This post was last updated on October 4th, 2024

Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda
Designation : Professor
Area of specialization :Embedded Systems, Sensor and IoT
Date of Joining BNMIT : 01.07.2005
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id,
No. of years of Experience : 23 Years
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
P.hD | ECE, BNMIT R &D Center ,VTU | July 2018 |
M.Tech | Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan, VTU | February 2000 |
AMIE | Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata | Winter 1996 |
Experience: 23 Years
- Teaching – 23 Years
- Research – 10 Years
- Industry – 1 Year
Sl No | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Professor | B N M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru | June 2023-Till date |
2 | Associate Professor | B N M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru | 2012 – May 2023 (8 years and 6 Months) |
3 | Assistant Professor | B N M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru | 2008-2012 (4 Years) |
4 | Lecturer | B N M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru | 2005-2008 (3 Years) |
5 | Lecturer | Bengaluru College of Engineering & Technology, Bengaluru | 2001-2005 (4 Years) |
6 | Sr. VLSI System Design Engineer | Wipro Global R & D, Bengaluru | 2000 – 2001(1 Year) |
Awards and Achievements
- Received Appreciation letter for securing more than 90% in self-appraisal for the year 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22
- Received Memento from “Texas Instruments India Analog Design Contest 2012-2013 (National Level) for mentoring project “The safest Key – Smart Key” Won 1st Runner up Prize.
- Life Member, Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE).
- Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE), Kolkata, India
- IEEE Member 98407097
University level
- Deputy Controller of Examination from the Academic Year 2021-22 onwards, till date, BNMIT.
- Member of Board of Examiners (EC/TC/TE/MT) for the Academic Year 2020-21 VTU, Belagavi.
- Deputy Chief Superintendent (External) for three weeks at RNSIT, Bengaluru, for the conduction of B.E. /MBA examinations Dec-Jan 2019-20 of VTU, Belgaum.
- Deputy Chief Superintendent (External) for two weeks at SJBIT, Bengaluru, for the conduction of B.E./MBA examinations 2011 of VTU, Belgaum.
College Level
- Anti-Ragging Squad, Convener 2021-22 till date
- Anti-Ragging Committee Member 2019-20 and 2020-21
- Deputy Controller of Examination, BNMIT from the Academic Year 2021-22, on wards and till date.
- Member of Board of Examiners (EC/TC/TE/MT) for the Academic Year 2020-21 VTU, Belagavi.
- Chief Test Coordinator , first year BE from AY 2021-22
Professional Memberships:
- IE Member, FIE-F1268259
- IEEE Member, 98407097
- ISTE Life Member, LM 50265
Department level
- PAAC member, July 2019 to till date
- Chief Test Coordinator, first year BE from AY 2021-22
- Institution of Engineers (India) Coordinator
- Program Coordinator for Faculty Development Programme on IoT based Project Design and
- Development from 24 th to 29 th June, 2019 at BNMIT, Bangalore
- NBA Criterion 6 Main Coordinator (2016 to 2022)
- Member, Organizing Committee for Faculty Development Programme on MSP430
- Microcontroller and its applications, at BNMIT, Bangalore, from 31stJuly to 5th August 2017
- Member, Organizing Committee Faculty Development Programme on Physical Design
- Challenges in DSM Node VLSI Systems, at BNMIT, Bangalore, from 16th to 21st January 2017
- Member, Organizing Committee for Faculty Development Programme on Computer and Wireless
- Networks held in Dept. of ECE from 11th to 16th July, 2016
Recognized Research Guide/Supervisor:
- VTU, Belgaum.
Expertise/Subjects handled
- Digital Electronics Fundamentals
- Basic Electronics
- Analog Electronics
- Analog and Digital Communications
- Signals and Systems
- Control System
- Microprocessors 8085 & 8086 and Motorola Microcontrollers
- Linear Integrated Circuits
- 8051 Microcontroller,
- HDL Fundamentals
- Verilog
- Circuits,
- Logic Design
- Digital System Design using Verilog
- ARM Microcontroller and Its Applications
- Analog Electronics Lab
- Analog and Digital Communication Lab
- VLSI lab
- Microprocessor 8085 and 8086 Lab
- VHDL Lab
- HDL Lab,
- Verilog Lab
- Logic Design Lab.
