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    This post was last updated on       October 25th, 2024

The Department of ECE has a Research and Development center recognized by VTU and offers Ph.D. and M.Sc (Engg) by research programs. It is empowered with 9 research guides under VTU with rich industrial and academic experience. Presently 13 research scholars are pursuing their Ph.D. at the research center, Dept of ECE. The thrust areas are Sensors, MEMS, VLSI Design, Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Real-Time Embedded Applications, Wireless Sensor Networks & Biomedical Applications.

The outcome of the research is visible in the form of a large number of publications in National & International Journals & Conferences and Patents filled. Facilities available in the research center are Experimental setups to research on sensors, MATLAB Full Suite, Network Simulator VLSI Design tool-Cadence, Advanced FPGA boards, Antenna Design hardware & software tools, Fiber Optic communication setup.

 Research Publications:

Journal publicationsConference


Journal publicationsConference


Journal publicationsConference


Journal publicationsConference


Faculty1 1482612126
Faculty with PG students  102021
Faculty with UG students1 8917154
Total2 231745271411
Grand Total2407225



Total Number of Publications by Faculty


Type of Journal2024-252023-242022-232021-222020-212019-202018-19Total
2     81718147711612342
Web of Science126150014
Other Journals1133410281834137



Scopus Indexed  & Web of Science Publications


Number of Ph. D awarded 57114114
AY 2023-24
Sl NoName of FacultyDetails
1Dr. Bhuavana Suganthi, D. Indumathy, K. Panimozhi, P Kavitha, A Punitha, S SaravanaSecure Communication in Internet of Things, Taylor and Francis CRC press, 1st edition ISBN 9781003477327
2Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur, Dr. S. Bindu, Dr. Jyoti R. MunavalliLightweight Crypto Mechanisms and Key Management in IoT Scenario Secure Communication in Internet of Things, Taylor and Francis CRC press, 1st edition ISBN 9781003477327


AY 2022-23
Sl.NoName of FacultyDetails
1Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli, Dr. Bindu S., & Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. ShirurApplications of Internet of Things with Deep Learning. In T. Kavitha, G. Senbagavalli, D. Koundal, Y. Guo, & D. Jain (Ed.), Convergence of Deep Learning and Internet of Things: Computing and Technology (pp. 285-307). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-6275-1.ch014.
2Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli, Dr. Priya R. Sankpal,

Smt. A. Sumathi, Smt. Jayashree M. Oli

Introduction to Brain–Computer Interface Applications and Challenges.  Brain-Computer Interface: Using Deep Learning Applications. (pp. 1-24). Wiley-Scrivener Publishing LLC, 2023.
3Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D., Dr.Punitha A., Sri. Raghupathi S.Secured Communication using Distributed Caching Techniques, Novel Research Aspects in Mathematical and Computer Science, Volume-6, BP International Publisher, July 2022.  https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/nramcs/v6/3327A
4Dr. D. Bhuvana Suganthi,

Dr. Vidyalakshmi M K,

Dr. Punitha A

Review on Transdisciplinary approach and Challenges on Wearable Technology,  Recent Progress in Science and Technology , Volume 7, BP International Publisher, March 2023. https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/rpst/v7/5851AA.
5Dr. Keerti Kulkarni,

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

A Comparative Analysis of Different Methods for Predicting Speech in a Noisy Signal. Title of the book : Recent Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Machine Learning (RAMMML-2022), Conference Proceedings. Publisher: Taylor and Francis, (BC) ISBN 9781032441313                      DOI: 10.1201/9781003358596-76
6Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli,

Dr. Priya R. Sankapal

Smt. A. Sumathi

Ms. Jayashree M Oli

Introduction to Brain–Computer Interface Applications and Challenges. Brain-Computer Interface: Using Deep Learning Applications. (pp. 1-24). Wiley-Scrivener Publishing LLC, 2023.


7Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli,

Dr.  Bindu S.,

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur           

Applications of Internet of Things with Deep Learning            Convergence of Deep Learning and Internet of Things: Computing and Technology, IGI Global, 2023.


AY 2021-22
Sl NoName of FacultyDetails
1Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Smt. Keerti Kulkarni

Measuring Urban Sprawl using Machine Learning”, Machine and Deep Learning Algorithms, Tools, and Applications, Wiley Publications, March 2022
2Dr. P. Rekha,

Dr. S. Bindu,

Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda

A Study on the Contribution of Contact Interface Area on Sensitivity of PEDOT: PSS Films to Jasmine Aroma.  Current Approaches in Science and Technology Research Vol. 9Print ISBN: 978-93-91312-54-1, eBook ISBN: 978-93-91312-62-6,1 DOI: 10.9734/bpi/castr/v9/11811D
AY 2020-21
Sl. NoName of FacultyDetails
1Dr. P. A. Vijaya,

Smt. Keerti Kulkarni

“Measuring Urban Sprawl using Machine Learning”, Machine and Deep learning Algorithms, Tools, and Applications, Wiley Publications, 2021
2Dr. P. A. Vijaya,

Smt. Keerti Kulkarni

Chapter 1: Remotely Sensed Multispectral Satellite Image for Land Cover Classification, Recent Developments in Engineering Research, Vol 3, 14 pages, Book Publishers International, 2020
3Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Sri. Abhigna R

Sri. Shinde A.K

Sri. Sundresh A

Sri. Dheeraj P.R

Chapter 5: Sole Mate: Safe Path-Finding by Obstacle Detection and Distance Estimation for the Blind”. Recent Developments in Engineering Research, Vol 3, 8 pages, Book Publishers International, 2020.
4Dr. Munavalli J.R, Sri. Boersma H.J., Rao S.V.,

Sri.  Van Merode G.G.

Real-Time Capacity Management and Patient Flow Optimization in Hospitals Using AI Methods.

