BNMIT, Department of MBA, had organized an orientation program for the new batch of MBA from 18th January 2021 to 22nd January 2021. The objective of the orientation was to provide the newly joined students a glimpse of activities, facilities available, action plans, skill sets expected from them etc. About 107 students attended the program.
Three external guest speakers were invited to orient the students on the roles and responsibilities of MBA students through a few soft skill areas such as Motivation and goal setting, Transformation (Parivarthan) and Expectation management.
The brief profiles of the external speakers are as mentioned below:
While the external guest speakers highlighted the importance of the course through topics such as motivation, goal setting, transformation, managing expectations etc., the In-house faculty oriented the students about the academic requirements of the course as per VTU, curriculum contents, rules and regulations, training and placements, cocurricular and extracurricular activities, Clubs and Committees, infrastructure facilities available for the students etc.
Inaugural program(23-01-2021):
To welcome the new batch of MBA and M Tech, an inaugural program was organized on 23rd January 2021, Saturday.
Shri. PB Kotur, who is currently working as Head – Global Freshers Engagement Program at Wipro Limited was invited as the chief guest. He is also a Global Goodwill Ambassador, Author, Educationist, Global Talent Transformer, Motivational Speaker, Keynote speaker and a corporate leader.
Shri. Narayan Rao R. Maanay, Secretary, BNMEI, Shri Ashok R. Maanay, Joint Secretary, BNMEI, Prof. TJ Ramamurthy, Director, BNMIT, Dr. SY Kulkarni, Additional Director, BNMIT, Prof. Eshwar N Maanay, Dean, BNMIT, Dr. Krishnamurthy GN, Principal, BNMIT, Heads of various departments, teaching and non-teaching staff witnessed the program along with thefresh batch of students and their parents. The program was conducted following Social distancing protocols of Covid 19.
The program began with an invocation song performed by “Team Kalabhageerathi”, the cultural club of BNMIT.
Dr. L Vijayashree, Prof.& Head, New Gen IEDC delivered the welcome speech, after whichthe dignitaries formally inaugurated the program by the traditional lighting of the lamp.
Shri Ashok R Maanay, Joint Secretary, BNMEI congratulated the students for choosing BNMIT for their professional study and wished them all success to not only gain knowledge, but also to contribute to the society as citizens of the nation.
The program was interspersed with a medley ofmusical performances bythe team “Kalabhageerathi” who performed a melodious group song and Ms. Bhuvana, student of 1st Semester, MBA who rendered a soothing performance of Angklung, an Indonesian instrument.
The Presidential address was given by Shri Nararayan Rao R Maanay, Secretary BNMEI. Sir emphasised on enjoying the learning process and skilling oneself not just to secure jobs, but to create employment for others and contribute towards nation building.
Dr. Mukund Sharma, Prof. & Head, MBA department, introduced Mr. PB Kotur, the chief guest of the program, who was then felicitated by the dignitaries on the stage.
Mr. Kotur advised the students to use technology for knowledge acquisition, collaboration and communication. He congratulated the students for choosing BNMIT as their place of study where the leadership demonstrates values and ethics through their actions. Mr.Kotur highlighted the three I’s highly appreciated in the corporate- Initiative, Innovation and Integrity. He also emphasised on the need for having excellent communication skills whereby one can communicate both the content as well as the intent.
All the dignitaries addressed the gathering highlighted the importance of Management education in present day and the need for developing their skills to reach greater heights.
The program concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Dr. P A Vijaya, Prof. & Head, ECE Department, and the National Anthem after which the students and parents were invited to partake the refreshments arranged for them.