Dr. Jyoti Raghavendra Munavalli
Designation : Professor
Area of specialization :AI and Health informatics
Date of Joining BNMIT : 2/26/2018
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id : jyotirmunavalli@bnmit.in
No. of years of Experience : 18 years
Qualification: PhD, M.Tech., B.E.
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
PhD | Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands | Nov 2017 |
M.Tech in Digital Electronics & Communication | AMC Engineering College, Bangalore | Sept 2009 |
B.E. in Electronics & Communication | Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti, Gadag | Sept 2001 |
Experience : Teaching : 18 years
Teaching : 10+ years
Research : 12+ years
Sl No | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Professor, Dept. of ECE | BNMIT, Bangalore | June 2023 – till date |
2 | Associate Professor, Dept. of ECE | BNMIT, Bangalore | 5.4 Years |
3 | Asst. Professor, Dept. of Health IT | Institute of Health Management and Research, Bangalore | 5 months |
4 | Research Associate | Maastricht University, Netherlands | 4 years |
5 | Research Associate | PES Institute of Technology, Bangalore | 3 years |
6 | Lecturer, Dept. of Telecommunication (M. Tech -DEC), | AMC Engineering College, Bangalore | 1 year
7 | Lecturer, Dept. of ECE | Islamiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore | 2 years |
8 | Lecturer, Dept. of ECE | Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore | 6 months
9 | Lecturer, Dept. of ECE
| Oxford Polytechnic College, Bangalore | 1.2 years |
10 | Lecturer, Dept. of Computer Science
| Anjuman-E-Islam Polytechnic College, Gadag | 3 months |
College Level
- Faculty Advisor, Women In Engineering, Dec 2023-till date
- Organizing Chair, International Conference on Innovative and Intelligent Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, January 2024
- Organizing Chair, FDP on “Emerging Health Care Technology”, 11-15 September 2023.
- Faculty Advisor, Signal Processing Student Chapter, March 2024-till date
- Organized a talk on “Gender Sensitization and POSH training” on 20 December 2023
- Research Coordinator, Sept 2022 – till date
- BNMIT Chronicle, Nov 2021- till date
- Organizing Chair, International Conference on Innovative and Intelligent Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, January 2023
- Organized webinar on “Tax and Investment Planning” on 29 June 2022
- NAAC Coordinator-July 2021-July 2022
- Newsletter Coordinator, July 2018-August 2021
- SPOC, website, August 2020-till date
- Test Coordinator, July 2018-June 2019
- ISTE Coordinator, Feb 2018-July 2019
- T5 mentor, Feb 2019-June 2019
- Convener, FDP on “Research Trends in Biomedical Applications”, 22-26 Oct 2021.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Antenna Design and Printing for Practical Applications”, 25-30 June 2021.
- Organized a webinar on “Healthcare Industry 4.0” in collaboration with IIHMR for students and faculty of BNMIT, IIHMR and other colleges, 26th April 2021
- Organized a webinar on “Demystifying COVID-19: The pandemic, opportunities and coping strategies” in collaboration with IIHMR for students of BNMIT, IIHMR and other colleges, 14th August 2020.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Antenna Design and Printing for Practical Applications”, 25-30 June 2021.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Digital Design Flow using Xilinx and MATLAB Tools for Image Processing Applications”, Jan 2020.
- Core member (mentor) in the inter-collegiate event “Prodothon” on 14 November 2019.
- Member, organizing committee, Symposium on “Nanotechnology & its applications”, 20th & 21st September 2019.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “IoT based Project Design and Development”, July 2019
- Organized workshop on “How to Learn?” for T5 mentors, Feb 2018..
Department Level
- NAAC Coordinator-July 2021-till date
- Newsletter Coordinator, July 2018-August 2021
- SPOC, website, August 2020-till date
- Test Coordinator, July 2018-June 2019
- ISTE Coordinator, Feb 2018-July 2019
- T5 mentor, Feb 2019-June 2019
- Convener, FDP on “Research Trends in Biomedical Applications”, 22-26 Oct 2021.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Antenna Design and Printing for Practical Applications”, 25-30 June 2021.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Antenna Design and Printing for Practical Applications”, 25-30 June 2021.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “Digital Design Flow using Xilinx and MATLAB Tools for Image Processing Applications”, Jan 2020.
- Core member (mentor) in the inter-collegiate event “Prodothon” on 14 November 2019.
- Member, organizing committee, Symposium on “Nanotechnology & its applications”, 20th & 21st September 2019.
- Member, organizing committee, FDP on “IoT based Project Design and Development”, July 2019
Awards and Achievements
- Session Chair, International Conference on Emerging Technology (INCET 2023) organized by Jain College of Engineering Belagavi, India during 26-28 May 2023.