In: Masmoudi M., Jarboui B., Siarry P. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Healthcare. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45240-7-3

5Smt. Priyadarshini K. Desai,

 Dr. Basavaraj Neelgar,

 “A Survey – Printed Antenna types for small Base station”, Recent Challenges in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISBN 978-81-947388-5-5, Krishna Publication House, Gujarat, 2021.
6Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D.“Edge Computing “-Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research, Technical Research Publication , January 2021
7Dr. Veena S. Chakravarthi“A Practical Approach to VLSI System on Chip (SoC) Design”, Springer Nature, , Print ISBN: 978-3-030-23048-7, Online ISBN: 978-3-030-23049-4, 2019
8Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Sri. K.C Manjunath

Sri. H. S Mohan

Chapter 77: Computer Vision-Based Non-Magnetic Object Detection on Moving Conveyors in Steel Industry through Differential Techniques and Performance Evaluation”, Book Title: Computer Vision: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications,, 18 pages, IGI Global, USA,2018.
AY 2024-25


Name of FacultyTitle of paperPublication Details (Journal name, Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number, Impact factor)
1.        Sameera P, Abhay A DeshpandeEfficient early-stage disease detection in pomegranate (Punica granatum) using convolutional neural networks optimized by honey badger optimization algorithmCogent Food & Agriculture 2024, VOL. 10, NO. 1, 2401051

DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2024.2401051

Web of Science-Q2


2.        Sumathi A, Lakshmi Bhaskar, Prateeksha K Ankolekar, Shreya Shenoy, Vaishnavi BhattSmart Car Parking System


Int. J. Sci. Res. Comput. Sci. Eng. Inf. Technol, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 312–316, Aug. 2024,  DOI: https://doi.org/10.32628/CSEIT2410410




Name of FacultyTitle of paperPublication Details (Journal name, Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number, Impact factor)
1.       Sameera P, Abhay A DeshpandeDisease detection and classification in pomegranate fruit using hybrid convolutional neural network with honey badger optimization algorithm International Journal of Food Properties 27 (1): 815–37. doi:10.1080/10942912.2024.2365927.
Web of Science-Q1
2.       M, Bharathi, Krithikaa Mohanarangam, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, and Jun Rim Choi. Accelerating DSP Applications on a 16-Bit Processor: Block RAM Integration and Distributed Arithmetic ApproachElectronics 12, no. 20: 4236. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12204236
Web of Science-Q2
3.       M.K.Vidyalakshmi, K.Jagadeesh, Bhuvana Suganthi DIndian Sign Language Recognition using transfer learning with Efficient NetSmart Science, 12(2), 269–280.https://doi.org/10.1080/23080477.2024.2320956
SCI/Scopus- Q3
4.       Nirmalkumar S. Benni,.Manjunath G. Asuti, Arun Kumar G,T.C.ManjunathSimulation, design, fabrication and computer control of a four – axes CRUST 2020 stationary articulated robot selective compliance assembly (SCARA) robotic manipulator arm Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol. 44 No. 4, December-2023.
SCI/Scopus- Q3
5.       Manjunath G. Asuti, Nirmalkumar S. BenniArun Kumar G,T.C.ManjunathFuzzy Logic Controller Design and Implementation for Industrial & Domestic Applications Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol. 44 No. 4, December-2023.
SCI/Scopus- Q3
6.       Keerti KulkarniA Hybrid Clustering Method for Burnt Area Mapping of Forests International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 201-207, 2023. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V71I11P221
SCI/Scopus- Q3
7.       Smitha Gayathir D, Rajashekar Gouda Patil, Soumay Prasad,Tejas, DilipOptimal Impedance Matching System for Broadband PLC for Maximizing the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Data RateInternational Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 338-350, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488379/IJEEE-V11I6P134
SCI/Scopus- Q3
8.       Priyadadrshini K Desai, Bindu S Design and Fabrication of a 2-Port Multiple Antenna System for mmWave ApplicationJournal of Communications, vol. 18, no. 11, pp-705, November 2023, doi:10.12720/jcm.18.11.705-713
SCI/Scopus- Q3
9.       Lakshmi Bhaskar, Yamuna Devi C RModified Genetic Algorithm Approach for Enhancement of WSN ServicesJ. Inst. Eng. India Ser. B (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40031-024-01100-4 
SCI/Scopus- Q3
10.   Keerti Kulkarni, Priyadarshini K DesaiPixel-Based vs Patch-Based Classifiers for the LULC Classification International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, vol. 72, no. 6, pp. 64-73, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V72I6P107
SCI/Scopus- Q4
11.   Priyadarshini K. Desai, Keerti Kulkarni,Performance Evaluation of MIMO-OSTBC System at mm-Wave FrequencyInternational Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 338-350, 2024. Crossref, https://doi.org/10.14445/23488379/IJEEE-V11I6P134
SCI/Scopus- Q4
12.   Ashwini S Savanth, Lakshmi Bhaskar, Sumathi A, Sunitha S V, Sarala TRobotic Arm controlled using Electromyography SignalsTIJER, ISSN 2349-9249, December 2023, Volume 10, Issue 12
13.   Rashmi S Bhaskar, Sujaya B L, Vrunda KusanurSmart And Secure Urban Environment
Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Networks
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts(IJCRT), Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2023, pp.h497-h506, DOI:doi.one/10.1729/Jornal.35014, ISSN: 2320-2882
14.   Sujaya B L, Rashmi S Bhaskar, Vrunda KusanurStudy of Modeling Techniques in IntraBody CommunicationInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2023, pp.i87-i95, DOI:doi.one/10.1729/Jornal.34981, ISSN: 2320-2882
15.   Nagavalli S, Jyoti R Munavalli Artificial Intelligence in VLSI Routing: A Review International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends, Vol. 9, Issue 3, 2023
16.   Dr. N Sheshaprasad, Kumar A C , Niranjan C, Yashas Gowda C PA Review on Unlocking the Potential of Microstrip Antennas: A Promising Approach for Non-invasive Testicular Cancer DetectionGIS SCIENCE JOURNAL, VOLUME 11, ISSUE 5, May – 2024  ISSN NO : 1869-9391
PAGE NO: 460-469
17.   Indu G,  Laksmi P, Harshitha, Bhuvana Suganthi DDesign and Implementation of Low Power Counters using Reversible Logic GateTIJER || ISSN 2349-9249 || © May 2023 Volume 1.0, Issue 5
18.   Ashwini S Savanth, Akash T,  Dhruti.M.Gowda, Zubair, MVideo Based Fire Detection and Alert System International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention, Aug. 2023, 25 – 29, DOI:https://doi.org/10.23958/ijsei/vol09-i08/256.
19.   Roopesh, Amrutha, Meghana, Keerti KulkarniModulation Classifier International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Volume 10. No. 3 pp 199-203, 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32628/CSEIT2410319
20.   Bharath, Dhruthi, Kunal, Keerti KulkarniSpeech Emotion DetectionInternational Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, Volume 10. No. 3, pp 179-185, DOI: https://doi.org/10.32628/CSEIT2410317
21.   Sarala T, Kiran K N, Pragathi Panda, Raksha Nagendra,Suguna ChandrasekharDESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF I2C AND UART BLOCK IMPLEMENTATION FOR RISC-V SOC International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 10 Issue: 09 | Sep 2023
AY 2023-24
Sl. NONAME OF THE FACULTYTITLEPublication Details (Journal name, Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number, Impact factor)
1Dr. Bindu S., Smt. Priyadarshini K. DesaiDesign and Fabrication of a 2- Port Multiple Antenna System for mm Wave ApplicationJournal of Communications, Vol.No.8 Issue No. 11, November 2023. Q3
2Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur, Smt. Bharathi M.Accelerating DSP Applications on a 16-Bit Processor: Block RAM Integration and Distributed Arithmetic ApproachJournal Electronics (MDPI) 12, no. 20: 4236, Web of Science SCIE Q2 journal, October 2023. https://DOI.org/10.3390/electronics12204236. With Impact factor 2.9, Web of Science, Q2
3Dr.Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur, Smt. Bharathi M.Design and Verification of AMBA APB BUS Protocol using Verilog HDIEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM-2023) held on 22nd and 23rd September 2023. 
5Dr. Nirmalkumar S. Benni, Dr. Manjunath G. Asuti, Dr. Arun Kumar G, Dr. T. C. ManjunathSimulation, design, fabrication and computer control of a four – axes CRUST 2020 stationary articulated robot selective compliance assembly (SCARA) robotic manipulator armNirmalkumar S. Benni,.Manjunath G. Asuti, Arun Kumar G,T.C.Manjunath,” Simulation, design, fabrication and computer control of a four – axes CRUST 2020 stationary articulated robot selective compliance assembly (SCARA) robotic manipulator arm,” Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol. 44 No. 4, December-2023. Scopus Q3
6Dr. Ashwini S Savanth., Sri. T, A., Gowda, D.M. and Sri. Zubair, MVideo Based Fire Detection and Alert SystemSavanth, A.S., T, A., Gowda, D.M. and Zubair, M., “Video Based Fire Detection and Alert System,” International Journal of Science and Engineering Invention, Aug. 2023, 25 – 29, DOI:https://DOI.org/10.23958/ijsei/vol09-i08/256.Non Scopus
7Dr. Ashwini S Savanth, Smt. Lakshmi Bhaskar, Smt. Sumathi A, Dr. Sunitha S V, Smt. Sarala TRobotic Arm controlled using Electromyography SignalsAshwini S Savanth, Lakshmi Bhaskar, Sumathi A, Sunitha S V, Sarala T, “Robotic Arm controlled using Electromyography Signals”, TIJER, ISSN 2349-9249, December 2023, Volume 10, Issue 12, Non Scopus
8Dr. Smitha Gayathir D, Dr. Rajashekar Gouda Patil, Smt. Soumay Prasad, Dr.Tejas, Dr. DilipOptimal Impedance Matching System for Broadband PLC for Maximizing the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Data RateIJISAE, Vol.12 20s, 222–229,24/03/2024, ISSN 21476799. H-Index 9, Scopus, Q3
9Dr. Smitha Gayathri. D, Dr. K.R. Usha Rani, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur“Adaptive Bit-Loading and Channel Estimation with IMN For Plain Line and Line with Bridge Taps in Broadband PLC”IITCEE-2024,24-25 January 2024,DOI 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467730, ISBN:979-8-3503-0641-5
AY 2022-23


