This post was last updated on August 2nd, 2023

Dr. Saritha Chakrasali
Designation : Professor & Head (T&P)
Area of specialization : Image Processing
Date of Joining BNMIT : 10/09/2001
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id :
No. of years of Experience : 20 Years
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing | % of marks obtained |
Ph.D | Madurai Kamaraj University, India. | 2014 | |
M.Tech | AAIDU, India. | 2005 | |
B.Tech | Bangalore University, India. | 1995 |
Experience: 20 years, Research – 14 years
SI. No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Head Dept. of T&P | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | (03rd Dec 2018– Till date) |
2 | Professor, Dept. of ISE | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | (01st Sept 2014– Till date) |
3 | Associate Professor, Dept. of ISE | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | (5th Mar 2012– 31st Aug 2014) |
4 | Assistant Professor, Dept. of ISE | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | (2nd Jan 2008– 4th Mar 2012) |
5 | Lecturer, Dept. of ISE | BNMIT, Bangalore, India | (10th Sep 2001– 1st Jan 2008) |
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (Institute Level)
- Member of the Academic Council – BNMIT
- Coordinator, T5 ,TW5( 2017-2018) ( 2018-2019)
- Coordinator, Induction Program for First Year Students ( 2018-2019)
- IQAC Member, BNMIT (2017-2018).
- Member, Anti Ragging Squad, BNMIT (2017-2018).
- Editor for News@Bhageerathi Periodical (2017-2018).
- Editor for Book of Process(2016-2017).
- Deputy Chief Superintendent Appointed as External DCS, RNSIT, 2013, VTU, Belgaum.
- Co-ordinator, TATVA( 2015-2016)
- Chief Timetable Coordinator ( 2013-2014)
- VTU Coordinator ( 2001-2003)
- Coordinator, NBA training workshop in-charge( 2014-2015)
- President of Lions Club, Delegated various duties as the President of Lions Club of Bangalore,B.N.M.I.T. Campus.(2006-2007). Organized Blood Donation Camps, Peace Poster Competitions, coordinated the Workshop on Urban Waste Management and various charity services at local Govt. schools during this tenure
- In charge, for all Institute multimedia 2001-2005
- In charge, Photo Archiving(2001-2012)
Academic Positions and other Responsibilities (University Level)
- External Examiner for evaluation of PhD theses from Madurai Kamaraj University and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
- Examiners for M.Tech., Viva-voce- VTU
- Examiner at PhD Comprehensive Viva- VTU
- Member of the Academic Council – BNMIT
- Member of Research Advisory Committee for Miss ROOPASHREE C S formed by Dr P JAYAREKHA.
- Research Advisory Committee for Miss KAVYA MS formed by DR. M DAKSHAYINI.
- External Examiner for evaluation of PhD thesis from Madurai Kamaraj University and Manonmaniam Sundaranar University
- Examiners for M.Tech., Viva-voce- VTU
- Examiner at PhD Comprehensive Viva- VTU
Awards and Achievements:
- Awarded Medallion master from M/s PWC Launhpad for showing promising results-faculty/TPO involvement, July 2023.
- Awarded Certificate of Appreciation by M/s ZENKEN for Outstanding Leadership in preparing students for their placement opportunities in Japan on 15-06-2021.
- Final year project titled “Computed Tomography Images: 2D to 3D reconstruction and Visualization”. Members: NamrataPratapSimha, VishwasManohar, Sudarshan Suresh M. and Dheeraj D. Bhat, under my guidance was awarded the best project among the final year projects of ISE department 2016
- Awarded a letter of appreciation for scoring more than 90% in the self appraisal for the academic year 2013-14, on 5thSeptember, 2015.
- Final year project batch under my guidance was selected for KSCST Student Project Programme 2014-15 and participated in KSCST Seminar (38thseries) at Sahyadri College of Engineering & Mgt. , Mangalore(20-21st August2015), Title” Computed Tomography Images: 2D to 3D reconstruction and Visualization”. Members: Selvi Revathi, Deepthi S.M., Akila Nayak.
- Received certificate for participating in the RUSI Award Programme for the project “Medical Image Registration & Fusion using Contourlet Transform” by project group. (Aparna BV, Akshatha, Sathyasri Dinthi & Nupur Jain) – GUIDE, held on 2nd May 2015 at KASSIA by Rotary Bangalore Udyog.
- Both the Final year project batches under my guidance were selected for the third edition of JED-I, in which a total of 175 projects were registered from 20 states. Out of this only 66 were shortlisted for the finals. One of the batches with Sukriti Sharma, Apurva V.S and Vidya Meenakshi .K have won the Best Project Award in the computing division for the project “Traffic Density Estimation using SVM Classifier” at IISc which included a cash prize of Rs 75,000/-, 2013.
- Received the Certificate of Commendation from Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology, IISc, 1994-95.
- Received Merit Certificate in recognition of the high position secured in the list of meritorious candidates qualifying for awards from Govt. of Karnataka, National Scholarship Scheme, 1989.
