Dr. N. Mukund Sharma
Designation : Professor and HoD
Area of specialization : Financial Markets, Taxation and International Finance
Date of Joining BNMIT : 01-04-2011
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id : mukund_sharma1@yahoo.co.in
No. of years of Experience : 21 years
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing |
Ph.D. | University of Mysore ,India. | 2012 |
MBA | Finance, University of Mysore, India. | 2003 |
M.Com. | Business Taxation, University of Mysore,India. | 1999 |
B.com. | University of Mysore ,India | 1997 |
Experience: 21 years
- Member, BOS in Business administration of VTU 2016-19.
- Member, BOE in Business administration of VTU2012-13 and 19-20
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (Institute Level):
- Deputy Chief Superintendent (External) at City Engineering College, Bangalore2014-15.
- BOE Member, MBA, Board of Examinations, BMSCE (Autonomous),Bangalore.
- BOE Member, MBA, Board of Examinations, DayanandSagar University
- Worked as a Chief Co-coordinator of International Conference conducted by MBA Department, BNMIT during Dec 2018
Professional Memberships:
Life Member, Bangalore Management Association
- Financial Markets, Taxation and International Finance
Subjects Handled:
- Advanced Financial management,
- Banking and Financial Services,
- Project appraisal planning and control
- Tax management
- Investment Management
Research Experience Details: Ph.D
Awarded Doctoral degree from University of Mysore in the year 2102 The title of the thesis was “Currency Exposure Management by Business Enterprises in India: An empirical Study.” The study was undertaken to analyse the currency exposure management practices followed by the business enterprises in India and to suggest the measures to improve the management of currency exposure.
Research project:
The “Impact of Mission10x Workshops on Engineering Faculty: A Study on Teaching and Learning Practices Across Select Colleges under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, Karnataka” with specific reference to the training imparted by Wipro Technologies ltd, Bangalore to engineering college teachers of various colleges under VTU, Karnataka.
Research Supervision
Name of the Candidate | University | Year of Registration | Status |
Mrs. Charithra C. M. | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum | 2015 | Awarded in 2021 |
Mrs. Ibha Rani | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum | 2013 | Awarded in 2021 |
Mrs. TriptiArvind | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum | 2013 | Thesis Submitted |
Mr. K Sridhar | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum | 2015 | Pursuing |
Mrs. Saritha Prasad | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum | 2013 | Pursuing |
Mr. Eishwar N Maanay | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum | 2019 | Pursuing |
Mrs. Vinitha Vincent | Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum | 2020 | Pursuing |
Funding received
Publications: (International & National)
- Relationship between Exchange rate and Stock Market Volatility in India: An empirical Analysis, Finance India, Vol XXXV No 4 Dec 2021 ISSN-0970-3772, (Scopus and ABDC Indexed )
- Performance Assessment of Selected Indian Public and Private Sector Banks- A CAMEL Framework, Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry (TOJQI) Volume 12, Issue 9, August 2021: 2431-2440 (Scopus Indexed )
- An Empirical Analysis of Banking Sector and NSE through Co-integration Approach, Journal of Oriental Research Madras, Vol XCII No. VI, June 2021.
- The impact of currency options on exchange rate volatility: Indian experience, Journal of Critical Reviews, Vol 7, Issue 3, 2020, ISSN- 2394-5125(Scopus Indexed).
- Assessing the performance efficiency of Foreign banks in Indian context- A DEA approach, Qualitative and Quantitative Research Review, Vol 3, Issue 3, 2018, ISSN No: 2462-1978.
- Impact of Arbitrage Opportunities on Currency Futures Market in India, International Journal of 360 Management Review, Vol. 07, Issue 01, April 2019, ISSN: 2320-7132 674.
- Comparative performance evaluation of LIC Housing finance Limited and GIC housing finance limited using CAMELS model, Finance India, VOL XXXII No 3 Sep 2018 ISSN-0970-3772, (Scopus Indexed and part of ABDC).
- A Comparative Study on Housing Loan Perception of Borrowers with respect to SBI and ICICI Banks in Bangalore City, International Education and Research Journal ,Vol. 3, Issue.6, E-ISSN No. 2454-9916, June 2017.