Name of FacultyTitle of paperPublication Details (Journal name, Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number, Impact factor)
1Dr. Ashwini S. Savanth,

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Mr. Ajay Kumar Nair MS. Bindu M Kutty

Differences in Brain Connectivity of Meditators during Assessing Neurocognition via Gamified Experimental Logic Task: A Machine Learning ApproachThe Neuroradiology Journal, September 2022;


Q3, Scopus

2Dr. Ashwini S. Savanth,

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Mr. Ajay Kumar Nair, Ms. Bindu M Kutty

Classification of Rajayoga Meditators Based on the Duration of Practice Using Graph Theoretical Measures of Functional Connectivity from Task Based Functional Magnetic Resonance ImagingInternational Journal of Yoga, ISSN 0973-6131, Volume 15, Issue 2, pg 96-105, September 2022.

DOI: 10.4103/ijoy.ijoy_17_22

WoS (ESCI indexed)

3Dr. Keerti Kulkarni

 Dr. P. A. Vijaya

A Majority Voting Ensemble Approach for LULC Classification of Satellite ImagesJournal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B, 104, 327-333, February 2023

DOI: 10.1007/s40031-023-00865-4


4Dr. Keerti Kulkarni

 Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Mapping Forests using an Imbalanced DatasetJournal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B
DOI: 10.1007/s40031-022-00790-y, Published Online on 29th August 2022, (Scopus Indexed Q3 Journal)
5 Dr. Keerti Kulkarni

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

A Comparative Analysis of Different Methods for Predicting Speech in a Noisy SignalRecent Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Machine Learning (RAMMML-2022), Conference Proceedings (Taylor and Francis),
ISBN 9781032441313
6Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur

Smt. Bharathi M.

 Distributed Arithmetic Mechanization of Multiply and Accumulate Core for DSP ApplicationsJournal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, Scopus indexed, Q3 journal 10(2S) 595-603, March 2023. ISSN: 2368-7487
7Smt. Bharathi M.

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur

Efficient Realization of Fast Fourier Transform based on Distributed ArithmeticRES MILITARIS Social Science Journal Published/publiéinResMilitaris(resmilitaris.net), vol.12, n°5, p-p 923-933, December Issue2022, https://resmilitaris.net/menu-script/index.php/resmilitaris/article/view/2357/1963,          Q4 Rated Journal
8Dr. Bindu S

Dr. Mohan Kishore D. Dr. N. K. Manjunath

Estimation of Yoga Postures Using Machine Learning TechniquesInternational Journal of Yoga, Int J Yoga 2022;15:137-43.
05‑Sep‑2022,DOI: 10.4103/ijoy.ijoy_97_22.    ISSN- 0973-6131
Web of Science
9Dr. Bindu S

Dr. Mohan Kishore D.