- Received Appreciation letter for securing more than 90% in self appraisal for the year 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 and 2022-23.
- Received course certificate on “NLP – Natural Language Processing with Python” from Udemy, 25 June 2022.
- Awarded with Gurukul’s Bharat Gaurav Puruskar-2023 as “Best Researcher in Technology in Healthcare” organized by J.S. University, Shikohabad and ISRHECT, Uttar Pradesh on 1st April 2023
- Session Chair, International Conference on Computational Methods and Data Engineering (ICCDME 2021) organized by Vellore Institute of Technology during 25-26 Nov 2021.
- Received course certificate on “AI for Medical Diagnosis” from Coursera, 28 September 2021.
- Received course certificate on “Deep Learning for Business” from Yonsei University through Coursera, 17 September 2020.
- Received course certificate on “Introduction to Virtual Reality” from University of London, in Coursera, 19 August 2020.
- Participated as Faculty mentor for three teams with ids: 983773, 1522593 and 1080993 in DST and Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 powered by AICTE and NSRCEL@IIMB.
- Received Elite-Silver certificate from NPTEL on “Introduction to IoT”, 2019.
- Secured second rank for state in Kannada competitive exam, 1994.
- Received Appreciation letter from BNMIT management for the year 2018-19, on 5th Sept 2020.
- Certificate as Faculty mentor for three teams with ids: 983773, 1522593 and 1080993 in DST and Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 powered by AICTE and NSRCEL@IIMB.
- Scholarship for Ph.D., Maastricht University, Netherlands.
- Received merit prize for scoring highest in Kannada and Social Studies in 10th Standard (Loyola High School)
- Secured second rank for state in Kannada competitive exam, 1994.
Reviewer for
- International Journal of Healthcare Management (IHM)
- Health Informatics Journal (HIJ)
- International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics (IJHISI)
- IGI Global
- Journal of Medical Systems (JMS)
Editorial Board Member in
- Journal of Data Science and Decision Making (DSDM)
- Associate Editor for the special issue “Real-Time Planning and Control in Health Care” in Frontiers in Health Services
Invited Talks Delivered:
- Resource Person in FDP on “Innovation, Incubation, Startup Support and Research Challenges” at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore during 1-5 April 2024.
- Keynote speaker in IPR Conclave -2024 on “Detachable Smart Faucet” organized by BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore during 14th and 15th March 2024.
- Talk on “Process of Innovation Development, Technology Readiness Level and Tech Transfer” organized by IIC and Dept. of ECE, BNMIT on 26th February 2024.
- Keynote speaker in Symbiclave-2023 on “Smart and Connected Healthcare” organized by Symbiosis University of Applied Sciences, Indore during 5th and 6th May 2023.
- Talk on “Process Design and Development” in a workshop organized by IEI and IIC, BNMIT on 18th April 2023.
- Session Chair, International Conference on Computational Methods and Data Engineering (ICCDME 2021) organized by Vellore Institute of Technology during 25-26 Nov 2021.
- Talk on “Exploring Data Science” during IEEE-VDIT Webinar organized by KLS- Vishwanathrao Deshpande Institute of Technology, Haliyal on 21st June 2021.
- Talk on “Trends: Healthcare Industry 4.0” during the webinar organized by IIMHR and BNMIT on 26th April 2021.
- Talk on “Exploring Data Science” during IEEE-KSIT Webinar on 4th July 2020.
- Resource person for ISTE Online Workshop on “Introduction to Data Science using Python” by BNMIT on 4th and 5th June 2020.
- Talk on “Why should you be learning Data Science at this time?” during IEEE-BNMIT Webinar Series on 29th May 2020.
- Talk on “Tools for Quality Management in Hospitals” at IHMR, Bangalore, Sept 2019.
- Talk on “Research Methodology-Design” during IEEE workshop at BNMIT on 4th Oct 2018.
- “Case Study and Hands on Training on TQM Tools” on 21 Sept 2018, IHMR, Bangalore.
- Hands-on Training for professionals Management on “Operations Tools and Quality Management Tools” at IHMR, Bangalore, 2018.
- Talk on “Data Analysis” in IHMR, Bangalore, 2018.
- Talk on “Hospital Management System and HMIS” at State Institute of Health & Family Welfare (SIHFW), Bangalore, 2018
- Talk on “Real-time workflow optimizations” at Aravind Eye Hospitals, Madurai, April 2015.
