This post was last updated on October 31st, 2020

Designation :
Area of specialization :
Date of Joining BNMIT :
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) :
E-mail Id :
No. of years of Experience :
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing | % of marks obtained |
NET(UGC) | |||
PhD | |||
M.Phil | |||
M.B.A | |||
B.Sc |
- 18-Teaching
- 04-Industry
SI. No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Professor & Head ED Cell Dept. of Management Studies | BNMIT, Bangalore, India |
Awards/ Achievements/Memberships:
- Received the Golden Aim Awardfor Excellence and Leadership in Education by GNA University, Pune on 10th July 2020.
- Received Start Performer Award from IIC, MHRD, Department of Science and Technology, Government of India during June 2020.
- Received award for Women Excellence by Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Hebbalon the account of Women’s day celebrations on 9th March 2020.
- Recognised for the contributions in the Role of Business Environment, Organizational Behaviour and Strategic Management in creating successful start-ups by NetHealthduring their workshop on 11 January 2020.
- Received Award of Women Excellence by WELEED Group on March 31st, 2018.
- Honoured by Rotary Bangalore South Parade, on the occasion of Teacher’s Day held on September 5, 2017.
- Felicitated as Chief Guest to the Annual Function on the theme “Dance around the World2017”, organised by Lady Wellington High School, Bangaloreon December 21, 2017.
- Awarded as “Woman of Excellence Citation”by Rotary Bangalore South Parade, on the occasion of International Women’s Day held on March 8, 2017, in recognition of selfless work towards creating opportunities and platforms for rural students in building entrepreneurial skills in the corridors of Education, Employability & Employment.
- Received NEN Debut Awardfor conducting Entrepreneurship Week in February 2016 for ED cell students.
- Received Academic Excellence and Leadership Awardon 7th sep 2015 from ISBR B-School.
- Best Teacher Award– Local self Government Convocation held on 5th sep 2014 on account of Teachers day celebrations.
- Award of Appreciation for Academic Achievements-Lions Vaishnavi on 22nd March 2015 on the occasion of Women’s Day celebration.
- Best Paper Awardfor the paper titled “An Empirical study on social network sites and their perceived benefits” in National Conference organized by NFED, Coimbatore & SSIET Chennai.
Expertise/Subjects handled
List of subjects handled:
- Human Resources management
- Strategic management
- Entrepreneurship Development
- Management and Organizational Behaviour
- Industrial relations and legislations
- Compensation management & other HR subjects
Research Interest:
- M.Phil:Attrition analysis among BPOs in Bangalore- Four major BPO companies were chosen for the study and attrition rate of these companies were compared and analysed.
- Ph.D: Stress coping strategies among Women BPO employees- Focusing on role efficacy, role stress and coping concepts among the women BPO employees, this study attempts to explore the role stress perceived by these women employees and the strategies they adopt to cope during stress situations. This study also examines the need and scope of role efficacy concept among the women employees. Cluster mapping reveals the employee mapping according to their capability.
Research Scholar Details:
- Maazuddin Khan Ph.D. VTU, Belgaum 2018 : Impact of E-Governance of Administration Study conducted with reference to Government of Karnataka and IT employees.
- Deepali Jain Ph.D. VTU 2018 : A Study on Attitudes towards changes in occupational stress and coping during strategic alliances in IT industry.
- Chellamma.K. Ph.D. VTU 2020 : Empirical Study on Role of Social Media in Human Resource Management.
- Sumukh.S.G. Ph.D. VTU : About to submit Synopsis : Pursuing Effect of Organisation Behaviour on Job Satisfaction in ITES Industry, Bangalore.
Guided Five M.Phil Students (Bharathiyar University and Periyar University students) and Guided More than 200 MBA Projects, (IGNOU, Bangalore University and Bharathidasan University Students)
Funding received
- Total Grants received around–Rs. 3 Crores from Department of Science and Technology, Govt., of India and Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, Gujarat, India.DST – NewGen IEDC (Innovation Entrepreneurship Development Cell) July 2017- Rs.2,87,50,000/- for students project prototype development.
