Alumni Interaction
BNMIT, Department of Management Studies has always maintained a strong connection with its vibrant network of alumni. We are thankful to all MBA alumni who have carried forward the BNMIT culture even after leaving their alma mater by being constantly involved in the mentoring and coaching of the current batches in different form and domains.
We at BNMIT invite you to connect to your alma mater and not just relive your nostalgic memories, but join and actively participate in the activities at BNMIT because being an alumnus of this institution you are rooted in its legacy and will continue to do so. Thus the present beckons you for a special bond which is not only a synergetic relationship but something that connects us in an emotional link never to break.
It calls upon you to come forward and connect to your institution; the place you were once part of. Your association with us thereby provides you with a platform to not just merely give back but get back to your institution in any way your present situations allow you to. From enlightening us with your ideas or helping us become better with feedback for improvement; all we request is for your time and experience to act as a treasure hold of knowledge for future managers. Kindly keep us posted about any change in your profiles and contact details by registering on our “BNMIT Alumni portal” so that the database on our alumni Portal is always current and relevant.
To strengthen this link over batches and years of new facilities being introduced in the campus, BNMIT arranges various activities to ensure interaction with the alumni members on various occasions that can help the students to know the real corporate world practices. We invite you to be a part of each and every one of them, if your time and schedule permit and to maintain the connection with the place you once called your second home
Alumni Panel Discussion – Current Scenario Employability in Industries

Alma Connect
AlmaConnect is a powerful tracking & invitation mechanism to find and get alumni, students & faculty members join the network and always find their information updated on the platform.
AlmaConnect is deeply integrated with all social media points and help you build one consolidated and powerful channel to engage with your alumni is a primary point of contact catering to all your and their needs.
We at BNMIT as one among the AlmaConnect network.
Please CLICK HERE to get connected with AlmaConnect.