMC Engineering College, Bangalore.
- Special Recognition Certificate for “Outstanding Contribution towards Overall Development of the Department for the year 2011-2012” at AMC Engineering College, Bangalore.
- Received Elite-Silver certificate from NPTEL on “Digital Electronics”, May 2019.
- Received NPTEL Online Certification on “Real Time Operating Systems”, June 2020.
- Received Coursera Online Certification on “Speak English Professionally: In Person, Online & On the Phone”, July 2020.
- Received Coursera Online Certification on “Presentations: Speaking so that People Listen”, October 2020.
- Life Member for Indian Society Technical Education (ISTE).
- Life Member for Institute of Engineers (IEI).
- Elsevier, Microprocessor and Microsystems, for the year 2021-2022.
- International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE)
- International Conference on Computing and Intelligent Information System (ICCIIS 2024)
- Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal (ASTESJ) (ISSN: 2415-6698)
- Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication (BEIESP) for the year 2020-21
- Associate Editor in Indian Journal of VLSI Design, Lattice Science Publication.
Non-Academic Responsibilities
- NAAC Coordinator
- ISTE Department Level Coordinator.
- UGC Department Level Coordinator
- Timetable Coordinator, BNMIT, Bengaluru.
- Test Coordinator, BNMIT, Bengaluru.
- Deputy Chief Superintendent (External) at RV College of Architecture, Bengaluru, PG Examinations of VTU, Karnataka.
- Member, organizing committee, International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Antenna Design and Printing for Practical Applications”, Department of ECE, BNMIT, June 2021.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Digital Design Flow using Xilinx and MATLAB Tools for Image Processing Applications”, Department of ECE, BNMIT, Jan 2020.
- Magazine Coordinator, AMCEC, Bengaluru.
- Newsletter Coordinator, AMCEC, Bengaluru.
- Deputy Chief Superintendent (External) at Islamiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore, B.E examinations of VTU, Belgaum
Expertise / list of Subjects handled
- ARM Microcontroller
- Digital System Design using Verilog
- Microcontroller
- Digital System Design
- Microprocessor
- Operating System
- Programming in C++
- Embedded System Design
- Basic Electronics
- Real Time Systems
- HDL Programming
- Electron Devices & Circuits
- Linear Integrated Circuits
- Communication Engineering
- Internet of Things
- Real Time Operating Systems
- Advanced Microcontroller
- Advanced Embedded Systems
Research Interest
- Smart Sensor Technologies
- Distributed Systems,
- Wireless Networking,
- Embedded Systems,
- Cloud Computing,
- Fog Computing,
- 5G Networks
Research work carried:
- To establish an efficient path from source to destination for mobile networks with independent control, increasing data rate, less power consumption. Identified a reliable protocol for trusted, distributed based caching technique and error free communication in mobile network.
Patent :
Patent Granted on “Wearable Textile Antenna for Telemedicine Application” Intellectual Property of India, October 2022.
Funding received
International Journal
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, “Indian Sign Language Recognition using transfer learning with Efficient Net” Smart Science, Taylor and Francis Online, March 2024.
- D. Bhuvana Suganthi, “Design and Implementation of Low Power Counters using Reversible Logic Gate”, TIJER, Volume 1, Issue 5, May 2023.doi:
- D Bhuvana Suganthi , “Green House Monitoring and Control Using Iot” , Indian Patent Journal Publication, March 2023.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Chitrashree, Samanvitha, “A Survey on IoT Based Garbage Monitoring System Using Solar Panel”, Dickensian Journal, Volume 22, Issue 5, 2022, Page No. 1674- 1688.
- Punitha A, S. Raghupathi, Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D, “High Confidential Routing Algorithm for Safety Road Measures using Multi Secure Techniques”, GIS Science Journal, Volume 9, Issue 6, 2022.
- Pratheek Prakash Shet, Mayur B, Dr.Bhuvana Suganthi D, “Cloud Lock: Private Locker with Secure Cloud Verification”, GIS Science Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2, Page No.31-42,2022.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Suprita Muddi, Akshitha, Sonu, Suma, “Data Sharing using Efficient Secured Algorithm with High Data Analysis”, HBRP Publication, December 2021.
- Indian Patent Journal Publication: “Driver Safety Improvement; Gesture Controlled Car Driving System to Assist the Physically Challenged”, January 2021.
- D.Bhuvana Suganthi, “The Defense Against Jamming Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks: Energy Efficiency Management Perspective”, Microprocessor and Microsystems, Elsevier, December 2020.
- D Bhuvana Suganthi;, “Data imputation in Wireless Sensor Networks using Regression Models”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume-9, Issue-5, October 2020. Page no. 8661-8665.
- Pratheek Prakash Shet, Mayur B, Dr.Bhuvana Suganthi D, “Cloud Lock: Private Locker with Secure Cloud Verification”, GIS Science Journal, Volume 9, Issue 2, Page No.31-42,2022.
- Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D, Suprita Muddi, Akshitha, Sonu, Suma, “Data Sharing using Efficient Secured Algorithm with High Data Analysis”, HBRP Publication, December 2021.
- D.Bhuvana Suganthi, “The Defense Against Jamming Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks: Energy Efficiency Management Perspective”,Microprocessor and Microsystems, Elsevier, December 2020.
- D Bhuvana Suganthi;, “Data imputation in Wireless Sensor Networks using Regression Models”, International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume-9, Issue-5, October 2020. Page no. 8661-8665.