Dr. N K Manjunath

Smart Yoga Instructor for Guiding and Correcting Yoga Postures in Real-TimeInternational Journal of Yoga, Int J Yoga 2022; ijoy_137_22_R2_BC, DOI: 10.4103/ijoy.ijoy_137_22
Web of Science
10Mr. Ganesh-Babu

B. Subburaman,

Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

Thulasiraj Ravilla, Mr. Helen Mertens Carroll Webers, Mr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao,  Mr. Frits van Merode

Managing Outpatient Cycle Times in Hospitals Using Integrated Closed-Loop Approaches.Health Services Insights. 2023;16. DOI:10.1177/11786329221145858

(Scopus, web of Science, Q2)

11Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda
Dr. Rekha P., Dr. Bindu S.
Design and Development of an Emotion Based Music PlayerJournal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology
Volume XIV, Issue 6, 2022, ISSN No: 1006-7930
12Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D,

Dr. Punitha A, Dr. Raghupathi S.

Book Chapter: Secured Communication using Distributed Caching TechniquesNovel Research Aspects in Mathematical and Computer Science, Volume-6, BP International Publisher, July 2022.  https://DOI.org/10.9734/bpi/nramcs/v6/3327A
13Dr. N. Shesha Prasad
Sri. Kiran K N, Smt.  Sumathi A
A 28 ghz 5g high gain mimo antenna array system for
human body communication”,
International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT),
ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.10, Issue 7, pp.a482-a486, July 2022,
Available at :http://www.ijcrt.org/papers/IJCRT2207059.pdf(Non SCI)
14Smt. Supriya P,

Dr. Parveen Kumar, Dr. D. Bhuvana Suganthi D.

Green House Monitoring and Control Using IotIndian Patent Journal Publication,.Application No.202321016741 A , 31st March 2023.
15Dr. D. Bhuvana Suganthi

Dr. Vidyalakshmi M. K.

Dr. Punitha A.

Book Chapter: A Review on Transdisciplinary approach and Challenges on Wearable Technology Recent Progress in Science and Technology , Volume 7, BP International Publisher, March 2023. https://DOI.org/10.9734/bpi/rpst/v7/5851A
16Dr. Punitha A., Sri. Raghupathi S.,

Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D.

High Confidential Routing Algorithm for Safety Road Measures using Multi Secure TechniquesGIS Science Journal, Volume 9, Issue 6, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GrMmFubqgbVNMR3Ygbut-4kWwomMUSqY/view


17Smt. Sumathi A Smt. Lakshmi Bhaskar Dr. Ashwini S. SavanthGesture Recognition of Indian Sign Language using CNNInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.10, Issue 7, pp.a410-a413, July 2022
18Dr. Sujaya B. L.Enhancing Privacy in Edge devices using Federated learningIOSR Journal of computer Engineering,IOSR-JCE, volume 25, Issue 3, pp 46-49, June 2023 DOI: 10.9790/0661-2503024649
19Smt. Priyadarshini. K. Desai,

Dr. Bindu S.

 “Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna properties with Split-Ring Resonator Metamaterial as Superstrate at mmWave Frequency”,International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology, ISSN : 2456-3307,DOI : https://DOI.org/10.32628/CSEIT22837.


(Web of Science)

20Smt. Priyadarshini K. Desai

Dr. S. Bindu

 “Design and Analysis of a 2-Port Multiple Antenna System with Slotted Ground and Square Split Ring Resonator at Millimeter Wave Frequency”,SSRG International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Volume 9 Issue 11, 36-51, November 2022, ISSN: 2348-8379/ https://DOI.org/10.14445/23488379/IJEEE-V9I11P105 (Scopus Indexed)
21Smt. Lakshmi Bhaskar

Dr. Yamuna Devi C. R.

Performance analysis of CC- LEACHHTL Journal Volume 28,346-354,Issue 7 July 2022,ISSN NO : 1006-6748,2.7,Q3

DOI: 10.37896/HTL28.07/6133

22Smt. Sunitha S. Dr. V Shivaputra, Sri. S SoundeswaranComparative Landmark Detection on Stops of Dysarthric SpeechElsevier: Biomedical Signal Processing and Control Journal(BSPC),Vol.No:79,ISSN No:1746-8094,6  Jan 2023,5.076,Q1,SCIE indexed . https://DOI.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2022.104125           (indexed by Q1)
23Smt. Sunitha S., Dr. V Shivaputra, Sri. S SoundeswaranImproving intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech using Landmark Detection and Modifications on Distorted StopsTelematique Journal,Vol.No:21, Issue 1,pp.4556-4576,2 September 2022,ISSN No.1856-4194,   (Indexed by Q3.Web of science)
AY 2021-22
Sl. NoName of FacultyTitle of paperPublication Details (Journal name, Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number, Impact factor)
1Smt. Keerti Kulkarni, Dr. P. A. VijayaSeparability Analysis of The Band Combinations for Land Cover Classification of Satellite ImagesInternational Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, Volume 69, Issue 8, pp-138-144, August 2021

 (Scopus Indexed-Q4)

2Smt. Keerti Kulkarni, Dr. P. A. VijayaNDBI Based Prediction of Land Use Land Cover ChangeJournal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, Volume 49, Issue 2, pp-2523–2537, July 2021.

(Scopus Indexed_Q2)

3Smt. Keerti Kulkarni, Dr. P. A. VijayaUsing Combination Technique for Land Cover Classification of Optical Multispectral ImagesInternational Journal of Applied Geospatial Research, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp 22-39, October 2021 (Scopus Indexed-Q4)
4Smt. Bharathi. M,

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur

Power-Efficient Modulo Multiply and Accumulate Unit Using Distributed ArithmeticDesign Engineering Journal
ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Issue: 9 | Pages: 3548 – 3556.
(Scopus Indexed-Q4)
5Dr. Jyoti R Munavalli,

Dr. P A Vijaya,

Smt. Priya R Sankpal

A Qualitative Analysis on Management Studies for Engineering StudentsJournal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 35, Issue 2, October 2021

(Scopus Indexed-Q3)

6Dr. Jyoti R Munavalli,

Mr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao, Mr. Aravind Srinivasan, Mr. Frits Van Merode

Dynamic Layout Design Optimization to Improve Patient Flow in Outpatient Clinics Using Genetic Algorithms


Algorithms, Volume 15, Issue 3, 2022

(Scopus Indexed-Q2)


7Sri. N Sheshaprasad,

Dr. S B Bhanu Prashanth

The Design of an Inset Fed Wide Band Antenna Operating from 23 to 30 GHz for Wearable Smart Watch ApplicationsInternational Journal of Science of Research (IJSR), Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2021, 819 – 824.
8Sri. N Sheshaprasad,

Dr. S B Bhanu Prashanth

Studies on human body effects on a printed UWB microstrip antenna, and SAR analysis in WBAN applicationsInternational Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), Vol. 10(11), 2021, PP 08-17.
9Smt. Rashmi S Bhaskar,