- DST – NIMAT (National Implementing and Monitoring Agency for Training) Project 2017 – 2018 – Rs. 2,00,000/- for 10 Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps.
- DST – NIMAT (National Implementing and Monitoring Agency for Training) Project 2017 – 2018 – Rs.1,00,000/- for 5 Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps.
- DST – NIMAT (National Implementing and Monitoring Agency for Training) Project 2015- 2016 – Rs. 40,000/- for 2 Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp.
In National & International Journals
- Chellamma, Dr. L. Vijayashree, Impact of demographical variables on the perceived effectiveness of social learning, International Research Journal of Management and Commerce, ISSN: (2348-9766) Impact Factor- 5.564, Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2018.
- Chellamma, Dr. L. Vijayashree, A Study on Recruitment Practices in Garment Industry with Reference to Bangalore City, International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) |Volume II, Issue VII, July 2018|ISSN 2454-6186 Page 82.
- Chellamma, Dr. L. Vijayashree, Improving the effectiveness of recruitment using social media, International Journal of Commerce and Management Research, ISSN: 2455-1627, Volume 3; Issue 7; July 2017; Page No. 32-33, July 2017 5.22.
- Chellamma, Dr. L. Vijayashree, Employee Engagement using Social Networking Tools, International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review, Vol. 1, Issue18,(Apr June 2017), E-IISN-2347-856X, ISSN-2348- 0653, April-June 2017, Impact factor:4.729.
- Sumukh, Dr. L. Vijayashree, Study on Role Stress among Government officials of Karnataka, International Journal in Management and Social Science, International Journal in Management and Social Science, Vol.05 Issue-04, April, 2017, ISSN: 2321- 1784, (Impact Factor- 6.178).
- Deepali Jain, Dr. L. Vijayashree , A Study on the Locus of Control and Job Stressors Among Software Engineers Working with Different Clients, International Journal of Management and Humanities Exploring Innovation, Volume-2 Issue-10: Published on April 15, 2017 ISSN:2394-0913(Online)| Impact Factor:2.13.
- Deepali Jain, Dr. L. Vijayashree, A study on work and job pressure at the workplace: leading to ill health among professionals. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, Vol. 7 Issue 2, February 2017, ISSN: 2249-0558 Impact Factor: 7.119.
- Chellamma, Ruth Priya, Dr. L. Vijayashree, An empirical study on usage of SNS among students at various educational levels, GE International Journal of Management Research, Vol 4, issue 5, May 2016, ISSN (2321-1709) 8.
- Chellamma, Ruth Priya, Dr. L. Vijayashree, “A Study on Usage of Social Networking Sites among the College Students”, IJEMR – August 2015 – Vol 5 Issue 8 – Online – ISSN2249–2585 Print – ISSN 2249-8672, Page 1 of 8. Impact Factor: 3.96 .
- Maazuddin Khan, Dr.L.Vijayashree, Impact of E-Governance on Employees Performance, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 3, March 2015 1 ISSN 2250-3153. Impact Factor: 4.16.
- Maazuddin Khan, Dr.L.Vijayashree, “An Assessment of Relationship between Self Efficacy and Creativity in E-Governance Scenario Among Officers Of Government Of Karnataka”, International Journal Of Research In Engineering, Social Sciences, Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2014, (ISSN: 2249-9482) Impact Factor: 4.16.
- Vijayashree L, “Benchmarking tool to analyze the role of the faculty members”, International Journal of Social Science Research, Vol 2, 2013. Impact Factor: 2.209.
- Deepali Jain, Vijayashree L, “K Based strategic alliances with the concept of knowledge value Chain” in ACADEMIA- An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Year : 2013, Volume : 3, Issue : 6, 171-182, Online ISSN : 2249-7137. Impact Factor 2013- 4.297.