Expertise/Subjects handled
- Programming with C
- Data structures using C
- Object Oriented Programming with C++
- Principles of Programming Languages
- Software Engineering
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design
- Database Management Systems
- Analysis and Design of Algorithms
- Cryptography and Network Security/ Information and Network Security
- Unix and Shell Programming, Unix Systems Programming
- Discrete Mathematical Structures
- C# and .Net, Advanced Algorithm
- Java & J2EE, Design Patterns, Agile Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence.
Invited Talks
- Invited as guest speaker to participate and address 200 participants during the program of scholarship distribution to students for Academic Excellence on 19th September 2021 hosted by Kumbara Engineer’s Sangha, Bangalore.
- Invited as guest speaker to address around 180 II PU science students of Soundarya Composite PU College on “Future Prospects in Engineering”, to gain insights in careers in engineering and plan their choice of course, on 8-06-2021.
- Invited by Udayabhanu Unnatha Adyayana Kendra to give the Key Note Address to the students graduating and the next batch of students who enrolled on 9-01-2021.
- Invited as resource person to delivered lecture as part of Distinguished Webinar Series organized by IEEE-BNMIT Student branch in association with IEEE Nanotechnology Council from 27th May to 3rd June 2020.
- Invited as resource person to delivered lecture in the Faculty Development Programme on Digital Age Transformation by PG & Research Dept. of Computer Science, Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College on 5th & 6th June 2020
- Invited as resource person to delivered lecture at the Webinar on Campus Placement Preparation for students of Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology on 26th June 2020.
- Invited to conduct workshop on Basic & advanced algorithms by ACE Hackers at Wipro digital, Bangalore, September 16th and 23rd 2015.
Research Interest:.
- Medical image security is an important requirement of teleradiology. The work on “Medical Image Security – Search for Generic Solution” involved designing, implementing and validating contourlet based, genetic algorithm optimized medical image watermarking algorithms. This work makes a progressive step in the direction of developing a generic solution for medical image security by providing watermarking algorithms that exploit the multi-resolution characteristics of CT and the adaptive nature of GA. The successful application of the GA-based watermarking algorithms in contourlet domain, developed in this work for watermarking both gray and color medical images of various modalities is likely to enhance research interest for providing generic solutions not only for security in medical image transmission across public network, but also may serve as a viable tool for highly textured multispectral images such as satellite imagery of sensitive information.
Research Supervision
Sl.No. Name of the student Ph.D / M.Phil University Year of completion Title of Research Topic 1 Harini S Ph.D. VTU,Belgaum Pursuing Intelligent System for Analysis of Indian Food Grains Completed Comprehensive Exam
Funding Received:
- Received a grant amount of Rs.20 Lakhs from VGST under K-FIST L1 scheme for the project proposal “GPGPU Computing for computationally complex problems” for the duration of two years (2019-2021).
International Journals:
- Dr. Saritha Chakrasali of BNM Institute of Te4chnology has Participated in ” BITES Annual Convention 2022″ organized by BITES on 10 & 11 February 2023 at Infosys Campus , Mysuru.
- Dr. Saritha Chakrasali of BNM Institute of Te4chnology has reviewed a paper in the IEEE International Conference on “Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing Electrical and Electronics” organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering , BNMIT, Bengaluru during 27 and 28 January 2023.
- Vignesh Holla GR, Santhosh BM, and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “BNM STUDIOS-Cartoonify an Image using OpenCV”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Vol. 10, Issue 5, Page d11-d14, May 2023, ISSN-2349-5162.
- Madhuri Vellala, Varsha Subramanya and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “AlgoWise -Algorithm Visualizer”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Vol. 10, Issue 5, Page d5-d10, May 2023, ISSN-2349-5162.
- Harini, S., Chakrasali, S., Krishnamurthy, G.N. (2023). “Analysis of Indian Rice Quality Using Multi-class Support Vector Machine” in Computational Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 968. Springer, Singapore.
- Harini S, Saritha Chakrasali, Krishnamurthy GN, “Comparison of Multi-class SVM and CNN for classification of similar looking Indian rice variety”, International Journal for Modern Trends in Science and Technology, 9, Issue 4, Page 243-248, April 2023,ISSN: 2455-3778 online, DOI:
- Nivedita, Sahana S and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “Plannova -Placement Management Software”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Vol. 9, Issue 7, Page 2672-2674, July 2022, p-ISSN: 2395-0072, e-ISSN: 2395-0056
- Jayanth M, Prasanna Bhat and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “Evaluation of Human Life Skills”, Recent Trends in Androids and IOS Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 2, Page 1-2, 2022, DOI:
- Soumya Hundekar and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “An Evaluation And Comparison Of Svm And Neural Classifier For Breast Cancer Detection Utilizing Contourlet And Discrete Wavelet Transforms”, i-manager’s Journal on Image Processing, Vol. 5, No. 4, October – December 2018.
- Soumya Hundekar and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “Detection and classification of breast cancer using support vector machine and artificial neural network using contourlet transform”, ICTACT journal on image and video processing, February 2019, volume: 09, issue: 03, ISSN: 0976-9102 (online).
