This post was last updated on March 4th, 2021
Dr. Mukund Sharma
Consultancy and Industry Assignments:
- Co-investigator for Wipro Mission 10X Project, “A Study on Effectiveness of WIPRO Mission 10X Programme”, an impact study conducted by the Department of MBA, BNMIT during 2011-12.
- Conducted Executive development Programme for employees of Yamaha Motors India Pvt Ltd during the year 2016 and 2017. The program was intended to bring financial literacy among trainees.
Subject Matter Expert in Finance for HireMee during 2018-2019.
Dr. L. Vijayashree
Funded consultancy projects undertaken:
- As a Training consultant for Fiscal Policy Institute of India since 2015, have designed and executed multiple training programs for Probationary officers and Special officers of category A, B, C and D from various Departments of Government of Karnataka.
- Being an advisor to Gopalan Skill Academy since 2016, have initiated various programs on skill development and entrepreneurship.
- Chief Executive officer of education council under Vision Karnataka Foundation, a non-profit organization with multiple verticals. As part of the education council, the foundation is aiming at the development of educational systems for Tier – III and IV institutions through mentoring by Tier – I and II institutions.
Dr. Neetha Mahadev:
Funded consultancy projects undertaken:
- Project on “Study on Social Sector Projects assisted under Rural Infrastructure Development Fund in the states of Kerala, Karnataka and Rajasthan”, Administrative Staff College of India in 2020.
- Engaging the services as Resource Person on work to work basis, Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education.
- Developed course material on “Linking Markets for Rural Produce and Supply Chain Management” for Mahatma Gandhi National Council for Rural Education (MGNCRE), Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The course material is part of a book titled Rural Management Marketing Perspective (First ed.) published in 2019 by MGNCRE with ISBN: 978-93-89431-03-2.
- As a research consultant, conducted a research study and prepared detailed report on “Proposed Incentive and Concession Policy for SC/ST Entrepreneurs”, in 2018 for Centre for Entrepreneurship Development of Karnataka (CEDOK), A Govt. of Karnataka Organization promoted by the Department of Industries and Commerce.
- Co-investigator for Wipro Mission 10X Project, “A Study on Effectiveness of WIPRO Mission 10X Programme”, an impact study conducted by the Department of MBA, BNMIT during 2011-12.
- Project Consultant (domestic) for Samveda Training and Research Centre (R), Davangere, an NGO working for rehabilitating children with learning disabilities, since 2016.
- Co-investigator for “A Study on Awareness and Attitude towards Networking among NGOs dedicated to Learning Disability”, a project sponsored by the Ford Foundation and Mysore University in the year 2001-2002.
Subject Matter Expert in Psychology and Organization Behaviour for HireMee.
Dr. Bhavya Vikas
Consultancy projects undertaken:
Subject Matter Expert in Economics for HireMee during 2018-2019.
Mrs. Charithra C M
Consultancy projects undertaken:
Subject Matter Expert in Statistics for HireMee during 2017-2019.
Worked as consultant to Felder-Group India, Peenya Industrial Estate, Bengaluru