Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur
Designation : Professor & HOD
Area of specialization :VLSI Design, Design for Testability
Date of Joining BNMIT : 8/11/2003
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) :Regular
E-mail Id :yashajyothimshirur@bnmit.in
No. of years of Experience :24
Qualification: PhD
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | ECE Research Centre, BNMIT /VTU | July, 2017 |
M. Tech | BMSCE, Bengaluru/VTU | June 2004 |
B. E | B.I.ET, Davangere/ Kuvempu University | June 1997 |
Experience: 24 Years
- Teaching – 24 Years
- Research – 15 Years
Sl No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1. | Professor and Head | BNMIT, Bengaluru | 1-8-2023 |
2. | Professor | BNMIT, Bengaluru | 6 Years, 4 Months |
3. | Associate Professor | BNMIT, Bengaluru | 5 Years |
4. | Assistant Professor | BNMIT, Bengaluru | 4Year 2 Months |
5. | Lecturer/Sr. Lecturer | BNMIT, Bengaluru | 4Year 2 Months |
6. | Teaching Asst. | DSCE, Bengaluru | 1 Year 4 Months |
7. | Faculty | CMS Computer Institute, Davangere | 1 Year 1.5 Months |
University Level
- Board of Examiners: Member, DSCE, Bengaluru (2023-24)
- Department Advisory Board: Member, The Oxford College of Engineering (TOCE), Bengaluru(2023-24)
- Coordinator: UGC Utsah (Undertaking Transformative Strategies and Actions in Higher Education). 2022-23
- Board of Examiners: Member, NMIT, Bengaluru (2022-23)
- Panel Member for the Ph.D. Proposal Defense, PES University, Bengaluru for the year 2022-2023.
- Board of Examiners: Member, VTU, Belgaum (2021-2022)
- Doctoral Committee member in VTU affiliated colleges
- Evaluated 2 Ph.D. Thesis of reputed universities in India.
- Institute Level Final Year Project Committee Coordinator (IPCC), VTU, 18 June 2021.
- Deputy Chief Superintendent (External) at BMSCE, Bangalore for the conduction of January 2012 B.E. examinations of VTU, Belgaum.
- Deputy Chief Superintendent (External) at DSCE, Bangalore from 17-07-2017 to 2-08-2017 for the conduction of June 2017 B.E. examinations of VTU, Belgaum.
College Level
- General Chair: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Innovative Intelligent Technologies Computing Electrical and Electronics Organized from Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering during 24th and 25th of January 2024.
- Faculty Advisor: IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, BNMIT, Bengaluru.
- Board of Examiner: Chairman, Dept of ECE, BNMIT, Bengaluru
- Main Faculty Coordinator: Tatva-2023 organized from BNMIT during 05-05-2023 to 06-05-2023.
- Technical Program Chair: International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies for Computing Electrical and Electronics held on 27th and 28th of January 2023.
- Organizer for 3 Days Faculty Induction Program 2023 organized from BNMIT from 28-11-2022 to 30-11-2022.
- Academic Council Member for Autonomous (2021- 2022) (2022-2023)
- Member Secretary: Joint Board of Studies (2021-2022) (2022-2023)
- Member, Anti ragging Squad, BNMIT (2021-2022) (2022-2023)
- Ladies Hostel Supervisor: (2021-2022) (2022-2023)
- Squad Team Member: Autonomous Semester End Examination (2021-2022)
- Organizer for 3 Days Workshop on Design and Implementation of Humanoid Robotics organized from BNMIT under ISTE Students Chapter-BNMIT from 7-4-2022 to 9-4-2022.
- Academic Council Member for Autonomous (2021-2022)
- Member Secretary: Joint Board of Studies (2021-2022)
- Ladies Hostel Supervisor: (2021-2022)
- Member, Anti ragging Squad, BNMIT (2021-2022)
- Chief Test Coordinator, BNMIT (2017-2018).
- Member, Anti ragging Squad, BNMIT (2017-18).
- Coordinator, TATVA, BNMIT (2016-2017).
- Technical session coordinator for International Conference on Fluid Dynamic and its Applications (ICFD-2017) conducted by mathematics department from July 12-14, 2017.
- Pre-Conference Tutorial Coordinator for International Conference on Power and Advanced Control Engineering ICPACE-2015.
- Coordinator for International Conference of VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013) conducted by ECE & TCE in the year 2013.
- Editor for the proceeding of international conference on VLSI Communication, Advanced Devices, Signal & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013) held at BNMIT during July 17-18, 2013.
Department Level
- PG Coordinator for VLSI Design and Embedded System, Dept of ECE, BNMIT (2016-till date).
- Member Secretary: ECE Board of Studies UG and PG (2021-2022) ( 2022-2022)
- Member Secretary: ECE Board of Studies UG and PG (2021-2022) ( 2022-2022)
- Member Secretary: ECE Board of Studies (2021-2022)
- PAAC and DAB Member
- Counselor for 8th Semester
- Organizer for 2 Days webinar series on Stay Fit and Stay Safe organized from department of ECE under ISTE Students Chapter- BNMIT on 18-6-2021 and 19-6-2021.