Dr. Veena S. Chakravarthi

Predictive Framework for the Urban Environment Monitoring using Artificial Intelligence and Wireless Sensor NetworkInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 9, Issue 12 December 2021 | ISSN: 2320-2882
10Smt. Sujaya B.L

Dr. S. B. Bhanu Prashanth

Design of an fpga based walsh-coding scheme for human body communicationInternational Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.9, Issue 11, pp.c635-c640, November 2021.
11Smt. Vrunda Kusanur,

Dr. Veena S. Chakravarthi

Using Transfer Learning for Nutrient Deficiency Prediction and Classification in Tomato PlantInternational Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), Volume 12, No. 10, October 2021, pp. 784- 790

(Scopus Indexed-Q3)

12Smt. Sowmya S.,

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur

Smart IOT Enabled Power Theft Detection and Transformer Health Monitoring SystemBulletin Monumental Journal , Vol. 22, Issue No.2021 ISSN / e-ISSN 0007-473X, p-p 79-91
(Web of Science)
AY 2020-21
Sl. NoName of FacultyTitle of paperPublication Details (Journal name, Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number, Impact factor)
1Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D.Driver Safety Improvement; Gesture Controlled Car Driving System to Assist the Physically ChallengedIndian Patent Journal Publication, July 2020
Patent Journal
2Dr. D. Bhuvana Suganthi Data imputation in Wireless Sensor Networks using Regression Models International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, Volume-9, Issue-5, October 2020. Page no. 866-8665

(Scopus indexed)


3Dr. Bhuvana Suganthi D.

Mr. R. Jaichandran

Ms. Shyamala Bharathi, Ms. B Meenakshi

Ms. A. Anushya

Ms. V. Brindha Devi

The Defense Against Jamming Attack in Cognitive Radio Networks: Energy Efficiency Management PerspectiveMicroprocessor and Microsystems, Elsevier, December 2020

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0141933120309613

(Scopus indexed)


4Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda

Dr. Rekha P.

Dr. Bindu S.

Design of a field deployable real-time electronic sensor array based on metal-oxide semiconductor: Application for pungency detection in green chilliesBioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-01-08

(Web of Science)

5Dr. Bindu S.

Dr. Rekha P.

Dr, Subodh Kumar Panda

The determination of mega permittivity in PEDOT -PSSBioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-09-14

(Web of Science)

6Dr. Bindu S.

Dr. Rekha P.

Dr, Subodh Kumar Panda

Variation of Interfacial Capacitance in PEDOT-PSS FilmBioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-28-33

(Web of Science)

7Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda

Dr. Rekha P.

Dr. Bindu S.

Design of 128-bit Complex Number Multipliers for Co-ProcessorBioscience Biotechnology Research Communications

Biosc.Biotech.Res.Comm. Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-34-44

(Web of Science)

8Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli, Mr. Shyam Vasudeva Rao, Mr. Aravind Srinivasan, Mr. G. G. Van MerodeWorkflow-Based Adaptive Layout Design to Improve the Patient Flow in the Outpatient Clinics”,Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Apr. 2021, pp. 8249-57. (Scopus indexed)
9Smt. Bharathi M.

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur

VLSI Implementation Of Multiply And Accumulate Unit Using Offset Binary Coding Distributed ArithmeticTurkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 12 No. 11 (2021), E-ISSN: 1309-4653, p-p 4739-4749, publisher Karadeniz Technical University, https://www.turcomat.org/index.php /turkbilmat/article/view/6647,

Scopus Indexed.

10Smt. Bharathi M., Dr.  Yasha Jyothi M. ShirurFloating-Point Multiply and Accumulate Unit Core using Distributed Arithmetic for DSP ApplicationsTurkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 12 No. 11 (2021), E-ISSN: 1309-4653, p-p 4730 – 4738, publisher Karadeniz Technical University, https://www.turcomat.org/index.php /turkbilmat/article/view/6646/5480(Scopus indexed)


11Smt. Rajyalakshmi Chikkani, Smt. Bharathi M., Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. ShirurVLSI Implementation of Multiply and Accumulate Unit Using Distributed ArithmeticBioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Special Issue Vol. 13 No. 15, Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007, Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.15/37, impact factor 7.728. Journal is listed in Emerging Sources Citation Index(ESCI) / Web of Science (WoS), NAAS Score 4.31.
12Smt. Rashmi S. Bhaskar

 Dr. Veena S Chakravarthi

A Secure Communication Process of Wireless Sensor Network Architecture for Smart Urban Environment Monitoring Applications(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 12, No. 5,May-June,

2021  https://doi.org/10.14569/ijacsa.2021.0120546

Scopus Indexed.

13Smt. Vrunda Kusanur

Dr. Veena S. Chakravarthi

A Study of Factors Influencing Plant Growth by WSN Approach and Plant Nutrient Deficiency                             Classification in Tomato Using SVMJournal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ISSN: 1007-6735, Volume 23 – Issue 6 – 2021                                                  D.O.I – 10.51201/JUSST/21/05213

UGC-CARE(Group-II) Approved &SCOPUS ACTIVE Journal

14Smt. Sujaya B.L

Dr. S.B. Bhanu Prashanth

PHY-DTR: An Efficient PHY based Digital

Transceiver for Body Coupled Communication using IEEE 802.3 on FPGA Platform

(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2021

DOI: 10.14569/IJACSA.2021.0120236

Scopus Indexed

15Smt. B. L. Sujaya

Smt. Rashmi S. Bhaskar

A Modelling of Con. text‑Aware Elderly Healthcare Eco‑System‑(CA‑EHS) Using Signal Analysis and Machine Learning ApproachWireless Personal Communications,



Scopus Indexed-Springer

16Smt. Priya R Sankpal

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Performance Evaluation of Nested Watermarked Scheme using Objective

Image Quality Metrics

Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 6, June – 2021 Page -306

ISSN: 1007-6735

D.O.I – 10.51201/JUSST/21/05273

Scopus Indexed

17Sri. N. Sheshaprasad, Sri. Chandrashekar C, 

Dr. P A Vijaya

Dr. Basavaraj I Neelgar

Analysis of a printed UWB antenna and the effects of human body in WBAN applicationsJournal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology ISSN: 1007-6735, Volume 23, Issue 6, June – 2021 Page -1474-148

D.O.I – 10.51201/JUSST/21/06464

(Scopus indexed)

18Smt. Ashwini S Savanth

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Dr. Ajay Kumar Nair

Dr. Bindu M. Kutty.

