This post was last updated on October 4th, 2024

N Sheshaprasad
Designation :Professor
Area of specialization : Antenna
Date of Joining BNMIT : 8/1/2002
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) :Regular
E-mail Id
No. of years of Experience : 25 Years
Qualification: BE, M Tech, (PhD)
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
PhD | BMSCE | February 2022 |
MTech | BMSCE | July 2002 |
BE | BMSCE | Aug 1998 |
- Teaching – 25 years
- Industry – 1 year
- Research – 10 years
Sl No | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | HOD | Humanities Department, BNMIT | 11-5-2022 – till date. |
2 | Professor | ECE DEPT, BNMIT | 14-6-2023 – till date |
3 | Associate professor | Dept. of ECE, BNMIT | 5-3-2012 to 13-06-2023 (8 years 8 months) |
4 | Assistant Professor | Dept. of ECE, BNMIT | 1-1-2007 to 4-3-2012 (5 years 2 months) |
3 | Lecturer | Dept of ECE,BNMIT | 1-8-2002 to 31-12-2006 (4 years 4 months) |
5 | Lecturer | Dept. of TCE, BMSCE | 27-03-2001 to 01-08.2002 (1year 4 months) |
6 | Lecturer | Dept. of ECE, BMSCE | 06-10-1999 to 31-01.2001 (1year 3 months) |
7 | R & D Engineer | PRIYARAJ ELECTRONICS, Bengaluru | 01-09-1998 to 30-09- 1999 ( 1 year) |
Awards and Achievements
- 2nd Rank in M.Tech, VTU, 2002. 1st Rank Music, MA Kannada
- Awarded as “The Best Outgoing Student of BMS College of Engineering” in the year 1998.
- Best paper award in ICNEWS 2018, International Conference on Networking, Embedded and wireless Systems, 27-28 December 2018 at BMSCE.
- IEEE photonics society Execom Member, Incharge IEEE Student chapters, HoD, Humanities Dept
University level:
- Team Manager for VTU Youth Cultural Festivals
College level:
- Head, Cultural activities, Chairman, BoE
Department level:
- Head, Cultural activities, Chairman, BoE
Expertise/Subjects handled
- Internet of Things,
- Basic Electricals and Electronics
- Engineering Electro-Magnetics
- Analog electronics
- Electro-Magnetic Waves and Transmission lines
- Digital IC Applications
- Basic Electronics, Microwaves and Radar
- Microwaves and Antenna
- Projects on Communication and Antennas
Research Interest:
- Microstrip Antenna for Human body communication
- Music Technology , Antennas
Funding received
- Virtual Eye
Students: Pruthvi. S, Shama.M.S, Hitesh. V. Harithas, Sandesh. S. Chiploonkar of 8th Sem ECE, 2018.
Funding Agency: NSTEDB, DST, Govt of India, New Delhi
Amount: 2 Lakhs
Duration: 01 years (August 2017 – August 2018)
Reviewed research articles
IEEE journals and Conferences
Completed short term courses on:
Python, Antennas, Matlab, IoT, Cyber Security, AI, ML
Total Number of Paper Publications = 19
International Journals – 16
- Dr. N Sheshaprasad, Kumar A C, Niranjan C, Yashas Gowda C P, “A Review on Unlocking the Potential of Microstrip Antennas: A Promising Approach for Non-invasive Testicular Cancer Detection” GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL, VOLUME 11, ISSUE 5, May – 2024 ISSN NO : 1869-9391 PAGE NO: 460-469
- Sheshaprasad & Dr.Rameshwar Rao, “Design and development of a system for generating Carnatic Music from Brain Signals”,52nd congress of Indian Society of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) – An International Meet, in association with IIT Kharagpur from 14th to 17th December 2007.
- Sheshaprasad & Dr.Rameshwar Rao, “Music of the Brain – A Mathematical Model”,55th congress of Indian Society of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) – An International Meet, from 20th to 25th Jan 2010.
- Kiran Koli & N.Sheshaprasad, “Implementation of Interleaver address generator for multimode communication in WLAN” International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, IJERTV4IS051286, 2-6-2015.
- N.Sheshaprasad & Meghana Mohan, “Design and Implementation of IoT Based Integrated Model for WarehouseInventory Management and Environment Monitoring”, in IJMTER, Volume3, Issue 6, June 2016 International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering Research (IJMTER) ISSN(Online): 2349-9745, page 2393-8161. Impact Factor 3.518.
- N.Sheshaprasad & Meghashree D, “ LTE Handover Parameter Optimization for self configuring and self healing networks ”, in IRJET, Volume4, Issue 5, May 2017International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056, p-ISSN:2395-0072. Impact Factor 5.181.
- N.Sheshaprasad, “ Design and performance analysis of UWB linearly polarized coaxial fed circular patch antenna for biomedical applications ”, in IJERR, Volume 6, Issue 2, April-June 2018 International journal of Research and Reviews, ISSN: 2348-697x(online), pp 36-39.