Teaching: Expertise / list of subjects handled
UG : Data Structures using C, Python Application Programming, Network and Cyber Security, Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer Communication Networks, Management & Entrepreneurship Development, Electronic Instrumentation, Logic Design/Digital Electronics, Microprocessor-8085,8086, IBMPC, Antennas & Propagation, Wireless communication, Microwave & Radar, Operations Research & Management, Project Management, Software Engineering, C++, Simulation, Embedded System Design, Biomedical Instrumentation, Operating Systems, Digital Communication, Microelectronics circuits, Machine Learning using Python, Wearable Technology.
PG : Research Methodology, CMOS VLSI, Advanced VLSI, Advances in VLSI Design.
Software : Matlab, Mathematica & workbench, Data Analysis, Statistical Tools, Eclipse -Java, Network Simulator, Python, LaTeX, Automated testing tools.
Research Interest:
- Real-time scheduling and tracking systems
- Health Informatics
- Operations Research & Management
- Multi-Agent System Modelling
- Artificial Intelligence
- Smart devices
- Data Science and Analytics
- Prediction modelling
- Biomedical Applications
Funding Received:·
- Detachable Smart Faucet Device funded by IEDC -DST-2018-19.· Interactive Health-bot funded by IEDC -DST-2019-20
Awareness, Utilization and Socio-Economic Impact of PMBJP Kendra in the selected districts of State of Karnataka” – 12L from ICSSR, India
- · Smart AI mirror for patient workflow monitoring -2L from New-Gen IEDC, DST, India
- · Detachable smart Faucet – 2.5L from New-Gen IEDC, DST, India
- · Interactive Bot – 60K from New-Gen IEDC, DST, India
- · FDP on Emerging Trends in Healthcare Technology -70K from New-Gen IEDC, DST, India for Centre of Excellence
Patent :
- Patent published Granted with number 486192 for Detachable Smart Faucet Device. Patent published with number 202241014404 for a Smart Yoga Instructor device for guiding and correcting yoga posture of a user in real-time. Copyright granted applied with 1756/2022-CO/SW for Smart Yoga Instructor program/code for estimating and correcting Yoga Posture in real time (quadrant-based correction) using Python
- Recognized Research Guide/Supervisor in VTU, Belgaum.
- Copyright granted with 1756/2022-CO/SW for Smart Yoga Instructor program/code for estimating and correcting Yoga Posture in real time (quadrant-based correction) using Python.
- Patent filed with 202441069133 for Dual mode floating waste collector with automated and manual operation
- Patent granted with number 486192 for Detachable Smart Faucet Device.
- Patent published with number 202241014404 for a Smart Yoga Instructor device for guiding and correcting yoga posture of a user in real-time.
- Copyright granted with 1756/2022-CO/SW for Smart Yoga Instructor program/code for estimating and correcting Yoga Posture in real time (quadrant-based correction) using Python
Professional Memberships:
- ISTE Life Member, LM 130363
- IE Member, M-1695015
- IEEE Member, 94400462
- Member, IAENG-International Association of Engineers, membership number: 117105
1.Journals (International)
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Priya R Sankpal, Sumathi A (2024) Patient Pathway Optimization in Hospitals using Convolutional Neural Network and m-Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. Frontiers in Health Informatics, 13 (3),7568-7595Tejas S. Koundinya, S. Sudhanva, S. C S, S. Chandrasekar and Jyoti R. Munavalli, “Congenital Heart Disease Detection Using Spectral Analysis and CNN,” 2023 4th International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET), Belgaum, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/INCET57972.2023.10170429.
- Ganesh-Babu B Subburaman, Jyoti R Munavalli, Thulasiraj R, Helen Mertens, Carroll Webers, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, Frits Van Merode, “Managing Outpatient Cycle Times in Hospitals Using Integrated Closed-Loop Approaches”, Health Services Insights, Volume 16, January 2023. (Scopus & Web of Science indexed)
- Jyoti R. Munavalli, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, Aravind Srinivasan, G. G. Van Merode, “Dynamic Layout Design Optimization to Improve Patient Flow in Outpatient Clinics using Genetic Algorithms”, Algorithms, March 2022. (Scopus & Web of Science indexed)
- Jyoti R. Munavalli, P. A. Vijaya, Priya R. Sankpal, “A Qualitative Analysis on Management Studies for Engineering Students”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 35, Issue 2, Oct. 2021, 91-96. (Scopus indexed)
- Jyoti R. Munavalli, Rashmi Deshpande, “Pattern Recognition for Data Retrieval using Artificial Neural Network”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Vol. 23, Issue 6, June 2021, 1436-1447.
