This post was last updated on December 3rd, 2022
Type of Journal | Scopus Indexed | Web of Science | Other Journals | Total |
2021-22 | 2 | 5 | 7 | |
2020-21 | 5 | 5 | ||
2019-20 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 10 |
2018-19 | 1 | 16 | 17 | |
2017-18 | 4 | 4 | ||
2016-17 | 1 | 5 | 6 | |
2015-16 | 8 | 8 | ||
Total | 3 | 3 | 44 | 50 |
Publication Details: 2021-22
- Mukund Sharma and Ibha Rani published a paper on ‘Performance Assessment of Selected Indian Public and Private Sector Banks- A CAMEL Framework’ in Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 9, August 2021: 2431-2440 (Scopus Indexed Journal)
- L Vijayashree and Ms. Shishira Srinivasa published a research paper entitled ‘Management of stress through music therapy’ in South Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Vol 11, Issue 8, Aug 2021
- L Vijayashree and Ms. Shishira Srinivasa published a paper entitled ‘Covid-19 and Stress Among Students’ in South Asian Journal of Marketing and Management Research, Vol.11, Issue 7, July 2021
- Neetha Mahadev and Kishan M.R. published a paper entitled ‘Media Coverage of Covid-19: A Classical case of Media Frenzy” in Nolegein Journal of Advertising and Brand Management, Vol 4, Issue 2, Jan 2022
- Charithra C M, Dr. Bhavya Vikas and Dr. Mukund Sharma published a paper entitled ‘Relationship between Exchange rate and Stock Market Volatility in India: An Empirical Analysis’ in Finance India, Vol.34, No.4, Dec 2021
- Charithra C M, Dr. Bhavya Vikas and Aggarapu Shanmukha Valli published an article entitled “Cross Culture Comparison on Financial Stimulus in New World Order” in Pal Arch Journals, Vol 18, Issue 9, July 2021, ISSN: 1567-214X, p.103-111
- Prathima V G published a paper entitled ‘Antecedents to Engagement of Multigenerational Workforce in a reputed heaving construction company’ in Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology, Vol.54, Issue:12, Dec 2021
Publication Details: 2020-21
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas, Ms. Charithra C.M & Kavya B L published an article entitled “How Rewarding is Technical Analysis: Evidence from IT and FMCG Sector” in International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Vol X, Issue IX, September 2020, ISSN:2249-7455, p- 25-32.
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas, Ms. Charithra C.M & Namitha Published an article entitled “Determination of Optimal Investment Strategy using Technical Analysis” in International Journal of Management, Technology And Engineering, Vol X, Issue IX, September 2020, ISSN:2249-7455, p- 12-24.
- Dr. L. Vijayashree has published an article titled “ Investigating the management of stress during the pandemic Covid-19 A Review in Sambodhi Journal, Vol 43, Issue 04, October-December 2020, ISSN: 2249-6661, Impact factor-5.80.
- Dr. L. Vijayashree has published an article titled “Stress & health a study on impact of stress on physical and psychological behaviour of employees using asset in Wesleyan Journal of Research, Vol. 13, Issue 4 (II), October-December 2020, ISNN: 0975-1386.
- Dr. Neetha Mahadev & Bhoomika K M have published an article on “Consumer Buying behaviour and Trust towards online jewellery shopping in IOSR Journal of business and management, Vol 22, Issue 11, November 2020, p. 09-20, ISSN: 2319-7668.
Publication Details: 2019-20
Scopus Indexed:
- Abilasha C Yadav and Mukund Sharma,,The Impact of Currency options on exchange rate volatility: Indian Experience,Journal of critical reviews Volume 7. Issue3, 2020(Scopus indexed).
Web of Science:
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas,“Prevalence of Burnouts: Relationship Between WRS and Ergonomics Among Academicians in Bengaluru, Karnataka” ,Adalya Journal, Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2019, ISSN: 1301-2746. (Web of Science).