- System Verilog
- M. tech ,VLSI Lab I and II
- tech ,VLSI Lab I and II
Research Interest
- Digital System Design using VHDL and Verilog
- VLSI Design & Embedded Systems Design
- Sensors
- IoT and Nanotechnology
- Design No.: 412528-001 Date: 04/04/2024 REGENERATIVE FOLDABLE E-BIKE, 1.Dr. Raghavendra N 2. Dr. B. S. Anilkumar 3. Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda 4. Venkatesh C.V. 5. Ashish Raj 6. Ganesh Rathod 7. Likith Swamy
Completed short term courses on:
- Embedded System Design with ARM
- Introduction to Internet of Things
- Hardware modelling using Verilog
- Digital Image Processing
- Digital Circuits
- Introduction to Research
- Nanotechnology, Science and Applications
Funding received
International Journals
- Design and Development of an Emotion Based Music Player, Subodh Kumar Panda, Rekha P, Bindu S, Journal of Xi’an University of Architecture & Technology, Volume XIV, Issue 6, June, 2022, ISSN No: 1006-7930
- Neeraj H Gowda, Rahul M, Shashank Simha B K, Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda, Smart Waist Belt for Health Monitoring, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
- Abhishek Rana, Dhruv Kumar Singh, Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda, Skin Cancer Detection With Deep Learning Using Web API, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, © 2022 JETIR July 2022, Volume 9, Issue 7, ISSN-2349-5162
- Meghana S, Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda, Design and implementation of an adaptive edge enhanced color interpolation processor for image applications, Gis Science Journal, Volume 9, Issue 9 , P-91, September 2022, DOI:20.18001.GSJ.2022.V9I9.22.40010
- Subodh Kumar Panda, Rekha P and Bindu S, Design of 128-bit Complex Number Multipliers for Co-Processor, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-34-44, Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007, Dec 2021.
- Bindu S, Subodh Kumar Panda and Rekha P, The Determination of Mega Permittivity in PEDOT-PSS Films, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-28-33, Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007, Dec. 2021.
- Tejashwini R, Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda, Design and Development of Vehicle Theft Detection, Tracking and Accident Identifier System using IoT, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, ISSN: 1007-6735, July, 2021.
- Dr. Subodh Kumar Panda, M Harshita, Nishmitha A R and Priyanka P, Design and Development of Web Based Embedded Robot for Safety and Security Applications, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, ISSN: 1007-6735, July, 2021.
- Subodh Kumar Panda, Rekha P and Bindu S, Design of a Field Deployable Real-Time Electronic Sensor Array Based on Metal-Oxide Semiconductor: Application for Pungency Detection in Green Chillies, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-28-33, Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007, Dec 2020.
- Bindu S, Subodh Kumar Panda and Rekha P, Variation of Interfacial Capacitance in PEDOT-PSS Films, Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications, Special Issue Vol 13 No 13 (2020) Pp-28-33, Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007, Dec. 2020.
- Subodh Kumar Panda, N Ramya, Priyanka A, Monika M, Monika H R, “An autonomous robotic trolley for waiter service in restaurant with smart ordering system”, journal of critical reviews, ISSN- 2394-5125 vol 7, Issue 08, May 2020.
- Pragnya Patil, Subodh Kumar Panda, Complex Multiplier Architectures on VLSI , International Journal of Perspectives in Communication, Embedded-systems and Signal-processing – PiCES: ISSN: 2566-932X, Vol 4 No 1 (2020): Issue 1 – April 2020.
- Subodh Kumar Panda,R Ujwala, Poojashree H M, Rachana Y V, Vandana K V, Design and Implementation of Safety and Health Monitoring System for Women, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Vol.-7, Issue-8, Aug 2019 E-ISSN: 2347-2693, org/10.26438/ijcse/v7i8.1621
- Rekha P, Bindu S , Subodh Kumar Panda, An active device-JFET for sensing Jasmine aroma, International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering, Volume-7, Issue-4, Apr 2019.
- Pavan Kumar M P, Subodh Kumar Panda, Design and VLSI Verification of DDR SDRAM Controller Using VHDL, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Volume: 06, Issue: 03, March 2019.
- Hindupur Smitha, Subodh Kumar Panda, Sachin munji, An FPGA implementation of 2D filter using Vedic multiplier, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018, e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN: 2395-0072.
