This post was last updated on April 1st, 2024

Dr. Sujaya B L
Designation : Associate Professor
Area of specialization : Communication and Embedded Systems
Date of Joining BNMIT :11/8/2004
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id
No. of years of Experience : 22 Years
Qualification : MTech
Degree | Institution | Year of Passing |
PhD | BMSCE Research Center, VTU | 2023 |
MTech | Dr MGR Deemed University | October 2006 |
BE | BIT, Bangalore University | October1999 |
Experience: 22 Years
- Teaching – 22 Years
- Industry – 10 Months
Sl No | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1. | Associate Professor | BNMIT | 2023 to Till Date |
2. | Assistant Professor | BNMIT | 2012 to 2023 |
3. | Senior Lecturer | BNMIT | 2008 to 2012 |
4. | Lecturer | DSCE | 2002 to 2004 |
College Level- IIC Co-Ordinator
Department Level- Counsellor, Result Analysis, Seminar Co-Ordinator, Project Co-Ordinator, SDP Co-Ordinator
Awards and Achievements:
- Conferred with Doctoral Degree in 23rd VTU Convocation on March 7th 2024
- Received Best Paper Award in ICCSA conference July 2021
- Deputy Chief Superintendent external at VTU PG Studies in 2013.
- Exam Co-coordinator, Counselor, Test co-coordinator , Result Analysis at department Level
Expertise/Subjects handled
Under Graduate:
- Embedded Systems, Signal Processing, Image processing, Sensors, RTOS, Networking, Digital System Design , Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Computer Organization and Architecture, Network and Cyber Security
Research Interest:
- Wireless Communication Networks, Embedded Systems , Bio-Medical Signal Processing
Funding received
International Journals
- Sujaya B L, Manu Srinath, Vishesh “Conceptual study of wireless BAN using Bluetooth/ IEEE 802.11n” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ISSN:2278-1021, Volume5, Issue:11, Nov2016 pp 394-398.
- Karthik J, Nagaraj B, Pavan Kumar H S, Rahul S Rathod, Sujaya B L, “Intelligent Security for Indian Army”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research ISSN:2349-5162, Volume 6, Issue 6, June 2019, pp965-969.
- Sujaya B L, Rashmi S Bhaskar, “Communication Performances of Intrabody Communication for WBAN”, SSRG International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (SSRG- IJECE) – ISSN: 2348 – 8549 Volume 6 Issue –6 June 2019 pp15-18.
- Sujaya B L, Dr. S B Bhanu Prashanth, “PHY-DTR: An Efficient PHY based Digital Transceiver for Body Coupled Communication using IEEE 802.3 on FPGA Platform”, (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol. 12, No. 2, 282-288, 2021.
- Sujaya B L, Rashmi S Bhaskar, “A Modelling of Context-Aware Elderly Healthcare Eco-System-(CA-EHS) Using Signal Analysis and Machine Learning Approach” , Wireless Personal Communication 119, 2501–2516(2021).
- Sumukh R Pobbathi, Sujan Bharadwaj, Srikanth A, Sujaya. B.L, “Secured Money Transaction using Multi Account Embedded ATM Card”, IRJET- International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 7, Issue 7,2020.
- Sujaya, B.L, and S.B. Bhanu Prashanth. ” Design and Performance analysis of Human Body Communication (HBC) Digital Transceiver for WBAN Applications on FPGA Platform.” International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), Vol. 12, No. 3, Pages 2206- 2213, 2022,
- Sujaya B L, Varun R Chaturvedi, Vijay Thirumalai, Sindhu V, Vindhya P G, “ Stress Detection Using Facial Recognition and ECG Analysis”, IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSR-JVSP) Volume 11, Issue 6 (Nov. – Dec. 2021), pp.46-51 e-ISSN: 2319-4200, p-ISSN: 2319-4197.
- Sujaya B L and S. B Bhanu Prashanth. “ DESIGN OF AN FPGA BASED WALSH-CODING SCHEME FOR HUMAN BODY COMMUNICATION”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN:2320-2882, Volume.9, Issue 11, pp.c635-c640, November 2021,
- B.L. Sujaya, S.B. Bhanu Prashanth, “An efficient hardware-based human body communication transceiver architecture for WBAN applications”, Global Transitions Proceedings, Volume 2, Issue 2, 2021, Pages 152-156, ISSN 2666-285X, Presented in International Conference on Computing System and its Applications (ICCSA – 2021) organized by Acharya Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India in association with TIE, Bengaluru, July 2021.
- Gardening
- Crafts
- Listening to light music and old movie songs
- Movies
- Chess
- Instrumental and Old Songs
Any other things