- Indian Patent Journal Publication: “Driver Safety Improvement; Gesture Controlled Car Driving System to Assist the Physically Challenged”,
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, P M Aashir Afnan, Mohammed Jasir, Parikshit G Wadageri, “AI Based RADAR Waveform Classification System”,International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET), Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2020.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Harshitha Prasad Rao, Anirudh M.R, Diksha U.S “Portable Intrusion Detection System”in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Vol. 9, Issue 5, June 2020.
- D Bhuvana Suganthi, Dr. Manjunath R, Dr. Punitha A, Raghupathi.S, “Improved Caching and Trust based Reliable Mobile Communication in Distributed Environment”,International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Volume-9 Issue-3, February 2020, Page No. 612-619.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D,Ashish S, Manjunath P, K S Pratheek, Ashith Kiran Parlakoti, “Data Embedding Using Image Steganography”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 06, Issue: 05, MAY – 2019.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Dr. R. Manjunath, Anuradha V Rao, “Efficient Data Fetching with Supportive Caching in Mobile Distributed Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Volume 59, Issue 3, May 2018.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Janardhan K L, “Web Cam based Assistive Text and Product Label Read from Hand-Held Objects for Visual Impaired”, – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol. 4, Issue 05, 2016 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Dr. R. Manjunath, “High Performance Mobile Computing Nodes in Distributed Networks”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 3, March 2014.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Sathish T, “A Non Linear Phase implementation using generalized DFT on FPGA”,IJIRS, June 2013.
International Conferences Proceeding
- Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi, “Smart Waste Segregation System”, IEEE International Conference IITCEE, January 2024.
- .Bhuvana Suganthi, M.Shivaramaih,, “Design of 64-bit Floating-Point Arithmetic and Logical Complex Operation for High Speed Processing“, IEEE International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, January 2023.
- Dr..Bhuvana Suganthi, ” Networking reliability approach for energy analysis in wireless sensor nodes with edge computing techniques “, Fifth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) (I-SMAC), November 2021.
- Payaswini, Ranjitha B V, Sandhya R J, Shivalingamma, Bhuvana Suganthi D, “High Secured Multi Account Embedded ATM Card”,National Conference on Information, Communication, Controls and Computing (NCIC3-2018), May 2018.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Dr. R. Manjunath, A.Aravindan, “Reliable Security Policy in Mobile Distributed Network”, IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology (RTEICT), IEEE Transaction on Communication Society, May 2016.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Dr.R.Manjunath, “Fault Tolerance Communication in Mobile Distributed Networks”, International Conference on Data Engineering and Communication Technology, March 2016.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Dr.R.Manjunath, “Survey on Reliable and Energy Factor in Distributed Systems”, International Conference on Current Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (ICCTCSE-2014), 21st March 2014.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Ullas P, “A Survey on Routing Algorithm for Distributed Network”,National Conference on VLSI Communication and Computer Networks VCCN-4, May 2016, AMC Engineering College, Bangalore.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Rohini T, “A Survey on Supportive Caching for Efficient Data Fetching in Disruption Tolerant Networks”, National Conference on VLSI Communication and Computer Networks VCCN-4, May 2016, AMC Engineering College, Bangalore.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Varunidhan, “Parallel Computing in Distributed Environment”,National Conference on VLSI Communication and Computer Networks VCCN-2, May 2014, AMC Engineering College, Bangalore.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Veni G, “High Performance Routing Protocol for Mobile Networks”, National Conference on VLSI Communication and Computer Networks VCCN-2, May 2014, AMC Engineering College.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Emil Tom, “Color Distribution Based Color Feature Extraction”, International Conference on Computing and Communication Technology 2012.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Nagaraj S Vannal, “Audio Video Interface Communication Platform for Differently able People”,International Conference on Technology and Management ICTM 2011.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Sivaraj C, “Anti-theft systems for a car”, National Conference on VCCN-1, May 2013.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Sathish T, “A Non Linear Phase Implementation using generalized DFT on FPGA”, VCCN-1 National conference, may 2013.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Sathish T “Applying Generalized DFT on Field Programmable Gate Array”, National Conference on Communication and Image Processing(NCCIP-13), August 2013 at T-John institute of Technology.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, Sathish T “Modified QPSK based variable sub carrier orthogonal frequency division multiplexing”,National Conference on Design Innovation ncdi3c2012.
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, “Delay Comparison for PEDAMACS and SMAC protocol in wireless sensor network”, in the conference NCSBE at Crescent Engineering College, 2008
- Bhuvana Suganthi D, “Efficient Power and Delay using TDMA Based scheduling algorithm for wireless sensor network”,in the conference ECLECTIC’08 at SRM University, Ramapuram Campus.
- Published book chapter on the topic of “Edge Computing Technology for Secure IoT” for the book titled as Secure Communication in Internet of Things, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, ISBN:9781 0034 77327, 1st Edition, 2024.
- Published book chapter on the topic of “A Review on Transdisciplinary approach and Challenges on Wearable Technology”, Recent Progress in Science and Technology , Volume 7, BP International Publisher, March 2023.
- Published book chapter on the topic of “Secured Communication using Distributed Caching Techniques” for the book titled as Novel Research Aspects in Mathematical and Computer Science, Volume-6, BP International Publisher, July 2022.
- “Engineering Practices Laboratory”, Muzhumathi Mahalaxmi Publications. 2006.
- Chapter Title: Edge Computing
Book Title: Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research
Author: Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D
Publisher: Technical Research Publication Month: January 2021
- Solving Puzzles
- Playing Chess