- Sheshaprasad, “ Design and performance analysis of UWB linearly polarized coaxial fed circular patch antenna for biomedical applications ”, in IJERR, Volume 6, Issue 2, April-June 2018 International journal of Research and Reviews, ISSN: 2348-697x(online), pp 36-39.
- N Shesha Prasad, Adithya B R, and Adithya N Simha, “Design and Implementation of Ultra-Wide Band Microstrip Antenna,” International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 4, Issue 2, pp. 470-473, 2019. IMPACT FACTOR 5.23
- N Shesha Prasad, Aishwarya J, Apoorva S M, Deepika R, and Navya H N, “Design of an Ultra-Wide Band Fractal Antenna for Various Wireless and IoT Applications,”International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science, Volume 5, Issue 2, pp. 196-200, June 2020. IMPACT FACTOR 5.23.
- Sheshaprasad , Chandrashekar C , P A Vijaya , Basavaraj I Neelgar, “Analysis of a printed UWB antenna and the effects of human body in WBAN applications”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 6, June -2021. ISSN: 1007-6735.
- Sheshaprasad, Aditi Rao, Bhoomika R, Eva D. Saglani, “Design of UWB Antenna for Human Body Communication”, Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Volume 23, Issue 6, June -2021. ISSN: 1007-6735.
- Sheshaprasad, S. B. Bhanu Prashanth, “The Design of an Inset Fed Wide Band Antenna Operating from 23 to 30 GHz for Wearable Smart Watch Applications”, International Journal of Science of Research (IJSR), Volume 10, Issue 11, November 2021, 819 – 824.
- Sheshaprasad, S. B. Bhanu Prashanth, “Studies on human body effects on a printed UWB microstrip antenna, and SAR analysis in WBAN applications.” International Journal of Engineering Science Invention (IJESI), Vol. 10(11), November 2021, PP 08-17. Journal DOI-10.35629/6734.
- N Sheshaprasad, Kiran K N, Sumathi A, “a 28 ghz 5g high gain mimo antenna array system for human body communication”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.10, Issue 7, pp.a482-a486, July 2022, Available at :
- N. Shesha Prasad, Bhavana V, Abhiram C, Anshika Philo Nivedha K, “the synthesis of bio acoustic music using plants”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.10, Issue 7, pp.c23-c26, July 2022, Available at :
- N Shesha Prasad, Nikhil Sharma, Puneeth Shenoy, Sumit Kumar Shukla, “skin cancer detection using microstrip antenna” International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) Volume: 07 Issue: 05 | May – 2023 Impact Factor: 8.176 ISSN: 2582-3930. DOI:10.55041/ijsrem21813.
International Conferences- 3
- N.Sheshaprasad & Dr.Rameshwar Rao, “Design and development of a system for generating Carnatic Music from Brain Signals”, 52nd congress of Indian Society of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) – An International Meet, in association with IIT Kharagpur from 14th to 17th December 2007
- N.Sheshaprasad & Dr.Rameshwar Rao, “Music of the Brain – A Mathematical Model”, 55th congress of Indian Society of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics (ISTAM) – An International Meet, from 20th to 25th Jan 2010.
- Sheshaprasad, Dr. Bhanu Prashanth “Studieson feed dependent characteristics of Patch antenna for wireless body area networks ”, in ICNEWS 2018, International Conference on Networking, Embedded and wireless Systems, 27-28 December 2018 at BMSCE. BEST PAPER AWARD. IEEE Paper.
- Sheshaprasad, Dr. Bhanu Prashanth “A Study of UWB Microstrip Antenna parameters for wireless applications”, in IConDSC 2019, International Conference on Data Science and Communication, 1-2 March 2019 at Christ University. IEEE Paper.
National Conferences/ Workshops/Symposium –0
Citation Index for Publications = 1, h-index =1 and i10-index = 0
- Trekking
- Adventurous sports
- Carnatic Classical Vocal
Any other things
- First Rank in Junior and Senior Carnatic Classical Vocal exams conducted by Karnataka secondary Education Board.
- First Runner upin E – TV YEDE THUMBI HADUVENU Competition Conducted by Sri. S. P. BALASUBRAHMANIAM in 2005 and in “Voice of Bangalore season 4” conducted by Garuda Mall in 2010.
- Team Manager for Inter University South Zone Youth Cultural Festival in 2005.
- B High Grade artist in AIR and Dooradarshan.
- Conducted Cultural Programs at National and International level Workshops.
- Rendered voice for various CDs and Cassettes and also for various kannada TV serials.
- Participated in “Madhura maduravee manjulagaana” a popular programme conducted by Dooradarshan Chandana
- Done trekking at KODACHADRI, YANA, JOG FALLS, KUDREMUKH, MUTHODI, AVALANCHE and THIRUPATHI etc. on bare foot, Left Leg being affected by POLIO.