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas, ,“Cognitive Ergonomics and its Significance at Workplace for Business Sustainability: An Exploratory Study”,Adalya Journal, Volume 8, Issue 11, November 2019, ISSN: 1301-2746. (Web of Science)
- Ms. Charithra C.M. , Dr. Mukund Sharma,The Effect of Global Linkages on Stock Market Volatility: A Study on selected Developed and Developing Markets,MERC Global’s International Journal of Management- ISSN 2321-7278 and ISSN 2321-7286(online) Volume- 7, Issue-4, October 2019 (Web of Science).
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas, “Significance of Anticipatory Stage in the Formation of Psychological Contract for Effective Recruitments by Contemporary Organizations” ,Shanlax International Journal of Management, Special Issue I, February 2020, P- ISSN: 2321-4643, impact factor 3.025, p 163-169.
- Dr. Maruthi Ram R,Empowering Offline Retailing through innovative store approaches towards Value-Conscious Consumers,THINK INDIA JOURNAL, ISSN:0971-1260,Vol-22- Issue-14-December-2019.
- Dr. Maruthi Ram R, ‘Mediating Effects of In-store Customer Experience in organized Retail Outlets’ ,International Journal of Research in Management & Business Studies (IJRMBS). ISSN:2348-6503(online), ISSN: 2348-893x(print) Vol. 6, Issue 4, October to December 2019.
- Dr. Maruthi Ram R., ‘Marketing functions and the strategies for Rural markets- A Study’, International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal analysis, An ISO:7021-2008 certified Journal, ISSN No: 0886-9367, Volume XI, Issue VII, July-2019.
- Ms. Charithra C.M, Dr. Bhavya Vikas,A Study on Risk And Return Analysis of Selected Financial Services Companies Listed on NSE,International Education and Research Journal(IERJ) E:ISSN No.2454-9916, Vol:5, Issue: 7, July 2019.
- Bhavya Vikas & Charithra C M, “Equity Research using Technical Analysis” ,International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences (IJRISS), Vol III, Issue VII, July 2019, ISSN: 2454-6186.
Publication Details: 2018-19
Scopus Indexed:
- Mr. Sridhar K. Dr. N. Mukund Sharma, ‘A Comparative Performance Evaluation of LIC Housing Finance Ltd and GIC Housing Finance Ltd using CAMELs Model’,Finance India Indian Institute of Finance, Vol. XXXII No. 3, pages-815-822, September 2018. (Scopus Indexed).
- Dr. Kavyashree K M,‘Role of Management Education in Entrepreneurship Development in India’,International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews(IJRAR).
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas Ms. Charithra C.M,.“Convergence of Microfinance Institutions- A Study on performance of select MFIS” in ,Asia Pacific Journal of Research , ISSN(print):2320-5504 ISSN(online): 2347-4793, approved Journal: S.N. 45797.
- Dr. Maruthi Ram, ‘Leverages on Profitability and Value of an organization with a special reference to KOMUL, Kolar’, in ,Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, an International open Access Journal , published in JETIR, ISSN UGC approved (Journal No. 63975) ISSN: 2349-5162, Volume 6, Issue5, publication on 29.05.2019.
- Mr. Sridhar K. , ‘A Study on different Ways & Means to fix Non Performing Assets in the Bank’,International Journal on Management and Social Science Research Review, Vol. 6 1 Issue No. 5, page No. 21-24, E-ISSN: 2349-6746, ISSN:2349-6738, May 2019.
- Ms. Padma Bhaskar,, “Effect of Exchange Rated Volatility on Stock Market Performance”, Asian Journal of Management, Vol. 9, Issue: 4, Oct-Dec 2018, ISSN: 2321-5763
- Ms. Charithra C.M, Dr. Bhavya Vikas,‘An Analysis on Working Capital and its Impact on Sales and Profitability, with Special Reference to NIva Holdings, Minsk, Belarus.,In International Open Access Journal, ISSN No: 2456-6470/ Volume-2/Issue-5. July-August 2018.