Machine Le. arning-based Classification of Meditators using Functional Connectivity over Resting-State NetworksJournal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (Scopus Indexed), ISSN: 1007-6735, Volume 23, Issue 6, pages:1723-1732, June 2021

(Scopus Indexed)

19Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

Smt. Rashmi R. Deshpande

Pattern Recognition for Data Retrieval using Artificial Neural


Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology Volume 23, Issue 6, June – 2021

ISSN: 1007-6735 (Scopus Indexed)

20Ms. Deepa S.

Dr. YashaJyothi M Shirur

Design of flexible FFT core for fast computing of digital signals in real time applications”International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology (IJARIIT) ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 6.078 (Volume 6, Issue 4) pp 127-131 July 2020.


21Mr. P Gopala krishna

Dr.P. A. Vijaya

Device Controller using IP2 PC Bus Protocol by FSM based Verilog codeInternational Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) – Volume-7, Issue-4, April 2021  ISSN: 2395-3470 www.ijseas.com
22Mr. P Gopala krishna

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Implementation of LPDDR4 Memory Interface Using AXI3 Protocol with Optimization TechniqueJUSST – Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 6, June -2021.  Manuscript ID: JUSST/21/06-447      D.O.I – 10.51201/JUSST/21/06447 Scopus Indexed
23Ms. Swathi Dayananda Varshitha K. R

Smt. Rohini  T.

Dr. YashaJyothi M. Shirur

Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

Low Power High Speed Vedic Techniques in Recent VLSI Design– A SurveyPerspectives in Communication, Embedded-Systems and Signal-Processing (PiCES) – An International Journal with ISSN: 2566-932X. PP 34-43. July 2020 http://pices- journal.com/ojs/index.php/pices/ article/view/226/187
AY 2023-24
Sl.No Name of the  FacultyTitle of paperTitle of conferencePublication Details (Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number)
1Smt. Priyadarshini K Desai, Dr. Bindu SImpact of dielectric substrate on the performance of Microstrip Patch Antenna at millimeter wave frequencyIITCEE-2024IITCEE-2024,24-25 January 2024, DOI 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467730, ISBN:979-8-3503-0641-5
2Smt. M Bharathi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. ShirurEfficiency Evaluation of Scalable Multiply and Accumulate Architectures in DSP: A Comparative Study of LUT Based and LUT-Less Based ApproachesIITCEE-2024Efficiency Evaluation of Scalable Multiply and Accumulate Architectures in DSP: A Comparative Study of LUT Based and LUT-Less Based Approaches presented in Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 24th and 25th January 2024 pp. 642-646, and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467265. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10467265
3Dr. Priya R. Sankpal, Sumathi A and Dr. Jyoti R. MunavalliPedagogical Approach: A Paradigm Shift From Teacher-Centric To Student-Centric Teaching Learning ProcessICIERPriya R Sankpal, Sumathi A and Jyoti R Munavalli, “ Pedagogical Approach: A Paradigm Shift From Teacher-Centric To Student-Centric Teaching Learning Process”, 6th ICIER International Conference on Strategic Agility and Resilience: Benchmarks & Best Practices, 14th – 15th Dec 2023, Bangalore, India.
4Smt. Sarala T, Dr. Sunitha S V, Dr. Ashwini S SavanthIntegrated Traffic Control System for Emergency VehiclesIITCEE-2024S. T, S. S V and A. S. Savanth, “Integrated Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicles,” 2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), Bangalore, India, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467245.10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467245.
5Chandan A S; Dr. Ashwini S Savanth;IoT Based Inverter for Autonomous Electric Vehicle Drive using CIPOS IPMIITCEE-2024C. A S, A. S. Savanth and P. A. Vijaya, “IoT Based Inverter for Autonomous Electric Vehicle Drive using CIPOS IPM,” 2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), Bangalore, India, 2024, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467919.
6Srikar M., Varsha M., Suhaas S. Sastry, Sampreeth S. and Dr. Priya R. SankpalAlzheimer Staging and Detection User Interface using Neural NetworksICCCNTS. M, V. M, S. S. Sastry, S. S and P. R. Sankpal, “Alzheimer Staging and Detection User Interface using Neural Networks,” 2023 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), Delhi, India, 7th – 8th July, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICCCNT56998.2023.10307055.
7Dr. Smitha Gayathri. D, Dr. K.R. Usha Rani, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur“Adaptive Bit-Loading and Channel Estimation with IMN For Plain Line and Line with Bridge Taps in Broadband PLC”IITCEE-2024IITCEE-2024,24-25 January 2024,DOI 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467730, ISBN:979-8-3503-0641-5
8Dr. Shesha Prasad, Dr. Bindu S., Sri. Kiran K NDetection of Human Brain Tumors using an UWB Patch Antenna at 28GHzIITCEE-2023IITCEE-2023,27-28 January 2023, DOI https://doi.org/10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10090949
9Dr. Smitha Gayathri. D, Dr. K.R. Usha Rani, Dr. Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda“Topology Estimation and Analysis of Broadband PLC Using SELT”ICOCS 2023“ICOCS -the International Conference on
Communication Systems 2023. 1st interantional conference on communication systems organized by the ECE department of Electronics and Communication Engineering . NIT Puducherry during 21-22 December 2023″
10Mr. Abhi A Bharadwaj, Mr. Manu K, Mr. Dhanush Upadhya R, Smt. Lakshmi Bhaskar, Mr. Daksh Pankaj PatelImplementation of a 32 -bit MAC unit in ASIC flow using Vedic Multiplier and CSAIITCEE-20242024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE) | 979-8-3503-0641-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467383
11Mr. Akhil M R, Mr. Mr. Adithya Krishna V Sharma, Mr. Abhijith Nadig, Mr. Pavan A, Ashray Shetty, Smt. Sumathi A.Deep Learning for Cyberthreats: Performance Analysis and Application of Malware Classification in Edge ComputingIITCEE-2024A. M R, A. Krishna V Sharma, A. Nadig, P. A, A. Shetty and S. A, “Deep Learning for Cyberthreats: Performance Analysis and Application of Malware Classification in Edge Computing,” 2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), Bangalore, India, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467665.
12Smt. Sarala T., Dr. Sunitha S. V., Dr. Ashwini S. SavanthIntegrated Traffic Control System for Emergency VehiclesIITCEE-2024S. T, S. S V and A. S. Savanth, “Integrated Traffic Control System for Emergency Vehicles,” 2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), Bangalore, India, 2024, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467245.