- Skill Development Program Coordinator (2019-2020
- Faculty Development Program Convener for “Digital Design Flow Using Xilinx and MATLAB Tolls for Image Processing Applications” held during 20th to 24th January 2020.
- Faculty Development Program Convener for “IoT base Project design and Development” held during 24th to 29th June 2019.
Awards and Achievements
- Received Rs. 25,000/- cash and appreciation letter from BNMIT Management for having scored greater than 90% in staff appraisal evaluation during 2022-2023
- Received Rs. 20,000/- cash and appreciation letter from BNMIT Management for having scored greater than 90% in staff appraisal evaluation during 2021-2022
- Received Rs. 15,000/- cash and appreciation letter from BNMIT Management for having scored greater than 90% in staff appraisal evaluation during 2020-2021
- Received “Senior Membership” as a reorganization from Professional body IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity in the year 2022.
- Received appreciation letters from BNMIT Management for having scored greater than 90% in staff appraisal evaluation during 2018-19 and Received Rs. 5000/- cash award along with appreciation letter for 2019-2020. Received Rs. 10,000/- cash award along with the appreciation letter for 2020-21.
- Received “Outstanding Scientist Award”, in the International Scientist Awards on Engineering, Science and Medicine, held on 06 & 07-Mar-2021, Goa, India, Organized by VDGOOD Professional Association.
- Best Paper Award for the paper“ Performance evaluation of Distributed Arithmetic based MAC Structures for DSP Applications” in 7th International Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS 2020) organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. Tamil Nadu, India on 23rd and 24th of July 2020.
- Best Paper-Fourth Prize for the paper “Low Power High Speed Vedic Techniques in Recent VLSI Design – A Survey” in 1stAll India Paper writing competition on Emerging Research (PACER) 2020, organized by WorldServe Online held in July 2020.
- Merit Awardreceived while pursuing M. Tech in 2003 at BMSCE, Bangalore.
- Best Oral Presenter Awardfor Best Presentation in International Conference of Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP-2014), Bangkok, Thailand
Internship/SDP Conducted
- Under Skillbot company conducted 6 weeks internship on Project based Digital design Modelling using Verilog for PG students from 17-8-2020 to 26-9-2020.
- Conducted 50 hours (10 days – 5 hours per day) Skill development program on “Digital Design Modelling Using Verilog HDL” from 27-7-2020 to 8-8-2020.
Invited Talks
- “Tips for Effective Paper Writing” in a one week Online National Level Development Programme (FDP) on Essential for Research organized by Dr. D. Y. Patil Institute of Technology, Pimpri, Pune on 21-4-2022.
- Book Review on: “A Practical Approach to VLSI System on Chip (SoC) Design” under Webinar Series on Nanotechnolgy organised by IEEE-BNMIT in association with Nanotechnology Council on 19-11-2020.
- “Research and Professional Development” organized on Faculty Induction Program from 22nd & 23rd September 2020.
- “Online Education- Pros and Cons” Organized by IEEE BNMIT Student Branch in association With IEEE Nanotechnology Council, Bengaluru on 1-6-2020.
- Technical Program Chair: 12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2023). Technocrats Institute of Technology (Excellence), Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh.
- Panel Member for the Ph.D. Proposal Defense, PES University, Bengaluru for the year 2022-2023.
- Expert Committee Member pertaining to Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers (India), Karnataka State Centre, Bengaluru for the year 2022-2023.
- PhD Thesis Evaluator for Pune University for the Thesis with the title Design & Development of UWB Wearable Antenna for Wireless Applications submitted by MS. Mugdha Anand Kango.
- PhD Thesis Evaluator for Bharathi Deemed University Encryption of Features Generated by Fusion of Face, Palm Vein and Fingerprint Biometrics for Futuristic Security Applications. By MS. PRITI. SHENDE.
- Reviewer: ISA Transactions “The Journal of Automation”, an Elsevier Journal 2021.
- Reviewer: Indian Journal of Science & Technology (IJST) 2021-1846.
- Technical Committee Member: 9th International Conference on Electronics Engineering and Technology (ICEET 2022) will be held in Tianjin, China during July 1-3, 2022.
- Reviewer: ISA Transactions Elsevier Journal (ISATRANS-D-21-02554)- 2021-222020-21
- Reviewer: 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies, and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2021). 10-11, December 2021, Mysuru, Karnataka, INDIA.
- National Advisory Committee: International Conference on Recent Challenges in Engineering Science and Technology (ICRCEST 2021) – Virtual Conference 27th – 28th August 2021 Organized by Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP).
- National Advisory Committee Member: 2nd International Conference on Futuristic Trends in Embedded Systems and Networking (ICFTEN 2021) – Virtual Conference in association with Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP). 20th -21sr May 2021, Rao Bahadur Y Mahabaleshwarappa Engineering College, Balarri.
