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    This post was last updated on       October 18th, 2024

Objective (As per NAAC)


The primary aim of  IQAC is :

  • To develop a system for conscious, consistent, and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.

IQAC Members

Sl. No.Name of the memberAffiliationRole
1.Dr. S.Y KulkarniAdditional Director

and Principal

2.Prof. T. J Rama MurthyDirectorMember
3.Dr. Krishnamurthy G. NDeputy DirectorMember
4.Dr. K Chandrashekaran

Dept of CSE, Professor, NITK, Surathkal

VTU NomineeMember
5.Dr. Narendranath Udupa

Independent Consultant, Bengaluru

VTU NomineeMember
6.Dr. Amitkumar Onkar

CSIR-NAL, Bengaluru

VTU NomineeMember
7.Dr. B. K. JayannaCOEMember
8.Dr. Saritha ChakrasaliHead – T&PMember
9.Dr. Vijayashree LHead – IEDCMember
10.Dr. Chayadevi M LHOD – CSEMember
11.Dr. S SrividhyaHOD – ISEMember
12.Dr. Yasha Jyothi M. ShirurHOD – ECEMember
13.Dr. Venkatesha K.HOD – EEEMember
14.Dr. Sheba SelvamHOD – AIMLMember
15.Dr. B S Anil KumarHOD – MEMember
16.Dr. L. Venkata ReddyHOD – MATMember
17.Dr. K.N. N PrasadHOD – PHYMember
18.Dr. B.S. PrathibhaHOD – CHEMember
19.Dr. N Mukund SharmaHOD – MBAMember
20.Dr. N SheshaprasadHOD- HumanitiesMember
21.Dr. Raghavendra NME, BNMITMember
22.Dr. Bindu SECE, BNMITMember
23.Dr. Ashwini S SavanthECE, BNMITMember
24.Dr. Sunitha RAIML, BNMITMember
25.Dr. Madhu SEEE, BNMITMember
26.Mr. Kevin Prasanna R R

Sr. Software Architect


27.Mrs. Suma Shekar

UNext Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Sr. Director / Head of Content Design and Development

28.Meghana S RStudentMember
29.Mr. Ananda B. M.


30.Mr. Praveen S. Ause

Asst. System Analyst-ISE

31.Mr. Byraiah I N


32.Prof. Eishwar N. MaanayDean, BNMITMember Secretary

Roles and Responsibilities

Strategies (As per NAAC)

IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for

a) Ensuring timely, efficient, and progressive performance of academic, administrative, and financial tasks;

b) The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes;

c) Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various sections of society;

d) Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning;

e) The credibility of evaluation procedures;

f) Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure and services;

g) Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.

Functions (As per NAAC)

Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:

a) Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution;

b) Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;

c) Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents, and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;

d) Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education;

e) Organization of inter and intra-institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes, and promotion of quality circles;

f) Documentation of the various programs/activities leading to quality improvement;

g) Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices;

h) Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;

i) Development of Quality Culture in the institution;

j) Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.


IQAC will facilitate / contribute

a) Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement;

b) Ensure internalization of the quality culture;

c) Ensure enhancement and coordination among  various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices;

d) Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning;

e) Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs;

f) Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.          

Frequency of Meeting: The IQAC should meet at least once every quarter.

Membership duration: The membership of nominated members shall be for a period of two years.

Quorum: The quorum for the meeting shall be two-third of the total number of members. The agenda, minutes, and Action Taken Reports are to be documented with official signatures and maintained electronically in a retrievable format.

The role of coordinator (As per NAAC):


The role of the coordinator of the IQAC is crucial in ensuring the effective functioning of all the members. The coordinator of the IQAC may be a senior person with expertise in quality aspects. She/he may be a full-time functionary or, to start with, she/he may be a senior academic /administrator entrusted with the IQAC as an additional responsibility. Secretarial assistance may be facilitated by the administration. It is preferable that the coordinator may have sound knowledge about the computer, its various functions, and its usage for effective communication.

Operational Features of the IQAC (As Per NAAC)

Quality assurance is a by-product of ongoing efforts to define the objectives of an institution, to have a work plan to achieve them, and to specify the checks and balances to evaluate the degree to which each of the tasks is fulfilled. Hence devotion and commitment to improvement rather than mere institutional control is the basis for devising procedures and instruments for assuring quality. The right balance between the health and growth of an institution needs to be struck. The IQAC has to ensure that whatever is done in the institution for “education” is done efficiently and effectively with high standards. In order to do this, the IQAC will have to first establish procedures and modalities to collect data and information on various aspects of institutional functioning.

The coordinator of the IQAC and the secretary will have a major role in implementing these functions. The IQAC may derive major support from the already existing units and mechanisms that contribute to the functions listed above. The operational features and functions discussed so far are broad-based to facilitate institutions towards academic excellence and institutions may adapt them to their specific needs.

Monitoring Mechanism (As per NAAC)

The institutions need to submit yearly the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC. A functional Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) and timely submission of Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQARs) are the Minimum Institutional Requirements (MIR) to volunteer for second, third, or subsequent cycle accreditation.  During the institutional visit, the NAAC peer teams will interact with the IQACs to know the progress, functioning as well quality sustenance initiatives undertaken by them.

The Annual Quality Assurance Reports (AQAR) may be part of the Annual Report. The AQAR shall be approved by the statutory bodies of the HEIs (such as Syndicate, Governing Council/Board) for the follow-up action for necessary quality enhancement measures.

The Higher Education Institutions (HEI) shall submit the AQAR regularly to NAAC. The IQACs may create its exclusive window on its institutional website and regularly upload/ report on its activities, as well as for hosting the AQAR.