AY 2022-23
Sl No Name of the  Faculty Title of paper Title of conference Publication Details (Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number)
1Mr. M Sreenath

Dr. P. A. Vijaya

Comparative Study of Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprocessor SystemInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and ElectronicsIEEE Conference ICIITCEE, Dept of ECE, BNMIT, ISSN: 27-28 Jan 2023.
2Smt. Keerti Kulkarni, Dr. P. A. VijayaAnalysis of the Measurement Matrices for Compressive Sensing of Signals (IEEE Conference)2nd International Conference on Applied Artificial Intelligence and Computing(ICAAIC), Salem, India, 2023, pp. 1463-1466, doi: 10.1109/ICAAIC56838.2023.10140737.
3Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shiru

Smt. M Bharathi

VLSI Synthesis of Multiply and Accumulate Structures Using Distributed ArithmeticInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics(ICIITCEE-2023) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 27th and 28th January 2023 pp. 166-169, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091002 and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10091002
4Dr. Bindu S,

Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda, Dr. Rekha P.

Estimation of Depletion Layer Thickness in PEDOT-PSS Films2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) Belgaum, India. May 27-29, 2022International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) Belgaum, India. May 27-29, 2022


Shivaramaiah B,

Dr. Punitha A, Dr.Vidyalakshmi M K

Design of 64-bit Floating-Point Arithmetic and Logical Complex Operation for High-Speed ProcessingInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics(IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 674-678, doi:https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10091011


6Dr. Chaitra N

Murali Mohan D

Nonlinear Prediction of Speech Signal using Short Term Forecasting Algorithm (Scopus)International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics.ICIITCEE, Dept of ECE, BNMIT, ISSN: 27-28 Jan 2023.

DOI: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091026

7Sri. N. Shesha Prasad, Dr. Bindu. S, Sri. Kiran K. N

Dr. P. A. Vijaya,

Detection of Human Brain Tumors Using an UWB Patch Antenna at 28GHz.International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10090949(IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 96-100, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10090949. (SCI)
8Smt. Vrunda KusanurDeep Learning Based Brain Tumor Detection and Recommendation SystemInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics(IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 47-52, doi:10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091009


9Smt. Anuradha J. P Sri. Vyasaraj T. Sri. SudarshanEmoCop: Crowd Emotion AnalyserInternational Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Intelligent SystemsICAETTS-held during 16th to 18th May 2023, organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, DSCE, Bangalore
10Smt. Priyadarshini K Desai

Dr. S. Bindu

Impact of Dielectric Substrate on the performance of Microstrip Patch Antenna at millimeter wave frequency2023 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics(IITCEE),27-28 January 2023,IEEE,10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091083
11Smt. Lakshmi Bhaskar

Dr Yamuna Devi C R

Performance analysis of classic LEACH vs CC-LEACHInternational Conference on Computer Vision and Robotics(CVR 2022) held in May 2022 BBDU Lucknow, India Conference proceedings Published in Springer
12Dr. Sunitha S V

Dr. Shivaputra S.

Mr. Soundeswaran

Enhancing the intelligibility of Dysarthric SpeechInternational Conference on Advances in Engineering and Technology for Intelligent SystemsICAETTS-held during 16th to 18th May 2023, organized by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, DSCE, Bangalore

(Scopus Indexed)

Faculty Publications with UG Students:



Name of Faculty Title of paper Title of conference Publication Details (Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number)
13Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur

Smt. M. Bharathi,

Ms. G Amrutha,

Ms. B Divya, Mr. Bharadwaj Karthik, Mr. B

Uday Kiran

Designing 64-bit LUT Based FFT Structure for High Speed DSP Applications12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies(CSNY-2023) organized by Technocrats Institute of Technology (Excellence) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh section Flagship Conference during 8th and 9th of April 2023
14Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur

Mr. Nithin Iyer K. S., Mr. Sujay K S,

Mr. Uday V N

Design and Implementation of Synthesizable Two-Level Cryptosystem for High-Security enabled ApplicationsInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics.(ICIITCEE-2023) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 27th and 28th January 2023 pp. 922-926, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091066.and got published in IEEE Xplorer Digital Library


15Ms. Gayatri S,

Ms. Challa Bhavya, Esha S

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur

Design and Implementation of Arithmetic Based FIR Filters for DSP ApplicationInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics.(ICIITCEE-2023) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 27th and 28th January 2022, pp. 782-787


doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10090953. and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library

16Mr. Tejas S Ms. Koundinya, Ms. S Brinda, Mr. S. Nikhil, Ms. Meenakshi Ms. Aishwarya Thelapurath, Ms. R Chinmayee,

Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

A Comparative Study of Joint and Bolt Structures with and without Edge Detection using CNN2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology(ICONAT), Goa, India, 2023, pp. 1-3

doi: 10.1109/ICONAT57137.2023.10080329.


17Mr. Tejas S Koundinya, Mr. Sathwik C Gowda,

Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

Dhanvantari: An intelligent diagnosis tool to classify malignant skin disease and Lung conditions using Deep Learning,2022 6th International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions(CSITSS), Bangalore, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CSITSS57437.2022.10026371.


18Mr. Tejas S Koundinya, Mr. Shreyas Sudhanva, Mr. Shashank C S, Ms. Suguna Chandrasekar,

Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

Congenital Heart Disease Detection using Spectral Analysis and CNNMunavalli 4th IEEE International Conference for Emerging Technology(INCET), Belgaum, India, May 2023, (Scopus)
19Mr. Shashank Simha B K, Mr. Rahul M,

Dr. Jyoti R Munavalli, Mr. Prajwal Anand

Dual-Language Detection using Machine LearningInternational Conference on VLSI, Communications and Computer Communication,

Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies


AnaPub Publications, Dec 2022.

(Non SCI)

20Dr. Rekha P

Smt. Sumathi,

Mr. Shisheer S Kaushik, Mr. Kiran B; Mr. Chidananda S P

Wearable Antenna For Remote Health MonitoringIEEE conference, IITCEE, 27-28 January 2023(ICIITCEE-2023) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 27th and 28th January 2023
21Srikar M,

Suhaas Sastry, Sampreeth S

Priya R. Sankpal

Frequency Based Pest Detection User Interface using Neural Networks4th IEEE International Conference for Emerging Technology(INCET), Belgaum, India, May 2023,

(Scopus indexed)

22Mr. Shreyas G. S., Ms. Thrupthi N., Dr. Priya R SankpalQuad Copter Based Autonomous Aerial Medical Assistance Using GPS Tracker4th International Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovation in Academic Research(IFERP) ) – 2023 organized by Institute For Engineering Research and Publication

Tamil Nadu Section, 17th – 18th March 2023, Chennai, India

(Web of Science)

23Mr. Amith. B. R,

Mr. A. S. Kadam,

Mr. A. Kulkarni

Dr. Priya R. Sankpal

IoT based Smart Water Meter for Water ManagementInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics(IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 674-678,

doi: 0.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091019.