- Reviewer: International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)
- Technical Committee: International Conference on Computer and Communications ICCC-IEEE on December 06-09, 2019 in Chengdu, China.
Session Chair/ Judge
- Session Chair in the International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Communication, Computing and Intelligent Information Systems (ICAECIS-23) 19th to 21st April 2023.
- Jury Member for the internal evaluation of the Hackthaon -KAVACH 2023 Cyber security held on 11-4-2023.
- Session Chair in the international conference International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICIITCEE-2023) held on 27th & 28th of January 2023.
- Judge for Mock Paper Presentation organized by IEEE-BNMIT Student Branch in association with IEEE Nanotech Council on 17th October 2020.
Expertise/Subjects handled
- Wireless and Cellular Communication
- Basic Electronics
- Analog electronics
- Digital Electronics
- Network Analysis
- Linear Integrated circuits and applications
- Digital design using Verilog Transmission lines and Wave Guides
- Information Theory and Coding
- VLSI Design
- Principles of Communication Systems Digital Communication
- Programming with C++
- Cryptography and Network Security
- Digital VLSI Design
- Analog Mixed mode VLSI Design
- High Speed VLSI Design
- VLSI Testing and Testability
- VLSI Technology
- Advanced VLSI design
- Low Power VLSI design
- Testing of VLSI circuits
- SoC Design
- ASIC Design
- VLSI System Design
Research Interest:
- VLSI Design
- Design for Testability
- Low Power VLSI Design
- Embedded Systems
- Antenna Design for Inter and Intra chip communication, Microstrip Antenna Design, Image processing, Pattern Recognition, Digital Signal Processing, Designed A-SoC (Zeus A-SoC) consisting of A-RISC Processor Core, A-DSP Processor Core, 2-D FFT Engine, defined test techniques for A-SoC, filed patent on Asynchronous System on Chip Test through JTAG: Testing of asynchronous blocks with handshake pipelines (protocol) in A-SoC, through JTAG is proposed and implemented. Inserting asynchronous JTAG test logic speeds up the test process is functionally verified.
- Present Research Students = 2 (Mrs. Bharathi M and Poornima R are pursuing Ph.D in Dept of ECE, BNMIT, under VTU, Belagavi).
- Reviewer for Elsevier, Springer and Scopus indexed Journal. Technical Committee member and reviewer for international conferences.
Patent Filed:
a. Patent Filed with Patent no. 202141020972.
Title: “Design of VLSI System to detect abnormal behavior of Heartbeat”
Inventors: Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Dr. N. V. Uma Reddy and Dr. Manju Devi.
Date of Filing: 09/05/2021
Date of Publication: 25/06/2021
b. Patent filed with patent no: 202041057157.
Title: “System, Method and tool for circuit design and Implementation”
Faculty Inventors: Dr. Veena S Chakravarthi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur
Student Inventors: Sowndarya S, Shubham Raj, Vismith Upadhya P J
Date of Filing: 30-12-2020
Date of FER Received: 16/12/2022
Date of FER Reply Submitted: 25/05/2023
c. Patent filed with patent no: 201641022110.
Title: “Method, System and Apparatus for Asynchronous SoC Testing and Validation”
Inventors: Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Dr. M. S. Suresh, Dr. Veena S Chakravarthi.
Date of Filing: 28-06-2016.
Date of Publication: 26-01-2018.
Date of Examination: 13-08-2019
Date of FER Received: 27/09/2021
Date of FER Reply Submitted: 14/03/2022
Funding received
Total Number of Paper Publications = 65
· International Journals – 31
- National Journals – 4
- International Conferences- 30
- National Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium – 60(Total)
International Journals: 31
July 2023 – June 2024:
- Bharathi M, Krithikaa Mohanarangam, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Jun Rim Choi “Accelerating DSP Applications on a 16-Bit Processor: Block RAM Integration and Distributed Arithmetic Approach” got published in Journal Electronics (MDPI) 12, no. 20: 4236, Web of Science SCIE Q2 journal, October 2023. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12204236. With Impact factor 2.9.
July 2022 – June 2023:
- Bharathi M, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M “Distributed Arithmetic Mechanization of Multiply and Accumulate Core for DSP Applications” got published in Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, Scopus indexed, Q3 journal 10(2S) 595-603, March 2023. ISSN: 2368-7487.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Nithin Iyer K S, Sujay K S, Uday V N “Design of Light Cipher Cryptographic Algorithm Computation Block Using Verilog for IoT Applications” got published in International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM) Volume 4, Issue 11 Nov. 2022, pp: 971-977 www.ijaem.net ISSN: 2395-5252.
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0411971977, Impact Factor value 6.18|
ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal.
- M and Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Efficient Realization of Fast Fourier Transform based on Distributed Arithmetic” got published in RES MILITARIS Social Science Journal Published/publiéinResMilitaris(resmilitaris.net), vol.12, n°5, p-p 923-933, December Issue2022.