- Jyoti R. Munavalli, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, Aravind Srinivasan, G. G. Van Merode, “Workflow-Based Adaptive Layout Design to Improve the Patient Flow in the Outpatient Clinics”, Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, Apr. 2021, pp. 8249-57. (Scopus indexed)
- Rachana G Kummar, Suhas J Shetty, Vismith Upadhya P J, Jyoti R Munavalli, “Brain Computing Interface – Applications and Challenges”, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering, Volume 23, Issue 2, Ser. III (Mar. – Apr. 2021), pp. 29-40.
- Deepali B K, Chethana Saligram, Gowri K S, J Ajay Kumar, Jyoti R Munavalli, “Voice Controlled Personal Health Assistance Device using Natural Language Processing and Random Forest Disease Classifier”, Journal of Critical Reviews 7 (15), 2020, 3255-3265 (Scopus indexed)
- Akshatha Pramod, Deeksha.R, Neha H.C, Jyoti R Munavalli, “Automated Real-Time Locust Management using Artificial Intelligence”, International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology, 2020 Vol. 5, Issue 4, ISSN No. 2455-2143, Pages 133-138.
- Rachana R. Vaidya, Aashvi Nagendra, Shreyas B., Jyoti R. Munavalli, “Predictive and Comparative Analysis for Diabetes using Machine Learning Algorithms”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2020, 29(3), pp. 14407 – 14416. (Scopus indexed)
- Swathi Dayanand, Varshitha K R, Rohini T, Yashajyothi M Shirur, Jyoti R Munavalli. “Low Power High Speed Vedic Techniques in Recent VLSI Design – A Survey”, Perspectives in Communication, Embedded Systems and Signal Processing (PiCES) – An International Journal, 2020.
- Chethana Saligram, Deepali B K, Gowri K S, J Ajay Kumar, Jyoti R Munavalli, “Symptoms Extraction from a Voice Input using Natural Language Processing”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 9, No. 4, April 2020.
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, S. Aravind, G.G van Merode, “An intelligent real-time scheduler for out-patient clinics: A multi-agent system model”, Health Informatics Journal, Vol. 26, No. 4, 2020 (Scopus indexed & Web of Science)
- J Ajay Kumar, Girish P Kulkarni, Jyoti R Munavalli, “Recent Trends and Developments in Computer Networks: A Literature Survey”, International Journal of Advances in Electronics and Computer Science, Vol. 6, No. 9, Sept 2019.
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, S. Aravind, G.G van Merode, “Integral patient scheduling in outpatient clinics under demand uncertainty to minimize patient waiting times”, (Online first 8 March 2019), Health Informatics Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1, 2020. (Scopus indexed & Web of Science)
- Jyoti R Munavalli, “Are we not losing that humane touch in healthcare?”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Healthcare, Vol. 5, No. 1, Oct 2018.
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Veena S Murthy, “An Impact of Healthcare Innovations on Big-data and VLSI Trends”, International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 7, 2018.
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Real-time Scheduling in Outpatient clinics, Maastricht University, 2017.
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, S. Aravind, Usha Manjunath, G. G. van Merode, “A robust predictive resource planning under demand uncertainty to improve waiting times in outpatient clinics”, Journal of Health Management, Vol.19, No.4, 2017. (Scopus & Web of Science indexed)
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, S. Aravind, G. G. van Merode, “Optimization in Workflow Management: Ophthalmology”, Journal of Health Management, Vol. 18, No.1, 2016. (Scopus & Web of Science indexed)
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Frits van Merode, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, A. Srinivas, “Healthcare of India: Today and Tomorrow”, International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, vol.3, 2014.
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Frits van Merode, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, “Challenges in Healthcare”, Express Healthcare, May 2014, 36-38
- Tejas S Koundinya, Brinda S, Nikhil S, Meenakshi Aishwarya Thelapurath, R Chinmayee and Jyoti R Munavalli, “A Comparative Study of Joint and Bolt Structures with and without Edge Detection using CNN”, 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT) Goa, India. Jan 24-26, 2022
- Tejas S. Koundinya, S. C. Gowda and Jyoti R. Munavalli, “Dhanvantari: An intelligent diagnosis tool to classify malignant skin disease and Lung conditions using Deep Learning,” 2022 6th International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), Bangalore, India, pp. 1-6, 2022.
- Shashank Simha B K, Rahul M, Jyoti R Munavalli, Prajwal Anand,” Dual-Language Detection using Machine Learning”, International Conference on VLSI, Communications and Computer Communication, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Technologies, AnaPub Publications, 177-180, December 2022.
- Jyoti R. Munavalli, Frits van Merode, “Image Processing for Patient Pathway Optimization”, International Conference on Computational Methods and Data Engineering (ICCMDE2021), Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, Nov 25-26, 2021.
- Sailesh R, Sree Madhumitha Seemakurthi, Sirish Ambarish, Jyoti R. Munavalli, “AutoNav: A Lane and Object Detection Model for Self-Driving Cars”, International Conference on Computational Methods and Data Engineering (ICCMDE2021), Vellore Institute of Technology, Tamilnadu, Nov 25-26, 2021.
- Rachana G. Kummar, Suhas J. Shetty, S. N. Vishwas, P. J. Vismith Upadhya, Jyoti R. Munavalli, “Edu-bot: An AI based Smart Chatbot for Knowledge Management System”, 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computation System and Information Technology for Sustainable Solutions (CSITSS), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CSITSS54238.2021.9683011 (Scopus indexed).
- Sai Priya Nalluri, Reshma. L, Jyoti R. Munavalli, “Evaluation of Virtual Reality opportunities during Pandemic”, 2021 6th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT51068.2021.9418003.(Scopus indexed)
- Jyoti R Munavalli, Shyam Vasudeva Rao, A. Srinivas, S. Aravind, Frits van Merode, “Takt-Time Based Resource Optimization Model to Minimize Patient Wait Time in a Hospital” at EURO (European Conference on Operations Research) XV, Vilnius, Lithuania 2012.
- Swetha Rani, Jyoti R Munavalli, “An efficient hardware design of an elliptic curve cryptosystem on FPGA” in a national level technical symposium in Shirdi Sai Engineering College, Bangalore, 2010.
- Jyoti R Munavalli, “Processing of Bit-Map Image Data for Pattern Recognition using Artificial Neural Network” at a Conference in New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore, 2009.
Book Chapter:
- Munavalli, J. R., Sankpal, P. R, Sumathi, A and Oli J.M. (2023) Introduction to Brain–Computer Interface Applications and Challenges. In M.G. Sumithra, Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj, Mariofanna Milanova, Balamurugan Balusamy, Chandran Venkatesan (Eds), Brain-Computer Interface: Using Deep Learning Applications. (pp. 1-24). Wiley-Scrivener Publishing LLC. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119857655.ch1
- https://doi.org/10.1002/9781119857655.ch1 Munavalli, J. R., Bindu S., & Shirur, Y. J. (2023). Applications of Internet of Things with Deep Learning. In T. Kavitha, G. Senbagavalli, D. Koundal, Y. Guo, & D. Jain (Eds.), Convergence of Deep Learning and Internet of Things: Computing and Technology (pp. 285-307). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-6275-1.ch014
- Jyoti R. Munavalli, Henri J. Boersma, Shyam Vasudeva Rao and G. G. van Merode, book chapter titled “Real-Time Capacity Management and Patient Flow Optimization in Hospitals Using AI Methods” in Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Healthcare, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Springer International Publishing, Edition 1, 2020.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-45240-7
- Madhumitha, S.S., Sailesh, R., Sirish, A., Munavalli, J.R. (2023). AutoNav: A Lane and Object Detection Model for Self-Driving Cars. In: Asari, V.K., Singh, V., Rajasekaran, R., Patel, R.B. (eds) Computational Methods and Data Engineering. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, vol 139. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3015-7_17
- Munavalli J.R., Boersma H.J., Rao S.V., van Merode G.G. (2021) Real-Time Capacity Management and Patient Flow Optimization in Hospitals Using AI Methods. In: Masmoudi M., Jarboui B., Siarry P. (eds) Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining in Healthcare. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-45240-7_3
- A Sumathi, Sankpal P. R., Munavalli J. R., A N Anusha (2024) Prediction of Onset of Seizures from EEG Signals Using ML Techniques. In Ganesh Naik, Wellington Pinheiro dos Santos, Gaetano Gargiulo, Advanced Electroencephalography Analytical Methods: Fundamentals, Acquisition, and Applications. CRC Press. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003252092
- Munavalli, J. R., Deshpande R.R., Oli, J M (2024) AI Techniques for 6G Applications. In Suman Lata Tripathi, Mufti Mahmud, C. Narmadha, S. Albert Alexander, Development of 6G Networks and Technology. John Wiley & Sons. 3. Yasha Jyothi M. Shirur, S. Bindu, Munavalli, J.R., Lightweight Crypto Mechanisms and Key Management in IoT Scenario. In T. Kavitha, M.K. Sandhya, V.J. Subashini, Prasidh Srikanth. Secure Communication in Internet of Things Emerging Technologies, Challenges, and Mitigation, CRC Press.
Hobbies : Reading, travelling
Sports : Chess, badminton, carom
Music : Enjoy listening music and singing, but not a trained musician.