- Maazuddin Khan, Dr.L.Vijayashree, “Research Paper Delivery of “Social Security Pensions” by Innovative Method of Electronic Money Order” in International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012. 1. ISSN 2250-3153. Scientific Journal Impact Factor Value for 2012: 3.358
- Vijayashree L, “Mapping organizational role stress and role efficacy” in Zenith International Journal, Sep 2012. Listed in Cabell’s, Ulrich’s Directory, Open J-Gate & Proquest. Impact Factor (2012): 3.567.
- Padma MS, Vijayashree L, “Micro Finance and its Risk Management Practices in India” in SYNERGY, Journal of K.J. Somaiya Institute of Management Studies & Research, Mumbai, Vol X, no 1, 2012. Impact Factor is 0.3.
- Monica, Vijayashree L, “A study on emotional intelligence at work place” in The Research Journal of Commerce and Behavioural Science, Vol-02, Issue 01, Jan 2012, ISSN:2251-1547.Listed in Cabell’s, Ulrich’s Directory, Open J-Gate & Proquest. Scientific Journal Impact Factor Is 3.454.
- Vijayashree L, “Research Study on Job Satisfaction Among IT/ITES Employees, Bangalore” in SANGRAHANA –International Biannual Journal –DSI.
- Vijayashree L, Vishal Mali, “Locus of Control and job satisfaction: PSU employees” in Serbian Journal of Management-International Journal, 6(2), Sep 2011, 193-203. DOI: 10.5937/sjm1102193V. The impact factor of this Journal is 3.342.
- Vijayashree L, “Role stress and Coping: A case in ITES Company”- Mustang Journal of Business Ethics, vol 2, September 2011, Listed in Cabell’s & Ulrich’s Directory. International. ISSN: 1949-1727. Impact Factor 1.1.
- Vijayashree L, Karthik L, “Comparative Case analysis: Indian E&M Industry”- The International Research Journal of Social Sciences and Management, Singapore, Aug 1, 2011. ISSN: 2010-457X. Impact Factor- 3.951.
- Vijayashree L, “The impact of Age on Role Efficacy and Organizational Role Stress: BPO Women Employees” in RVIM Journal of Management Research- Vol. 3 Issue 1, Jan Jun 2011. Impact Factor- 0.1.
- Padma MS, Vijayashree L, “Micro Finance” in The Analyst ICFAI Magazine- June 2011. Impact factor is 0.447. 9
- Vijayashree L, “Role Stress and Role Efficacy: BPO Women Employees” in Mustang Journal of Management, OKLAHAMA University, USA. Vol (1), 2010. Listed in Cabell’s & Ulrich’s Directory. International. ISSN: 1949-1743. Impact Factor is 1.1.
- Vijayashree L, “Gender Perspectives towards Stress Factors- Retail Employees in Bangalore” in SONA Journal of Marketing Management-Jan 2009. Impact Factor- 0.2.
- Mapping the potential of Human Mind-Deccan Herald- 31-1-2013, Education Supplement.
- Making Leaders the experimental way-Deccan Herald- 21-2-2013, Education Supplement.
- Learning Styles among students-Deccan Herald-22-08-2013, Education Supplement
- BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT- BBM II SEMESTER 2007. 2008-09 REVISED, R. Chand Publications, New Delhi.
- Online Course –Book in HRM- MBA course SPMVV
In National/International Conference Proceedings.
- Chellamma, Dr. L. Vijayashree , An Innovative way in recruitment using Social Media, International Conference on” Trends in Innovation and Entrepreneurship””at Padmavathi Mahila University, on 29th, 30th and March 2017.
- Dr.L.Vijayashree , A study of demographic factors on Role Stress and Role Efficacy, Tenth AIMS International Conference On Management-IIMB, 6-9 JAN 2013. Top 10 Research paper of the year 2013.