Q4 Rated Journal
July 2021 – June 2022:
- Bharathi. M and Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Power-Efficient Modulo Multiply and Accumulate Unit Using Distributed Arithmetic” got published in Design Engineering Journal with ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 9 | Pages: 3548 – 3556. Scopus Indexed (Q4 Rated Journal) Scopus ID: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/28687. Journal website: http://www.thedesignengineering.com/index.php/DE
- Sowmya S and Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Smart IOT Enabled Power Theft Detection and Transformer Health Monitoring System” got published in Bulletin Monumental Journal , Vol. 22, Issue No. 2021, ISSN / e-ISSN 0007-473X, p-p 79-91, Publisher: Soc Fr Archeologie Musee Monument Francais , Palais De Chaillot Aile De Paris, Paris, France, 75016, http://bulletinmonumental.com/gallery/10-july2021.pdf , Web of Science.
- July 2020 -June 2021:
- Bharathi. M and Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “ VLSI Implementation Of Multiply And Accumulate Unit Using Offset Binary Coding Distributed Arithmetic” got published in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 12 No. 11 (2021), E-ISSN: 1309-4653, p-p 4739-4749, publisher Karadeniz Technical University, https://www.turcomat.org/index.php /turkbilmat/article/view/6647 , Scopus Indexed.(Q4)
- Bharathi. M and Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Floating-Point Multiply and Accumulate Unit Core using Distributed Arithmetic for DSP Applications” got published in Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol. 12 No. 11 (2021), E-ISSN: 1309-4653, p-p 4730 – 4738, publisher Karadeniz Technical University, https://www.turcomat.org/index.php/ turkbilmat/article/view/6646 Scopus Indexed.(Q4)
- Rajyalakshmi Chikkani, Bharathi. M and Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “VLSI Implementation of Multiply and Accumulate Unit Using Distributed Arithmetic” got published in Bioscience Biotechnology Research Communications Special Issue Vol. 13 No. 15, Print ISSN: 0974-6455 Online ISSN: 2321-4007, Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21786/bbrc/13.15/37, impact factor 7.728. Journal is listed in Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) / Web of Science (WoS), NAAS Score 4.31.
- July 2020 – June 2021:
- Muskan Tated, Sri Haripriya Rai N, Bindu S, Yasha Jyoti M Shirur “Nano Electronics and it’s Wide Applications” got published in GIS Science Journal with ISSN No: 1869-9391; VOLUME 7, ISSUE 12, Dec 2020, PP 436-445, Impact factor: 6.1 (Scopus Indexed Journal).
- Sahil, Soumita Paul, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Power Optimization Techniques adopted at various abstraction levels in system on Chip Design- A Survey” got published in International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN:2321-9653; IC value:45.98, SJ Impact factor:7.429 (Volume 8 Issue X) Oct 2020.
- Deepa S. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Design of flexible FFT core for fast computing of digital signals in real time applications”got published in International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology (IJARIIT) ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 6.078 (Volume 6, Issue 4) pp 127-131 July 2020.
- Swathi Dayananda, Varshitha K. R, Rohini T, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Jyothi Munavalli, “Low Power High Speed Vedic Techniques in Recent VLSI Design – A Survey” got published inPerspectives in Communication, Embedded-Systems and Signal-Processing (PiCES) – An International Journal with ISSN: 2566-932X. PP 34-43. July 2020.
- July 2019-June 2020:
- L. Lahari, M. Bharathi, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur“A Review on Distributed Arithmetic and Offset Binary Coding” got published in i-manager’s Journal on Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 7 No. 3lJuly – September 2019 PP 27-34.
- Anshu Kumar, Nisarga U, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Design and Development of Beach Sand Cleansing Equipment Based on Electro-Hydraulic Mechanism”got published in International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), ISSN No. 2005-4238 Volume 29 No. 12 PP 163-170 (Scopus Indexed).
- July 2018 – June 2019:
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Efficient Method to Measure Dynamic Temperature Variations in a Non-Uniform Heat Dissipated Integrated Chip”got published in International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering. (IJCSE) Vol.-7, Issue-6, June 2019 (UGC Approved).
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Harshitha A “An Efficient Radix-3 Multiplier less 2D Convolution Filter for Visual Search Applications”got published in International Journal of Scientific Research and Review (IJSR) ISSN NO: 2279-543X, Volume 8, Issue 5, May 2019, pp-650-
654 (UGC Approved). - Sujaya H S, Suchit Shavi, Rohith J Bharadwaj, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Anger Detection Module for Assisting Dementia Patients”got published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. (IJIRSET) Vol. 7 Issue: 6 July 2018 with ISSN (Online): 2319-8753 and Cross ref – DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2018.0706091 & impact Factor 7.08
- July 2017 – June 2018
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur“Wireless Local Area Network Frame Classification to Access Categories based on User Priority” got published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. (IJIRSET) Vol. 7 Issue: 6 June 2018 with ISSN (Online): 2319-8753 and Cross ref – DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2018.0706091 & impact Factor 7.089.
