An Inhouse “E-quiz competition” was organized by the Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering on 11th November 2020 at 2:00pm to encourage the students and widen their knowledge. The event was organized in association with ISTE Student Chapter – BNMIT. It was an individual event with three rounds which covered the basic knowledge of electrical engineering. The quiz was conducted online via microsoft teams. 59 Students from third and fifth semester of EEE participated in the quiz. The preliminary round was started at 2:10pm and was open for 10mins. 18students were selected for the second round. The second round was started at 2:30pm and was open for 10mins. 6students were qualified for the final round. Top two were awarded as winners. The first prize winner was Aditi D Sagar of 3rd semester and second prize winner was Manjesha K of 5th semester. Overall, the Quiz competition was a huge success.