- Dr.L.Vijayashree, Team communication for new age Workforce, Tenth AIMS International Conference on Management-IIMB, 6-9 JAN 2013.
- Dr.L.Vijayashree, The influence of Age on Role efficacy and Role stress, BMS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE- 201, 21 DEC 2012. Got Outstanding Paper Award.
- Dr.L.Vijayashree, A Study on Role Stress and Role Efficacy on women BPO Employees, Bangalore, DSI International Conference-21-23 APRIL 2010.
- Vijayashree, Implementation Of R-power In Rural India, IFIM –International Conference Doing Business In India-17,18 DEC 2009.
- Vijayashree, , A Study on Private Labelling Opportunities in Retail Sector at Bangalore, IFIM –Interntional Conference-Doing Business In India-17,18 DEC 2009.
- Vijayashree, A Research Study on Job Satisfaction Among IT Employees, Bangalore, Colombo University, Srilanka-International Conference 11th Dec 2009.
- Vijayashree, De-Stress The Sophrology Way, PESIT International Conference -1,2 Jan 2009-Bangalore
- Vijayashree, Creativity and Innovation among Women Entrepreneurs in Indian Entertainment and Media Industry, International Conference- 18,19 Dec 2008 – Bangalore.
Papers presented in International/National Conferences:
Paper Published – Co Authored Study on Mid-Career Crisis Among BPO Employees at the 5th International Conference for Accounting Researchers and Educators Organized by Department of Accountancy, Faculty of Commerce and Management Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka on 20th December 2019.
- Vijayashree, NFED In Association With Ssiet, On “Transformational Excellence In Entrepreneurship & Management” Chennai, On 28th March 2015. Paper: An Empirical Study On Social Network Sites And Their Perceived Benefits
- Vijayashree, PESIT –“Managing Generation-Y Employees -Challenges And Opportunities” On Sep 15, 2011. Paper: “Emotional Intelligence At Public Sector Unit”
- Vijayashree, SPMVV National Seminar-“Emerging Trends In Financial Services” On Aug 25 &26, 2011, Tirupati. Paper: “Emotional Intelligence At A Financial Services Firm, Bangalore”
- Vijayashree, Dayananda Sagar College For Management And It-29 & 30th Oct 2009. Paper: ” A Research Study On Job Satisfaction Among Faculties In Educational Institutions, Bangalore”
- Vijayashree, BMS College-National Conference-27,28 Feb 2009 Paper: “Can This Method Be Accepted As A New Trend In Hr?”
- Vijayashree, SPMVV National Conference-18, April 2008-Tirupathi Paper: “Case Studies On Women Entrepreneurs”
- Painting (Wall art)
- Reading Books(Mythology)
- Will listen and enjoy the melodious songs
Any other things
Editorial Board Membership:
- Editorial Member– Indian Journal of Entrepreneurship
- Editorial Member– Scientific Technical committee and editorial Board on Journal of Arts, Management and Social Sciences assisted by King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand.
- Advisory Editor of Mustang Journal Of Law And Legal Studies, Volume 3 (2012), USA.
- Editorial Board member for International Journal Of Social Science Research Volume 1(2013), USA.
- Editorial Board member -FOREX-Technical Journal-Editorial Board, India.
- Editorial Member for International Scientific Academy Of Engineering & Technology, Thailand.
- Editorial Board member -Greener Journals- USA.
- Consultancy & Associations: Organizational Behavioural Initiatives for Karnataka Administrative Officers of Govt. of Karnataka, Advisor for Gopalan Skill Academy, Committee member for MANTHAN at Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FKCCI).
- BoE/BoS Membership: BOE member of VTU 2017-18, SPMVV University, Tirupati, Ramaiah University Bangalore, CMRIMS Autonomous, VTU online university Courses, Academic Advisory Member-NHRD, Member of ESI, PF Committee & HR Committees of FKCCI. A part of BoS for MBA course of VTU from the year 2019 to 2022.