(Web of Science)

24Mr. Akash. T

Dr. Keerti Kulkarni

Comparing Signal Processing and Neural Networks for DFT Applications (IEEE Conference)2022 Second International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing & Communication Engineering(ICATIECE), Bangalore, India, 2022, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICATIECE56365.2022.10047616.
25Ms. Bhanupriya V., Ms. Brinda N,

Ms. Jyothi H N

Smt. Priyadarshini K Desai

Mutual Coupling Analysis of 2×2 MIMO Antenna Using Defected Ground Structure at Millimeter Wave.2022 Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing Instrumentation and Control TechnologiesICICICT, 11-12 August 2022, IEEE,10.1109/ICICICT54557.2022.9917955.
26MS. Hamsini U Hemanth Prasad N ,

Ms. Kathyayani Bhatta,

Smt. Lakshmi Bhaskar

Automated Awning SystemInternational Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics(IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 674-678, doi:10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10090905
AY 2021-22


Name of Faculty Title of paper Title of conference Publication Details (Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number)
1Dr. Jyoti R Munavalli,

G.G. Van Merode

Image Processing for Patient Pathway OptimizationInternational Conference on Computational Methods and Data EngineeringInternational Conference on Computational Methods and Data Engineering – ICCMDE2021, November 2021, Springer

(Scopus Indexed)

2Dr. Chaitra N,

Ms. Yukti Khosla, Ms. Prerana Mr. Ramachandra

Detection of autistic individuals using facial images and deep learningInternational Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions5th International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions [CSITSS-2021] December 2021

(Scopus Indexed)

3Smt. Sujaya B.L,

Dr. S.B. Bhanu Mr. Prashanth

An efficient hardware-based human body communication transceiver architecture for WBAN applicationsInternational Conference on Computing System and its ApplicationsGlobal Transitions Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 152-156, ISSN 2666-285X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gltp.2021.08.070. Presented in International Conference on Computing System and its Applications (ICCSA – 2021) organized by Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India in association with TIE, Bengaluru, July 2021
4Smt. Keerti Kulkarni, Dr. P. A. Vijaya Correlating Land Surface Temperature with LULC, Vegetation Index and



2021 International Conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications



2021 International Conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications (CCUBE), 2021, pp. 1-6, IEEE(Scopus Indexed)
5Smt. Keerti Kulkarni, Dr. P. A. VijayaA Comparative Analysis of Different Methods for Predicting Speech in a Noisy Signal


Recent Advances in Materials, Manufacturing and Machine Learning (RAMMML-2022)


Conference Proceedings (Taylor and Francis)

1st Edition, ISBN- 9781003358596, Pages 8.

6Smt. Priyadarshini K Desai ,

Dr. Basavaraj Neelgar

Design of Compact 4×4 MIMO Antenna with DGS Structure for 5G mm Wave Communication2021 International Conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications (CCUBE)2021 International Conference on Circuits, Controls and Communications (CCUBE) Date of Conference: 23-24 Dec. 2021 Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 10 February 2022 Publisher: IEEE(Scopus Indexed)
7Mr. Sailesh R,

Ms. Sree Madhumitha, ,Ms. Seema kurthi, Mr.

Sirish Ambarish, Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

AutoNav : A Lane and Object Detection Model for Self-Driving CarsInternational Conference on Computational Methods and Data EngineeringInternational Conference on Computational Methods and Data Engineering – ICCMDE2021, November 2021, Springer

(Scopus Indexed)

8Ms. Rachana G. kummar,

Mr. Suhas J Shetty,

Mr. Vishwas S N, Mr. Vismith ,Mr. Upadhya P J, Dr. Jyoti R Munavalli

An AI based Smart Assistant Chatbot for Knowledge Management SystemInternational Conference on Computational Methods and Data EngineeringIEEE 5th International Conference on Computational Systems and Information Technology for Sustainable Solution, RVCE, Bangalore, December 2021
9Ms. Rachana P. Rao, Ms. Swathi Dayanand, K, R. Ms. Varshitha

Dr. Keerti Kulkarni

Sarcasm Detection for Sentiment Analysis: A RNN-Based Approach Using Machine LearningInternational Conference on Computer Vision, High Performance Computing, Smart Devices and Networks.Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 853. Pp 47-56, Springer, Singapore.

(Scopus Indexed)

10Ms. Sushmitha M; Ms. Namrata Kolkar; MsSuman G S,

Dr. Keerti Kulkarni

Morse Code Detector and Decoder using Eye BlinksInternational Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA – 2021),Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA), 2021, pp. 1-6,

(Scopus Indexed)

AY 2020-21


Name of Faculty Title of paper Title of conference Publication Details (Vol, Issue, pp, month & year, ISSN/ISBN Number)
1Smt. M. Bharathi,

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur,

Ms. P. L. Lahari

Performance evaluation of Distributed Arithmetic based MAC Structures for DSP ApplicationsInternational Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems7th International Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS 2020) organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. Tamil Nadu, India, July 2020, got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. (Scopus Indexed).
2Ms. P. L. Lahari,

Smt. M. Bharathi,

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M.Shirur

High Speed Floating Point Multiply Accumulate Unit Using Offset Binary CodingInternational Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems7th International Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS 2020) organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. Tamil Nadu, India ,July 2020, got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. (Scopus Indexed).
3Ms. Madhuri R A, Ms. Mahima M Hampali,

Ms. Nisarga Umesh,

Ms. Pooja K S,

Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur

Dr. Veena S. Chakravarthi

Design and Implementation of EDMA Controller for AI Based DSP SoCs for Real-Time Multimedia ProcessingInternational Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud)4th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) organized by SCAD Institute of Technology at Palladam, India,October 2020, got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.

(Scopus Indexed)

4Mr. Sai Priya Nalluri,

Ms. Reshma. L,

Dr. Jyoti R. Munavalli

Evaluation of Virtual Reality opportunities during Pandemic2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT)2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2021, pp. 1-6,

(Scopus indexed)