- Anu K L, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, and Mr. Prasanna Kumar Y “Design and Implementation of Driver Assistance System (Das) Using Raspberry Pi to Enhance Driver Safety”in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 5 Issue: 04 April 2018 with ISSN: 2395-0056.
- Amshu Vinayak. T, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Automatic Control for Greenhouse Farming”got published in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) Vol. 6 Issue: 09 September 2017 with ISSN: 2278-0181 and Cross ref – DOI Prefix: 10.17577.
- Kritika M Sharma Aishwarya A,Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Power Efficient Destination Address Generator of Direct Memory Access Controller in Multiprocessor SoC” got published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE) Vol. 5, Issue: 7 July 2017 with ISSN:2320-9801 and impact factor 6.577.
- Akhila K Karuna N Kavya C,Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Design and implementation of Power Efficient Linear Feedback Shift Register for BIST using Verilog” got published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJIRCCE) Vol. 5, Issue: 7 July 2017 with ISSN:2320-9801 and impact factor 6.577.
- July 2013 – June 2017
- Sagar R, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Efficient Trash Management System Using Smart Bin”got published in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Vol. 4, Issue: 5 May 2017 with ISSN: 2395-0056 and impact factor 5.181.
- K Shreshta Subodh Shetty, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Video Oculographic System enabling Communication for Patients suffering from Motor Neuron Disease”got published in Perspective in Communication, Embedded-Systems and Signal-Processing Vol. 1, Issue 2-05-2017 p-p19-21.
- Nikitha Teggi, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Vishweshwar Mundkur“Modeling of LORA Transceiver in MATLAB using SIMULINK” IJMER Vol. 3, No. 6, 166-171, 159-162 with impact factor 3.518.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur,Veena S Chakarvarthi, “Design and Implementation of Power efficient Micor Pipelined GALS based 2D FFT Processor Core”got published in International Journal of Signal Processing Systems Vol. 3, No. 2, p-p. 166-171, December 2015. DOI: 10.12720/ijsps.3.2.166-171 (IJSPS, ISSN:2315-4535;DOI: 10.12720/ijsps.
- Ranjith Kumar M, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Ramudu B “Development of Verification Environment to Verify CSR Registers for DDR4 Memory Controller through APB Interface Using UVM Methodology”, ISSN 2394-3785 Available online at www.ijartet.com International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology (IJARTET) Vol. II, Special Issue XXVII, June 2015 in association with Dayananda Sagar College Of Engineering, National Conference On “Emerging Trends In VLSI, Embedded System, Nano Electronics And Telecommunication System” DSCE NCEVENT’15 JUNE 16 & 17,2015 58_62 All Rights Reserved © 2015 IJARTET.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Lakshmi H R, Varchaswini R “Implementation of FSM-MBIST and Design of Hybrid MBIST for memory cluster in Asynchronous SoC”. This paper got published in International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research IJCAT- Volume 3– Issue 4, 216 – 220, 2014.
- Nishanti G, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Ramudu B “Functional coverage for low power DDR2 Memory Controller in UVM”. This paper got published in International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research IJCAT- Volume 3– Issue 5, 292 – 295, 2014.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Veena S Chakarvarthi, Kavana Hegde “Applying Shannon expansion concept for power optimization of digital design”. This paper got published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology (IJCET)-2013.
National Journals: 4
- Nishanti G, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Ramudu B “Coverage driven verification environment development of low power ddr2 memory controller” Published in National Conference proceedings on VLSI, Image processing and Networking, Indira Institute of Technology, Chennai. 22-27 held on 28thof April 2014.
- Kumarswamy, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Veena S Chakarvarthi “Implementation of Logic BIST for any Digital Core” presented in National Conference onRecent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering conducted during May 2013.
- Sindhu, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Implementation of all digital phase locked loop with input fault detection” presented in National Conference onRecent Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering conducted during May 2013.
- Dharmendra N Kerur, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, S.B. BhanuPrashanth “Design of mixed signal CMOS-PLLwith improved acquisition and its application as frequency synthesizer” presented in National Conference on Recent Trends in Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation CRTIEAI-2013 conducted during 7th June 2013.
National/International Conference Proceedings: 30
July 2023 – June 2024:
- M Bharathi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Efficiency Evaluation of Scalable Multiply and Accumulate Architectures in DSP: A Comparative Study of LUT Based and LUT-Less Based Approaches” presented in International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE-2024) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 24th and 25th January 2024 642-646, and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467265. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10467265 .
- Smitha Gayathri. D, Dr. K.R. Usha Rani, Dr. Yasha Jyothi Shirur “Adaptive Bit-Loading and Channel Estimation with IMN For Plain Line and Line with Bridge Taps in Broadband PLC” presented in International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE-2024) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 24th and 25th January 2024 pp. 727-732, and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library https://doi.org/10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467730 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10467730.
