About Programme
The Department of Business Administration is recognized as a research center to offer Ph.D. degree under VTU. The department has five Professors with rich academic and corporate experience to guide the research scholars. These Research guides together continue to add to their huge body of research through publications in national and international journals.
Research Centre has access to E learning recourses and Institutional membership with reputed Institutions like IIMBx, National Digital Library.. The Centre also has licensed Plagiarism software’s and Statistical packages to help the Scholars in their research analysis.
The areas of research include and are not limited to Marketing management, Human resource management, financial management, Operations management. Presently research is undertaken in the areas of Human Resource Practices, Stock Market, Banking, Social Networking & Digital Marketing.
Full time Ph.D: Minimum 3 years
Part Time PhD: Minimum 4 years
The program involves Course Work, Comprehensive Viva, Open Seminars, Colloquium, Thesis Submission & Final Defence.
Research Center Candidate details
Guide Dr. L. Vijayashree
Sl. No. | Research Scholar Name | Year of Registration | Topic of Research |
1 | Sumukh S.G. | 2013 | Effect of Organization Behaviour on Job Satisfaction in ITES Industry, Bangalore |
2 | LEKHA V | 2020 | Transformational Leadership and its Impact on Knowledge sharing, Innovative Behaviour, Job Performance and Firm Performance |
3 | TEJASWINI L KULKARNI | 2020 | The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Navigating Successful Career path among Secondary stage learning students. |
Guide Dr. Neetha Mahadev
Sl. No. | Research Scholar Name | Year of Registration | Topic of Research |
1 | Kishan | 2019 | Impact of Content Marketing on Brand Building and Brand Enhancement |
2 | Vaishnavee Eishwar Maanay | 2019 | Practices For Sustainability of Indian Higher Education |
3 | KOKA OPIKA | 2020 | The Influence of Social Network on online purchasing Behavior of Consumers: Apparel Industry |
4 | JITESH CHANDRA DAS | 2020 | Role of Marketing automation on successful Brand creation in South Indian Retail Food Sector |
5 | PHANI RAM PINGALI | 2021 | Role of 2nd Generation Agripreuners in the Development og Agritourism Sector in the State of Karnataka |
Guide: Dr. N. Mukund Sharma
Sl. No. | Research Scholar Name | Year of Registration | Topic of Research |
1 | PRASHANTH KUMAR A C | 2012 | Management of Fiscal Deficit in India-A Critical Study |
2 | Tripti Arvind | 2013 | Diversity Management: A Study on Recruitment Training & Retention in IT organization of South India |
3 | Saritha Prasad | 2013 | A Comparative Analysis of E-retail with In-store Retail in Convenience Goods Marketing |
4 | Ibha Rani | 2013 | A Study of Efficiency of Indian Banks in the Post-Liberalization era |
5 | Charithra C M | 2015 | A Study on Stock Market Volatility and Spill over effect in selected developed and emerging Asian markets |
6 | Sridhar K | 2015 | A Study on Performance Evaluation of Housing Finance Institutions in Karnataka |
7 | C. PRABHAVATHI | 2015 | Impact of Asset Liability Management on Banks Performance |
8 | JOHN PRADEEP KUMAR | 2017 | A Study on Stock Returns and Trading Volume Linkages with Reference to Indian Capital Market |
9 | Eishwar N. Maanay | 2019 | Branding Strategies adopted by Engineering Colleges in Karnataka |
10 | Vinitha V | 2020 | Feasibility Report on E Waste Recycling to create a platform for unorganised e waste recyclers. |
Guide: Dr. Bhavya Vikas
Sl. No. | Research Scholar Name | Year of Registration | Topic of Research |
1 | Rashmi R | 2018 | Impact of Cognitive Ergonomics on work stress and training need analysis with special reference to select IT companies in Bangalore city. |
2 | Santhosh K V | 2018 | A Study on Impact of Psychological contract on employee engagement using causal loop modeling in selected IT companies in Bangalore. |
3 | VASUDHA SRIVATSA | 2020 | Study on investment decision criteria of working women post Covid pandemic outbreak |
4 | SUDEEP KUMAR B | 2020 | A Study on Payments Bank with respect to India Post |