- Demonetization Demystified- Impact on Nifty 50 and INR- USD Exchange Rate Volatility, Intercontinental Journal of Finance Research Review-, Vol 5, Issue 5 ISSN:2321-0354, May 2017.
- Demographic and socioeconomic influence shaping usage of online channel for purchase of food and grocery, Indian Journal of Marketing, Volume 46, Issue 10 (Indexed in scopus and google scholar ), Oct 2016.
- Impact of Union Elections on the Stock Volatility, Journal of Exclusive Management Science , Vol 4 Issue 1, January 2015.
- Value relevance of accounting information: a comparative study of public and private sector companies in India, Asia Pacific Journal of research, Vol I, Issue XII, April 2014.
- Performance of Indian Public and private sector banks: A comparative study, International Journal of Economics and business review, Vol II, Issue III, March 2014.
- Survey of Currency Derivative usage by Indian SME’s, Terengganu International Finance and Economics Journal (TIFEJ), Volume 1, Issue 2, 2011. ISSN 2232-0539.
- Foreign Exchange Risk Management by Indian IT companies: An Empirical Analysis, Journal of Southeast University, China, Volume 24, June 2008 pp 187-190 ISSN 1003-7985.
- Service Tax Impact on Real Estate sector, Southern Economist, Volume 45, Issue 22, 2007 March 15. ISSN 0038-4046 pp 16-17.
- Currency Risk Management Avenues for Indian Corporates : Role of RBI Southern Economist, Volume 45, Issue 23 & 24, 2007 April. ISSN 0038-4046 pp 13-14.
- Management of Currency Exposure in India : A View, Southern Economist, Volume 44, Issue 21, 2006 March. ISSN 0038-4046 pp 13-16.
- Falling Dollar: A Risk for Emerging Markets, The ICFAI Journal of Professional Banker, Volume 5, Issue 2, Feb 2005 pp 10-13 ISSN 0972-5121.
- Derivatives: Risks and Best Practices, The ICFAI Journal of Financial Risk Management, Volume 3, Issue 1, March 2006 pp 10-13 ISSN 0972-5121.
- Diversity Perceptions’ influence on Job Performance of Employees in the Information Technology Sector of Karnataka, Mukt Shabd Journal, ISSN NO : 2347-3150, Volume IX, Issue X, October /2020.
- Diversity and Its Impact on Job Satisfaction of IT Sector Employees, International Journal of Research, ISSN NO: 2236-6124, Volume 7, Issue IX, September/2018.
- Branding of Higher Educational Institutions and Its Effect on Stakeholders- A Conceptual Study, Strad Research, Volume 8, Issue 6, 2021
In National/International Conference Proceedings
- 1.An empirical Investigation into Use of Exchange Traded Currency Options among Indian Exporters, 4th International Conference on Management and Economics, August 2015 conducted by University of Ruhuna,Srilanka.
- Performance of Indian Public and Private Sector Banks: A Comparative study, International Conference on Arts, Economics and Management (ICAEM’14), March 22-23, 2014 at Dubai (UAE) ISBN:978-93-82242-82-6
- Impact of IFRS on Indian Banking, International Conference on Strategic Management: Emerging Economies Perspective, 25th Oct 2013, conducted by Oxford College of Business Management, Bangalore. ISBN:978-93-5142-199-3
- Relationship between Exchange Rate Volatility and Currency Futures Trading: Indian Experience, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance & Accounting, August 3-4, 2012 conducted by SDMIMD, Mysore. ISBN:978-81-922146-2-7
III . In Portals
- INR Appreciation: Export sops not the only remedy
- Stronger Rupee – A Momentary Setback for Exports
- Appreciating INR: India’s bane and Bangladesh’s blessing
- Tackling interest rate hike on credit card dues
- Impact of service tax on real estate sector
- RBI,s exchange-traded rupee gives a ray of hope to Indian exporters
- The other side of Rupee appreciation
Papers presented in International/National Conferences
- 6th International Management conference on Recent Innovations in Economics, Finance and Corporate Governance. Uniglobe College, Katmandu, Nepal, March 2019.
- 4th International Conference on Management, and Economics, University of Ruhuna, Srilanka, August 2015.
