Innovative Teaching Methods at BNMIT
MOOCs: The faculty members and students are encouraged to take courses periodically through digital platforms like Coursera. The faculty uses these course contents as references if and when required in their regular classes. This enhances the authenticity of the content being dealt with. Also, it results in better clarity when the faculty handles the same topic providing examples and clarifying students’ doubts if any.
Guest lectures and corporate talks: To enhance the understanding of the subject and to provide clarity on the real-time application of the concepts, guest lectures, and corporate talks are scheduled from time to time. Faculty members from other institutions and professionals from various industries are invited to deliver their talks, wherein they share their experiences and part of their expertise which helps the students to understand more about the subject.
Games, Role plays, and other activities: To make the teaching and learning process more effective, the faculty members are encouraged to use games, role plays, and other activities that are relevant to the concept being dealt with in the class. It helps to keep the students involved in the sessions and helps retain the concept for a longer time.
Use of ICT: ICT-based classes are known to be the future of education. Hence, the faculty members make effective utilization of ICT. MS office tools such as word, excel, and PowerPoint, online applications such as YouTube videos, MOOCs, etc. are used to enhance the learning during the sessions.
Case Study: The Case Method assists students in identifying typical real-time problems in specific functional areas of management. It is expected that students will study cases, comprehend the business situation, analyze the problems and come up with solutions and then discuss the case in class. Domain-specific cases are discussed to present typical yet particular problems that arise in business. The case studies are also sometimes used as a topic for Group Discussion for developing as well as testing every student’s ability and utilizing their analytical and communication skills to produce viable solutions
Industrial Visits: Industrial visits are arranged for students to gain practical knowledge and hands-on learning experiences which are essential for a better understanding of their work positions, processes, and functions. Acquiring such knowledge helps students to improve their skills and competencies.
Group Discussions: Subject-specific GDshave multiple benefits, such as improving articulation of the students, better research of the topic, a better understanding of a concept with its practical applications, removing shyness of students, and developing their communication skills. It also contributes to getting themselves placed in good companies as GD is one of the most conducted interview-specific activities.
Management Clubs: Besides the above methods discussed, many activities are conducted through Management Club. Management club is an MBA department-guided and student-driven initiative that collaborates with both the corporate and academia. It is a unique initiative established with objectives such as bridging the gap between academics (theoretical knowledge) and industry (practical scenarios), empowering students to take ownership for their initiatives, facilitating extra-curricular and co-curricular learning activities, initiating activities that provide experiential learning to students and enhancing creativity and necessary management skills of students.