- Subodh Kumar Panda, M. S. Suresh, Estimation of pungency of green chillies using UV spectrophotometer, International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Vol. 6, Issue 2, February 2018, DOI 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2018.6212.
- Anoop H K, Subodh Kumar Panda, Vasudeva G, Implementation of single bit Error detection and correction using Embedded hamming scheme, International journal of trends in Engineering and Research, Volume 03, Issue 05, May 2016./ISSN(online) : 2349-9745; ISSN (print) 2393-8161.
- Niranjan B S, Subodh Kumar Panda, Shanthi V A, Design and Development of Verification Environment to Verify UART Protocol Using UVM, International Journal of VLSI System Design and Communication, Hyderabad, India, 17thJune 2015.
International Conference Proceedings
- S Bindu, Subodh Kumar Panda, P Rekha, Estimation of Depletion Layer Thickness in PEDOT-PSS Films, 2022 3rd International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET) Belgaum, India. May 27-29, 2022
- Rekha Puttaswamy, Bindu Shivashankara1, Subodh Kumar Panda, Effect of contact interface area on sensitivity of PEDOT: PSS films to jasmine aroma, AIP Conference Proceedings 2235, 020022 May 2020;
- Pavan Kumar M P, Subodh Kumar Panda, Design and Verification of DDR SDRAM Memory Controller Using System Verilog For Higher Coverage, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control Systems [ICICCS 2019], 15-17 May 2019, Madurai, India. Publication in IEEE Xplore Digital library.
- Rekha P, Subodh Kumar Panda, M. S. Suresh, Pencil Drawn Films as Ammonia gas sensor, IEEE International Conference on Trends on smart grids, power and Advanced control engineering [ICSPACE- 2017] from 17th – 19th August 2017.DOI: 10.1109/ICSPACE.2017.8343459.
- Subodh Kumar Panda, M. S. Suresh, Carbon Nanopowder based Fragrance Sensor, Proceedings of International Conference on Trends in Automation, Communication and Computing Technologies. (ITACT-15), 978-1-5090-1887-1/15 2015-IEEE DOI: 10.1109/ITACT. 2015. 7492662
- Prabhavathi, N. B. Mahesha, Subodh Kumar Panda, Design of 12-Bit Cyclic Vernier Ring Time-to-Digital Converter, Proceedings of International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013), Springer India 2013.
Conference (National)
- Arun Hiremath, Subodh Kumar Panda, Implementation of CAN Network for Intelligent Home Automation Based on ARM, National level Conference on “VLSI, Signal and Image Processing” on August 22- 23, 2014 at JSSATE, Bengaluru.
- Keerti, Subodh Kumar Panda, Ramudu B, Development of Memory Monitor for LPDDR2 Memory Controller in UVM, National Conference on VLSI, Communication and computer, AMC, Bengaluru, May 9, 2014.
- Raghav A, Shashanka D, Sumukha Chandra P S, Tejas D C, Subodh Kumar Panda, The Safest Key-Smart Key, Texas Instruments India Educators’ Conference, at Bengaluru on 4th – 6th April, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-4799-2014-3 pp. 182-188.IEEE explore digital library, doi: 10.1109/TIIEC.2013.39.
- Subodh Kumar Panda, M. S. Suresh, Techniques for Measurement / Identification of SWNT and MWNT, National level conference on “Modern Trends in Communication on Oct. 15- 16, 2008 at Vemana Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Books/ Book Chapter:
- A Study on the Contribution of Contact Interface Area on Sensitivity of PEDOT: PSS Films to Jasmine Aroma, Print ISBN: 978-93-91312-54-1, eBook ISBN: 978-93-91312-62-6,DOI: 10.9734/bpi/castr/v9/11811D
Any other things
Academic Positions & other responsibilities (University Level)
- Deputy Chief Superintendent(External) for three weeks at RNSIT, Bengaluru, for the conduction of B.E./MBA examinations Dec-Jan 2019-20 of VTU, Belgaum.
- Deputy Chief Superintendent(External) for two weeks at SJBIT, Bengaluru, for the conduction of B.E./MBA examinations 2011 of VTU, Belgaum.
Book Chapter
- A Study on the Contribution of Contact Interface Area on Sensitivity of PEDOT: PSS Films to Jasmine Aroma, Print ISBN: 978-93-91312-54-1, eBook ISBN: 978-93-91312-62-6,DOI: 10.9734/bpi/castr/v9/11811D