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    This post was last updated on       November 9th, 2024

Admission Under Management Quota for 1st year B.E. Program for the academic year 2024-2025

  • UGC, VTU, and State Government have approved Autonomous Status.
  • AICTE approval obtained on 25/06/2021.
  • Students seeking admission for the following B.E. programs are hereby required to send their request for the Engineering program of their choice, along with the scanned copies of the 10th, 11th and 12thstd (if already completed) along with the Mobile Number to the e-mail id admissions@bnmit.in or submit the same documents to the Administrative Office at the campus. On receipt of the mail documents, the management office will peruse and will advise you.
Sl. No.UGYearly

Tuition Fees (Rs. In Lakhs)

1Computer Science and Engineering8.00
2Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning7.00
3Information Science and Engineering6.00
4Electronics and Communication Engineering5.50
5Electrical and Electronics Engineering3.00
6Mechanical Engineering2.00

*Exam fees – Rs. 6000 per year

The above Fees  includes Application and University fees (Rs. 10,000), College Fees (Rs. 20,000)  & Skill Development Fees (Rs. 20,000) (Total Rs. 50,000/- per year)

Sl. No.PGYearly

Tuition Fees

2M.Tech. (CSE & VLSI) (50,000+75,000)

                               Skill Development Fee

Sl. No.ParticularsAmount
1Professional development and ability enhancement  programmes (Mathworks, Lab view, MOOCs, NPTEL courses)2000
2Makers Lab – Experiential Learning Lab (for hands-on experience and for implementing mini projects of students’ choice)2000
3Innovative Student Project guidance, conversion of students’ innovative ideas to prototypes2000
4Workshop / seminar / conference etc.,1000
5Industry institutional interaction programs, Industrial visits, Internships (beyond curriculum)4000
6Placement training fee (Career guidance, Communication Skills, Aptitude Skills, GD Skills, Mock interviews, Company specific Mock tests, Analysis of results)6000
7Training fees for Liberal and Creative arts like dance, drama, music, environmental activities etc.3000

                                   Other and University Fee

Sl. No.ParticularsAmount
1Application fees1000
2Registration and prospectus fees1500
3College ID card & Library card fees500
4Technical journal fees / online subscription fees2000
(e-journal fees)
5Library fee2000
6Student welfare and Insurance1000
7Sports fees including specialized coaching (Cricket, Tennis, Basket Ball, Volley Ball, Table Tennis, adventure camps etc.,)2000
8Activities fees like Cultural club, nature club, robotics club, NSS, NCC & self defence1500
9Department Association fee and membership to various professional bodies1500
10Online communication to students, parents regarding attendance, IA & progress reports etc. through college management software2000
11AICTE activity points – Rural camps, Environmental activities1500
12Tab Based Internal Examination and result processing1500
13Bag & stationary kit2000
14University Fee10000

*Special fee structure will be provided to the deserving students based on academic merits, sports and cultural achievements.

  • Examination Fees will be extra as per College Norms.
  • Cash transactions are not allowed.
  • All the payments are to be made either by DD or online only favoring the BNMIT, after confirmation by the Management Office.