- Mr. Bharath Bhushan B, “A Study on Effectiveness of Social Media as a Promotional Tool in Marketing for Start-Ups in Bangalore”, ,International Journal of Management and Social Science, Vol. 8(2.5), pp: 4-10, ISSN: 2249-0191.2019.
- Ms. Karpagam B A, “Green Marketing Strategies to Enhance Sustainability and Profitability of Handloom Silk in Karnataka”, ,International Journal of Management and Social Science, Vol. 8 (2.5), pp: 104-106, ISSN: 2249-0191.-2019.
- Abilasha C Yadav and Mukund Sharma,,Impact of Arbitrage Opportunitieson Currency Futures Market in India, ,International Journal of 360 Management Review, Vol. 07, Issue 01, April 2019, ISSN: 2320-7132 674.
- Dr. N. Mukund Sharma, Ibha Rani,‘A Study of the Efficiency of Para-banking as an Alternative Source of Income for the New Generation Private Banks in India’,Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR) Volume6, Issue 1, January 2019.
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas, Mrs. Chairthra C M,A Study on Risk and Return Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis of Public and Private Section Banks,Srusti management Review. Vol- XII, issue-II, July-Dec-2018.
- Dr. Maruthi Ram R, Ms. Malini K K,A Study on Influence of Organizational Culture as in Innoative Step to Engage Employees in selected Software Companies in Bangalore.,RVIM Journal of Management Research(RVIMJMR) ISSN:0974-6722. October 2018.
- Dr. L. Vijayashree, Ravi Urs, “Relationship between Locus of Control and Transaction Styles: An Empirical study of Management Studies”,NFCT AARR journal, ISSn:2462-1978, eISSN- 2462-2117.
- Dr. N. Mukund Sharma Ibha Rani,‘Evaluating the Performance Efficiency of Foreign Banks operating in India: A DEA approach’ ,A Qualitative and Quantitative Research Review, Vol. 3, Issue3, ISSN No: 2462-1978, eISSN No: 2462-2117, August 2018.
- Ms. Chellamma K, Dr. L. Vijayashree, “Impact of Demographical Variable on the Perceived Effectiveness of Social Learning”,International Research Journal of Management and Commerce, Vol. 5, Issue 7, pp: 30-35, ISSN: 2348-9766. July 2018
- Ms. Chellamma K, Dr. L. Vijayshree, Dr. K. Purushothaman,“A Study on Recruitment Practices in Garment Industry with Reference to Bangalore City”,International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 7, pp: 82-85, ISSN: 2454-6186. July 2018.
Publication Details 2017-2018
- Mr. Bharath Bhushan B and Mrs. Padma Bhaskar, “Branding Strategies for IT Industries in Bangalore City” ,International Journal of Research Review in Engineering and Management (IJRREM) Double Blind Peer Reviewed and referred Journal Volume-2, Issue-3, March 2018, mpp-19-32.
- Dr. L. Vijayashree, “Relationship between Locus of Control and Transaction Styles: An Empirical study of Management Studies”,NFCT AARR journal, ISSn:2462-1978, eISSN- 2462-2117.
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas, (best paper),“ Microfinance and Women’s Empowerment: An Exploratory Demographic Study in Karnataka, India”,South Asian Journal of Management, ISSN: 0971- 5428, Volume 24, Issue No. 3, Jul – Sep 2017. (ABDC)
- Sridhar K, Dr. Mukund Sharma, Bharth Bhushan B, “A Study on Impact of GST on Hosing Loan in India”Shanlax,International Journal of Commerce, Vol. 5, Special Issue 1, November 2017, ISSN:2320-4168.
Publication Details: 2016-17
Scopus Indexed:
- Dr.Mukund Sharma and Saritha Prasad,Demographic and socioeconomic influence shaping usage of online channel for purchase of food and grocery,,Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 46, Issue 10 (Indexed in scopus and google scholar Impact factor 0.147)
- Dr. Mukund Sharma, Sridhar K and Bharath Bhushan B, “A Comparative Study on Housing Loan Perception of Borrowers with respect to SBI and ICICI Banks in Bangalore City.,In International Education and Research Journal , Vol. 3, Issue.6, E-ISSN No. 2454-9916, June 2017.
- Ms. Charithra C M, Dr. Bhavya Vikas & Dr. Mukund Sharma N,, Demonetization Demystified- Impact on Nifty 50 and INR- USD Exchange Rate Volatility” ,Intercontinental Journal of Finance Research Review- ISSN:2321-0354, May 2017,Vol 5, Issue 5.
- Dr. L Vijayashree,,“A Study on The Locus of Control and Job Stressors Among Software Engineers Working With Different Clients” in ,International Journal of Management and Humanities (IJMH), Volume-2 Issue-10, April 2017.
- Dr. Vijayashree L ,Sumukh SG,Study on Role Stress among Government officials of Karnataka. ,International Journal in Management and Social Science Vol.05 Issue-04, (April, 2017) ISSN: 2321-1784.
- Dr. L.Vijayashree, Deepali Jain ,A study on Work and Job Pressure at the workplace: Leading to Ill Health among Professionals. ,International Journal of Management IT & Engineering (IJMIE) Vol: 7 Issue 2.
Publication Details: 2015-16
- Mr. Prithvin Manjunathaswamy, Dr.Bhavya Vikas, Dr. B Vijayalakshmi ,Microfinance on the Revival Path- Comparison of Financial Performance of Select Microfinance Institutions in India, ,Bangladesh & Pakistan, International Journal of Exclusive Management Research, 6(1),
65-84, (2016). - Ms. Chellamma, Ms. Ruth Priya, and Dr. Vijayashree Lakshman, An empirical study on usage of SNS among students at various educational levels, GE ,International Journal of Management Research, Vol 4, issue 5, ISSN (2321-1709)-May 2016.
- Maazuddin Khan and Vijayashree lakshman,Impact of E-Governance on Employees Performance, ,International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 3, ISSN 2250-3153. (2015).
- Chellamma, Ruth Priya, Vijayashree lakshman,A Study on Usage of Social Networking Sites among the College Students, ,IJEMR – Vol 5 Issue 8 – Online – ISSN 2249–2585 Print – ISSN 2249-8672, Page 1 of 8. (2015).
- Bhavya Vikas,,“Commercial Banks and Microfinance- A Comparative Study”,GE- International Journal of Management Research, ISSN:23944226, December 2015, Vol.3, Issue 12.
- Karadakal, N.V., Goud, N. and Thomas P. ,Impact of leadership role perspective on conflict resolution styles- a study on small and medium sized entrepreneurs of Karnataka State in India, Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research – A Springer Open Journal, 5 (4), 1-20. (2015).
- Dr. Bhavya Vikas & Dr. B Vijayalakshmi ,Performance Indicators of Select Microfinance Institutions in India- A Comparative Study,International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, 2(11), 31-38, (2015).
- Mr. Sridhar K and Mr. Bharath Bhushan B,“A Study on Corporate Social responsibility initiatives of Wipro Limited”,Published by ELK Asia Pacific Journals
Sr. No. | Name | Book | Publication |
Dr. L Vijayashree | Business Environment | R. Chand Publications, New Delhi | |
Strategic Managemen | Vision Publications, Bangalore | ||
Organizational Behaviour | United publishers | ||
Dr. Mukund Sharma | Banking and Financial Services | HPH, Mumbai | |
Security Analysis and Portfolio Management | HPH, Mumbai | ||
Stock and Commodity markets | HPH, Mumbai | ||
Banking Regulations and Operations | HPH, Mumbai | ||
Financial Markets and Services | HPH, Mumbai | ||
Financial Services | HPH, Mumbai | ||
Management Accounting | HPH, Mumbai | ||
Indian Financial System | HPH, Mumbai | ||
Mrs. Savita G Rao | Foundations of human skills and cultural heritage | Vision Publications |