- Hemanth Prasad N, Hrishikesh G Rayasa, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Design and Verification of AMBA APB BUS Protocol using Verilog HDL” presented in the IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM-2023) held on 22nd and 23rd September 2023. Scopus Indexed.
July 2022 – June 2023:
- M Bharathi, C H Vinay, C Sandhya Rani, A Uday Kiran, G Lakshmi Chaithanya, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “UVM Verification Platform-based Distributed Arithmetic ALU” presented in the International Conference on Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies (ICCSST -2023) held on 8th and 9th May 2023 organized by the Department of Computer Science CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India and Modern College of Business and Science Muscat, OMAN. Published in
- Bharathi, G Amrutha, B Divya, Bharadwaj Karthik, B Uday Kiran, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Designing 64-bit LUT Based FFT Structure for High-Speed DSP Applications” presented in 12th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNY-2023) organized by Technocrats Institute of Technology (Excellence) Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh section Flagship Conference during 8th and 9th of April 2023. Scopus Indexed.
- M Bharathi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “VLSI Synthesis of Multiply and Accumulate Structures Using Distributed Arithmetic” presented in International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICIITCEE-2023) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 27th and 28th January 2023 166-169, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091002 and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10091002. Scopus Indexed.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Nithin Iyer K S, Sujay K S, Uday V N “Design and Implementation of Synthesizable Two-Level Cryptosystem for High-Security enabled Applications” presented in International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICIITCEE-2023) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 27th and 28th January 2023 pp. 922-926, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10091066.and got published in IEEE Xplorer Digital Library. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10091066. Scopus Indexed.
- Gayatri S, Challa Bhavya, Esha S, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Design and Implementation of Arithmetic Based FIR Filters for DSP Application” presented in International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (ICIITCEE-2023) Organized by B N M Institute of Technology during 27th and 28th January 2022, 782-787, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10090953. and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10090953 Scopus Indexed.
- Roopa, E., Shirur, Y.J.M. (2023). Design and Implementation of Highly Secured Nano AES Cryptographic Algorithm for Internet of Things. In: Hemanth, J., Pelusi, D., Chen, J.IZ. (eds) Intelligent Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things. ICoICI 2022. Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems and Critical Infrastructures, vol 3. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-18497-0_47 ISSN: 978-3-031-18497-0, 4-2-2023.
https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-18497-0_47 Springer.
July 2021 – June 2022:
- M Bharathi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Area Efficient Multiply and Accumulate Core Design on FPGA using Pezari’s Multiplication” presented in National Conference on Industrial IoT and Automation (NCIITA) Organized by SRM Institute of Science and Technology during 5th-6th May 2022.
- M Bharathi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “FPGA Realization of High Speed Multiply and Accumulate Cores to Digital Signal Processing: Distributed Arithmetic and Offset Binary Coding” presented in national conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology -2021 (RTET-2021) organized by department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KSRM College of Engineering (Autonomous) on 29-12-2021.
July 2020 – June 2021:
- Madhuri R A, Mahima M Hampali, Nisarga Umesh, Pooja K S , Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur, Dr.Veena S. Chakravarthi “Design and Implementation of EDMA Controller for AI Based DSPSoCs for Real-Time Multimedia Processing” presented in 4th International Conference on ISMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics and Cloud) organized by SCAD Institute of Technology at Palladam, India on 7th to 9th, October 2020, got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. (Scopus Indexed)
- Bharathi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, P. L. Lahari “Performance evaluation of Distributed Arithmetic based MAC Structures for DSP Applications”Presented in 7th International Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS 2020) organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. Tamil Nadu, India on 23rd and 24th of July 2020, got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. (Scopus Indexed).
- L. Lahari, M. Bharathi, Dr. Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “High Speed Floating Point Multiply Accumulate Unit Using Offset Binary Coding”Presented in 7th International Virtual Conference on Smart Structures and Systems (ICSSS 2020) organized by Saveetha Engineering College, Chennai. Tamil Nadu, India on 23rd and 24th of July 2020, got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. (Scopus Indexed).
July 2019-June 2020:
- L. Lahari, M. Bharathi, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, “An efficient Truncated MAC using Approximate Adders for Image and Video Processing Applications”Presented in the 4th International Conference in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 20220) organized by SCAD college of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India during 15-17, June 2020 got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. (Scopus Indexed)
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, M. Bharathi “Optimized Synthesis of Dadda Multiplier Using Parallel Prefix Adders”presented in the 2nd IEEE International Conference on smart System and Inventive Technology ICSSIT 2019 organized by Francis Xavier Engineering College during 27-29 November 2019 at Tirunelveli India, got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, 978-1-7821-5517-2 (Scopus Indexed)
July 2018 – June 2019:
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Kritika M Sharma, Aishwarya A“Design and implementation of
Efficient Direct Memory Access (DMA) Controller in Multiprocessor SoC” presented International Conference on Networking Embedded and Wireless System (ICNEWS-2018) held on 27th and 28th of December 2018 and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 978- 1-5386-7949-4/18/2018 (Scopus Indexed).
- Akhila K, Karuna N and Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Design and Implementation of Power
Efficient Logic BIST With High Fault Coverage Using Verilog” presented in International Conference on Networking Embedded and Wireless System (ICNEWS-2018) held on 27th and 28th of December 2018 and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. 978-1-5386-7949-4/18/2018 (Scopus Indexed).
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur Ujwal S S, Sana Anaum, Suhas N Bhargav Zeeshan Saquib “Blinkom: A Smart Solution for the MND Patients”in 3rd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT-2018), MAY 2018.
July 2011 – June 2018
- Chaitrashree K, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur,Vishweshwar Mundkur “SIMULINK Modeling of blood pressure system” got published in Proceedings of 26th IRF International Conference PP-9-12 ISBN: 978-93-86083-38-8. International Conference on Engineering and Technology held on 12th June 2016.
- Swathi S, Ramya Jagadish, Pankaja K, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur “Fault Tolerant carry select Adder and Dadda Multiplier using Reversible Logic Technique”got published Conference Proceedings with ISBN: 978-81-92958-06-1. International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology [IFERP] held on 22nd May 2016.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Shurthi S “Implementation of IEEE 1687 standard for Access Instrumentation using Verilog”presented in International Conference on Signal Processing, Communication and Computational Research got published in Institute of Engineering Research & Publication IFERP Proceedings, May 18th and 19th 2016.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Chetana Bilure, Veena S Chakravarthi“Performance analysis of low power microcode based asynchronous P-MBIST” Presented in 4th International conference on Advances in computing, communications & Informatics. (ICACC-2015) conducted during 10-13th August in Aluva Kochi, India and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library. P-P 555-560 DOI: 1109/ICACCI.2015.7275667, ISBN: 978-1-4799-8792-4/15 with impact factor 5.629.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Suhasin Hegde, Vindhya Adiga, Rakshith G R and Priyanka S Bhat “IEEE Standard 1149.1 Boundary Scan Insertion Methodology for Power Efficient Asynchronous 8 bit Processor Core” presented in International Conference on VLSI and Signal Processing and got published in ICVSP-2014 Proceedings , August 13thand 14th 2014.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Veena S Chakarvarthi, Lakshmi H R“Implementation of Area Efficient Hybrid MBIST for Memory clusters in Asynchronous SoC” Presented in Fifth International Symposium on Electronic System Design (ISED- 2014) conducted during 15-17 December 2014 in Surathkal, Mangalore, India and got published in IEEE Computer Society. P-P 226 – 227 DOI:1109/ISED.2014.57.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur Mrs. Rekha P “Towards A Hybrid Pan sharpening Algorithm For High Resolution Satellite Imagery” Presented in Fourth International Conference of Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP-2015) conducted during 2-4thApril 2015 in Melmaruvathur, Tamilnadu, India and got published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library P-P 1252 – 1256 DOI:1109/ICCSP.2015.7322708.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Veena S Chakarvarthi, Varchaswini R “Adder based Address generator for Embedded Memories”presented in International Conference of VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013). This paper got published in lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 258 Springer Proceedings.
- Dharmendra N Kerur, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, S.B Bhanu Prashanth “Design of 1GHz Mixed Signal CMOS-PLL with Fast Phase and Frequency Acquisition” presented in International Conference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013) conducted during 17-19 July 2013. This paper got published in VCASAN-2013 Proceedings.
- Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Veena S Chakravarthi, Gourav Thakur, “Performance Analysis of 8-bit pipelined Asynchronous Processor Core”presented in an IP-SoC-2013, Grenoble, France.
- Shiva Kumar K, Yasha Jyothi M Shirur, Veena S Chakravarthi, “Reliable Boundary Scan Insertion Methodology for Multi-Chip Module Based Designs” presented in International Conference on VLSI and Signal published in ICVSP-2012 Proceeding, May 4-5th 2012, pp.113-
Citation Index for Publications =177, h-index =9 and i10-index = 6
Training courses/Seminars/Workshops – Total – 60
July 2023 – June 2024
- “IEEE Conferences Quality and Management” Workshop held on 22.06.2024 organized by IEEE Bangalore Section and hosted by Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- “Silicons-24” National level VLSI Project expo held on 4th May 2024, Department of ECE, RNSIT, Bangalore for the Guidance provided for the Project titled Design of Low Power 4-Bit Ripple Carry Adder for DSP Applications using Custom Standard Cell Design.
- “Avinya-24” Intra and Inter Collegiate Project exhibition held on 2nd and 3rd of May 2024, Department of ECE, BNMIT, Bangalore.
- “Intellectual Property Rights Conclave-2024” – 2 Days organized by B N M Institute of Technology & Wegrow Pvt. Ltd. Bhubaneswar on 14th and 15th of March 2024
July 2022 – June 2023
- “Research Grants, Publications and Consultancy Skills” – 3 Days FDP Program Organized by Bangalore Institute of Technology from 6-03-2023 to 8-03-2023.