- International Conference on Arts, Economics and Management (ICAEM’14), March 22-23,2014 Dubai (UAE)
- International Conference on Strategic Management: Emerging Economies Perspective, 25th Oct 2013, conducted by Oxford College of Business Management, Bangalore.
- 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance and Accounting, Conducted by SDM Institute for management Development, Mysore during August 2013.
- International Conference on Emerging Trends in Finance and Accounting, Conducted by SDM Institute for management Development, Mysore during August 2012.
- Macao International Symposium on Accounting and Finance 2011, conducted by Macao Accounting and Finance Association held at Macao, during Nov2011.
- International Conference on Business and Finance conducted by ISB Hyderabad during March 2010.
- International Conferenceon Risk Management (ICeRM 2008) conducted by South East University, Nanjing, China, during June2008.
- International Conference on Issues in Finance conducted by Jadavpur University, Kolkata during Jan 2008.
- National Level Seminar at A V PG centre , Hyderabad, during Nov2005.
- Quality Improvement Programme on “ New Venture Creation: Sustenance and Growth”, Sponsored by AICTE and Conducted by TAPMI, Manipal during Jan2006.
Invited Talks Delivered:
- Delivered lectures at Belarus State Economic university and Belarusian State University, Belarus during February2018.
- Conducted Executive development Programme for employees of Yamaha Motors India Pvt Ltd.
Chairmanships at National/International Conference/Seminars:
- Chaired technical sessions at International conferences held at University of Ruhuna,Srilanka
- Chaired technical sessions at International conferences held at Katmandu Nepal
- Chaired technical sessions at International conferences held at BMS college of Engineering, Bangalore.
Participation in Training courses/Seminars/Workshops
- Participated in Workshop on “New Model Curriculum for MBA – CBCS Detailed Syllabus (2018-19) as per Outcome-Based Education (OBE) format including Course Outcomes (CO) and Bloom’sTaxonomy”
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “AICTE Model Curriculum” for UG and PG Programmes held on 12th March 2018 at BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Banking and Financial Services, HPH, Mumbai, 2015 ISBN 978-93-5142-692-9 (Recommended book of MBA Programme of VTU and Andhra University)
- Stock and Commodity markets, HPH, Mumbai, 2019 ISBN: 978-93-5202-027-0
- Indian Financial Institutions and Markets,HPH, Mumbai, 2019 ISBN : 978-93-5367-564-6
- Merchant Banking & Financial Services, HPH, Mumbai, 2018, ISBN: 978-93-5273-595-2
- Financial Markets and Services, HPH, Mumbai, 2017 ISBN: 978-93-5262-123-1
- Management Accounting, HPH, Mumbai, 2015, ISBN : 978-93-5202-019-5
- Banking Regulations and Operations, HPH, Mumbai, 2014 ISBN: 978-93-5142-778-0
- Investment and Portfolio Management , HPH, Mumbai, 2015 ISBN : 978-93-5202-452-0
- Indian Financial System, HPH, Mumbai, 2013 ISBN : 978-93-5097-325-7
- Financial Services, HPH, Mumbai, 2011, ISBN : 978-93-5097-325-7
- International conference on Innovative practices in Management and Entrepreneurship, Dec 2018. ENAS Publications, Bangalore. ISBN: 978-93-86891-04-4 (Edited Volume)
Participation in Training courses/Seminars/Workshops
- Conducted Executive development Programme for employees of Yamaha Motors India Pvt Ltd.
- Delivered lectures at Belarus State Economic university and Belarusian State University, Belarus during February 2018.
- Evaluated thesis and conducted Ph.D Viva voce Examiner of Madurai Kamaraj University, VTU, Marathwada University etc.
- Worked as examiner to conduct Ph.D Comprehensive viva of Visvesvaraya Technological university.
- Worked as Member and Chairman of university flying squad and external deputy chief superintendent of Visvesvaraya Technical University examination.
- Chaired technical sessions at International conferences held at India and abroad.
- Participated in Workshop on “New Model Curriculum for MBA – CBCS Detailed Syllabus (2018-19) as per Outcome-Based Education (OBE) format including Course Outcomes (CO) and Bloom’sTaxonomy”
- Participated in One Day Workshop on “AICTE Model Curriculum” for UG and PG Programmes held on 12th March 2018 at BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru.