This post was last updated on October 4th, 2024

Designation :Associate Professor
Area of specialization :Digital Communication and networking
Date of Joining BNMIT : 21/07/2014
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) :Regular
E-mail Id :
No. of years of Experience : 12
Qualification: PhD, MTech, BE
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
Ph. D. | Dr AIT | July 2024 |
M. Tech. (Digital Communication and Networking) | Dr AIT | September 2012 |
B.E. (Telecommunication Engineering) | VKIT | June 2008 |
Experience :
Teaching : 12
Research :
Sl No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Assistant Professor | BNMIT | 10 years |
2 | Lecturer | KSIT | 2 years |
Awards and Achievements:
- University 2nd Rank in M-Tech, VTU
- Gold medal award for securing 2nd rank in M.Tech.
Responsibilities Department level:
- Internship Coordinator
- Code Crunch Hackathon Coordinator
- Student Mentoring
- SDP Coordinator
- NPTEL/MOOC Coordinator from 2019 to till date
- Exam Coordinator during 2019-2020
- T5/TW5 mentor August 2018-August 2019
- Timetable Coordinator during 2017-2019
- Website Coordinator during 2015-16
- FDP Coordinator during 2015-16
- NSS/Sports Coordinator during 2015-16
- NAAC Coordinator during 2014-15, 2016-17
- BETA/ISTE Coordinator from 2014 to till date
- Cultural Co-ordination during 2014-15
Expertise/Subjects handled
- Basic Electronics,
- Basic Electrical,
- Digital Communication,
- Information Theory and Coding,
- Electronic Instrumentation,
- Communication,
- Satellite Communication,
- Advanced Communication,
- Digital signal processing,
- Microprocessors,
- Wireless Broadband and 4G LTE networks,
- Internet of Things
Research Interest:
- IoT and WSN based application
Patent :
- Patent published for, “A System for Controlling Electric Appliances using Head Movements” with reference no.202341032838 on 23/06/2023.
- Patent published and accepted with the number 358315-001 in Journal No 16/2022 Date-22/04/2022 for shape and configuration of Pregnancy monitoring apparatus.
- Reviewed research articles
- Reviewer for Computer Networks, Elsevier journal
- Reviewer for IEEE conference
- Completed short term courses on:
- “Introduction to soft Computing” offered through NPTEL during Jan-April 2024
- “Design Verification” offered through Chipedge Technologies from December 2022- May 2023
- “Data Science for Engineers” offered through NPTEL during Jul-sept 2022
- “Simulink Onramp” offered through MathWorks during Feb 2022
- “Python for Data Science” offered through NPTEL during Jan-Feb 2022
- “5G Technology Strategy: Next-Generation Mobile Networking” online course completed on Dec 28, 2021, offered through LinkedIn.
- “Learning Arduino: Pulse Width Modulation” online course completed on Dec 28, 2021, offered through LinkedIn.
- “Cloud Concepts: Determining Your Cloud Strategy” online course completed on Dec 22, 2021, offered through LinkedIn.
- “Introduction to Network Routing” online course completed on Dec 22, 2021, offered through LinkedIn.
- “Learning Python (2020)” online course completed on Dec 04, 2021, offered through LinkedIn.
- “Python Code Challenges” online course completed on Dec 28, 2021, offered through LinkedIn.
- “The Data Scientist’s Toolbox” an online non-credit course authorized by Johns Hopkins University and offered through Coursera
- “Introduction to Virtual Reality” an online non-credit course authorized by the University of London and Goldsmiths, University of London, and offered through Coursera
- “Effective Engineering Teaching in Practice” offered through NPTEL during Jan-Feb 2020
- “Introduction to R software” offered through NPTEL in Aug-Oct 2019
- “Industrial Internet of Things 4.0″ offered through NPTEL during Jan-Apr 2019
- “Wireless Sensor and Adhoc Networks” offered through NPTEL during Feb-Mar 2018
- Invited Talks Delivered:
- “Sensors and Actuators” at Dr AIT, Bangalore, conducted by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication on 8th May 2024.
- “Wireless Networks” at Dr. AIT, Bangalore, under TTF conducted by Department of Telecommunication Engg. M.Tech. On 8th December 2014.
- Lakshmi Bhaskar, Yamuna Devi, C.R. “Modified Genetic Algorithm Approach for Enhancement of WSN Services.” Published in Journal of Institution of Engineers. India Series. B (2024).
- Ashwini S Savanth, Lakshmi Bhaskar, Sumathi A, Sunitha S V, Sarala T, “Robotic Arm controlled using Electromyography Signals” (Published in TIJER, ISSN 2349-9249 , December 2023, Volume 10, Issue 12,
- Abhi A Bharadwaj, Manu K, Dhanush Upadhya R, Prabhavathi P, Lakshmi Bhaskar, Daksh Pankaj Patel “Implementation of a 32-bit MAC unit in ASIC flow using Vedic Multiplier and CSA” (Published in 2024 International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE) | 979-8-3503-0641-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IITCEE59897.2024.10467383)
- Hamsini U, Hemanth Prasad N , Kathyayani Bhatta, Lakshmi Bhaskar “Automated Awning System”(Published in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics (IITCEE), Bengaluru, India, 2023, pp. 674-678, doi: 10.1109/IITCEE57236.2023.10090905.)
- Sachin Maheswary, Suprat Poudel, Rajashekhar Choudury, Rajkumar I Revannavar, Lakshmi Bhaskar “GPS-based Smart Parking System” (Published in HTL Journal Volume 28, Issue 8 August 2022, doi: 10.37896/HTL28.08/6322 )
- Lakshmi Bhaskar, Dr. Yamuna Devi C R “Performance analysis of CC- LEACH” (Published in HTL Journal Volume 28, Issue 7 July 2022, doi: 10.37896/HTL28.07/6133)
- Thanuja S R, B Lekhana, Apoorva S, Bhavana R, Lakshmi Bhaskar, “Crop Protection and Animal Intrusion Detection System” (Published in JETIR, Volume 7, Issue 7, July 2020)
- Lakshmi Bhaskar, Dr. Yamuna Devi C R “Data Aggregation and its Impact on Performance Enhancement” (Published in Elsevier-Scopus Indexed International Journal of Innovative Technology Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2S, December 2019)
- Soumyashree P K, Nandini M Samanth, Bhavya T N, Lakshmi Bhaskar “Agricultural Robot” (Published in JETIR Volume 6 Issue 6, July 2019)
- Bindu S, Ashwini S Savanth, Lakshmi Bhaskar “Smart Agriculture with conducting Polymers using UDP” (Published in JETIR, Volume 5 Issue 12, December 2018).
- Bindu S, Priya R Sankpal, Lakshmi Bhaskar “A Survey on Smart Materials to Mitigate Spacecraft Charging” (Published in IJIRSET, Volume 6, Issue 7, July 2017).
- Adithya S, Anirudh V Rao, Adarsh, Naren, Lakshmi Bhaskar “Data Transmission Using Visible Light Communication.” (Published in journal International Journal of Advanced Research (August (31) issue, VOL 4 (2016)).)
- Lakshmi Bhaskar, Dr. B Sivakumar “A Location-Based Remote Client Authentication Protocol for Mobile Environment (LRAP)” is published in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOBILE COMMUNICATION & NETWORKING (IJMCN) 2012.
- Presented a Paper entitled “Implementation on Recognition of Speech Signals using MFCC Technique” in two-day National conference on “Wireless Control & communication (NCWCT 2011)” conducted on 27th & 28th April 2011 at Dr. AIT Bangalore-56.
- Presented a Paper entitled “A Location-Based Remote Client Authentication Protocol for Mobile
- Environment (LRAP)” in 2nd National Conference on Networking Embedded and Wireless Systems (NEWS-2012) organized by Dept. of ECE on 3rd and 4th of Aug’2012 at BMSCE,Bengaluru-19
- Presented a Paper entitled “DCTGA-A new evolutionary approach to enhance the WSN Performance” in the International Multi Conference on Advances in Information Technology, Communication and Energy Systems-AICTES 2024 held from 23rd to 24th January at Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Presented a Paper entitled “The Design and ASIC flow Implementation of Advanced Peripheral Bus Protocol using EDA Tools” in in the International Multi Conference on Advances in Information Technology, Communication and Energy Systems-AICTES 2024 held from 23rd to 24th January at Dr Ambedkar Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
- Presented a Paper entitled “Automated Awning System”, in the IEEE International Conference on “Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing Electrical and Electronics” held on 27th and 28th January 2023 BNMIT, Bangalore.
- Presented a Paper entitled “Performance analysis of classic LEACH vs CC-LEACH” in the International Conference on Computer Vision and Robotics (CVR 2022) held in May 2022 BBDU Lucknow, India (ONLINE MODE)
- Presented a Paper entitled “Data Aggregation and its Impact on Performance Enhancement” in ICDECS-2019 held during December 19-20 2019. (Published in Elsevier-Scopus Indexed International Journal of Innovative Technology Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-9 Issue-2S, December 2019)
- Participated in three days (1st to 3rd August 2019) International conferences on “Elevating Consciousness through Meditation for Global Harmony” co-hosted by the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore and Heartfulness Institute at IIM, Bangalore.
- Music,
- Art and craft work
- Badminton
- Carnatic Music
Any other things:
- Doing science projects