- “VLSI IC Design and Avenues of Interdisciplinary Research” – 5 Days FDP Program, organized by R V Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru from 17-02-2023 to 3-03-2023.
- “Launch of Model Curricula on VLSI Design and IC Manufacturing” – 1 Day Industry – Academia Interaction Organized by AICTE and hosted by Reva University on 18-02-2023.
- “ADI- Faculty Industrial Training Program (2022-2023)” on LTSpice, MAX32xxx series microcontroller, and ADALAM2000 – 2 Days organized by Analog Devices India Pvt. Ltd. On 15-12-2022 and 16-12-2022.
July 2021 – June 2022
- “Read for Success” – 6 Days Workshop, Organized by Unstoppable Wisdom Academy form 6-6-2022 to 11-6-2022
- “IEEE Conference Organizers Education Workshop (COEW-2022)” – 1 day organized by IEEE Bangalore Section (BS), IEEE Mysore Subsection (MYSS), IEEE Mangalore Subsection (MSS) and IEE North Karnataka Subsection (NKSS) on 10-4-2022.
- “Design and Implementation of Humanoid Robotics” – 3 days organized from BNMIT under ISTE Students Chapter-BNMIT from 7-4-2022 to 9-4-2022.
- “Academic Leadership Workshop” – 3 Days FDW organized by the Teaching-Learning Centre, BNMIT from 23-11-2021 to 25-11-2021
- “Panel discussion on National Education Policy implementation in Higher Education” -1 Day FDW, Organized by BNMIT on 20-11-2021.
- Innovative Teaching –Learning Methodologies” organized by the Teaching-Learning Centre, BNMIT from 21-09-2021 to 23-09-2021.
- “Research Trends in Biomedical Applications” funded by NewGen-IEDC, DST, Govt. of India Organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, BNMIT from 22-10-2021 to 26-10-2021.
- “Open Power ISA RISC based Architecture Design” supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) Govt. of India organized by IIT Guwahati from 18-10-2021 to 29-10-2021.
- “Digital Design Using Intel Edge Centric FPGA” – 5 Day FDP, Organized by Dept. Of ECE, Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering in association with Intel Technologies, Bengaluru from 27-9-2021 to 1-10-2021.
- “Digital VLSI Design and Verification” 5-Day FDP, organized by Department of ECE, Bangalore Institute of Technology in association with Entuple Technologies and IEEE-BIT CAS from 23-8-2021 to 27-8-2021.
- “Capacity Building of Women Leaders in Higher Education” 5 Days FDP, AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary Organized at S.R.M. Institute of Science and Technology. from 12-7-2021 to 16-7-2021.
July 2020 – June 2021
- “Antenna Design and Printing for Practical Applications” 6 days FDP, Funded by NewGen IEDC, DST, Govt. of India, Organized by Dept of ECE, BNMIT from 25th to 30th June 2021.
- “Machine Learning Applications in Micro-Nano VLSI Technologies” 5 days FDP, AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, Organized by BVRIT HYDERABAD College of Engineering for Women from 21st to 25th June 2021.
- “Formal Verification of Digital Designs” 5 days FDP, AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy, Organized by PES University from 7th to 11th June 2021.
- “Next Generation Wireless Communication: 5G & Beyond” 6 days AICTE-ISTE Funded Induction/Refreshers FDP organized by KSIT from 3rd to 8th May 2021.
- “Healthcare Industry 4.0 – saving life using technology” webinar organized by Institute of Health Management Research in association with B N M Institute of Technology on 26th of April 2021.
- “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” 5 days online FDP organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 19 April, 2021 to 23 April, 2021.
- “HDL Code Generation” 5 days online Training Program conducted by Mathworks Instructor Led Online Public Training from 24th to 28th August 2020.
- “Research Proposal Writing and Opportunities in the field of science, Engineering and Management” One Week Faculty Development Program conducted by Bangalore Institute of Technology from 6th July 2020 to 11th July 2020.
- Proceeding of International conference on VLSI Communication, Advanced Devices, Signal & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013) held at BNMIT during July 17-18, 2013.
Book Chapter
- Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur, Bindu, Jyoti R. Munavalli. Lightweight Crypto Mechanisms and Key Management in IoT Scenario in Book Secure Communication in Internet of Things Emerging Technologies, Challenges, and Mitigation Edited ByT. Kavitha, M.K. Sandhya, V.J. Subashini, Prasidh Srikanth. Published by CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group on 15.4.2024.
- Munavalli, J. R., Bindu S., & Shirur, Y. J. (2023). Applications of Internet of Things with Deep Learning. In T. Kavitha, G. Senbagavalli, D. Koundal, Y. Guo, & D. Jain (Ed.), Convergence of Deep Learning and Internet of Things: Computing and Technology(pp. 285-307). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-6275-1.ch014.
- Travelling and Cleaning
- Throw Ball, Shuttle Badminton, Exercise and Indoor Activities
- Listening to Melodies songs (Hindi and Kannada)