- Soumya Hundekar and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “An Identification of Breast Cancer Disease by Using ANN Using Contourlet Transform”, IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 6, Issue 11, 2019 , ISSN (online): 2321-0613
- Soumya Hundekar and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “Detection and classification of breast cancer using support vector machine and artificial neural network using contourlet transform”,ICTACT journal on image and video processing, February 2019, volume: 09, issue: 03, ISSN: 0976-9102 (online).
- Soumya Hundekar and Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “An Identification of Breast Cancer Disease by Using ANN Using Contourlet Transform”, IJSRD – International Journal for Scientific Research & Development,Vol. 6, Issue 11, 2019 , ISSN (online): 2321-0613
- Soumya Hundekar and Saritha Chakrasali, “An observation and categorization of breast cancer utilizing support vector and artificial neural networks using discrete wavelet transform”, ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing: Special Issue on Artificial intelligenceand deep learning, January 2019, volume 9, isuue 2, ISSN: 2229-6956, DOI:10.21917/ijsc.2019.0257
- Harini S, DrSaritha Chakrasali, Dr Krishnamurthy G N, “A Survey on Food Grain Identification Techniques”, published in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), ISSN(Online): 2319-8753, ISSN (Print): 2347-6710, Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2018, Page No. 6627-6633
- Rajalakshmi K.R., Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, ” Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using WaveletTransform and SVM Classifier”, published in International Journal for Research in AppliedScience and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), Volume 5, Issue V, May 2017, Page No. 666-670
- Roopashree C.S., Dr. Saritha Chakrasali “Image Storage Optimization using Deduplication”,published in International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Research (IJSER), Volume 5 Issue 5, May 2017, Page No. 57 – 58
- Namrata Pratap Simha, Vishwas Manohar, Sudarshan Suresh M., Dheeraj D. Bhat, Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “Rule based Simple English Sentence Correction by Rearrangement of Words”,published in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research(IJSER) Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2016 Edition . (ISSN 2229-5518), Page No. 7-9
- Akshata M, Aparna BV, Sathyasri Donthi, Nupur Jain and Saritha Chakrasali, “A Comparative study between Contourlet and Wavelet Transform for Medical Image Registration and Fusion”, published in International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research (IJSER)Volume 6, Issue 6, July2015. (ISSN 2229-5518), Page No. 891- 898
- Sukriti Sharma, Vidya Meenakshi.K, Apurva VS, Saritha Chakrasali, Shreyas Satish. “Real-time Traffic Congestion Detection Using Combined SVM”, published in International Journal ofScientific and Engineering Research(IJSER) Volume 4, Issue 11, November 2013 Edition. (ISSN 2229-5518), Page No. 207-213.
International Conferences Publications
- Harini S, Saritha Chakrasali, Krishnamurthy GN, presented paper titled “Analysis of Indian Rice Quality Using Multi-Class Support Vector Machine”, and selected for publishing in Springer Series, International Conference on Information Technology: Next Generation Technology Summit (InCITe-2022), March 2022.
- Manasa G., Prathusha J.S., Supriya Y.N., Dr. Saritha Chakrasali, “Multimodal Biometrics-Feature Level Fusion of Face and Iris Biometrics”, published in International Journal of EngineeringResearch and Technology (IJERT) Special Issue ICIOT – 2016 Conference Proceeding, August 2016 (ISSN: 2278-0181), Page No. 209-214
- Saritha Chakrasali, Murugesan Ramachandran, “A Contourlet Transform-based Versatile Watermarking Algorithm for Medical Images”, published in Proceedings of InternationalConference on VLSI, Communication, Advanced Devices, Signals & Systems and Networking (VCASAN-2013), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 258, DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1524-0_33, Springer India, Page No.263, 2013.
- Saritha Chakrasali, Sumathi Mahadevan, Raman Bhaskaran, Murugesan Ramachandran, Technical paper titled “Secure Dual Watermarking in the Wavelet Domain for Teleradiology”, published in International Conference on Advances in Information and Communication Technologies (ICICOT07), ISBN 0230634370 Macmillan Publisher, Page No. 312-316, 2007
- National Conference publications
- Ranjitha H S, Saritha Chakrasali, “Real time Face Recognition System for biometric authentication using PCA”, published in ISRASE eXplore Digital Library, NCETCSE-2016,BGSIT, Bangalore, 29th April 2016.
- Sneha G, Saritha Chakrasali, “Fingerprint watermarking approach using wavelet and alpha blending technique”, published in ISRASE eXplore Digital Library, NCETCSE-2016, BGSIT,Bangalore,29thApril 2016
- Akshata M, Aparna BV, Sathyasri Donthi, Nupur Jain, Saritha Chakrasali, ” Medical ImageRegistration and Fusion using Contourlet Transform”, presented and abstract published in the proceedings of Indian Technology Congress – 2015, July2015, Page 9.
- Shashikala RP, Saritha Chakrasali, Aaquibnawaz,”The novel algorithm of Cluster Formation and Trust computation for MANET’s”, published in the proceedings of 8th National Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science & Engineering (NCRTCS), Page No. 396, 2013
- Shashikala RP, Saritha Chakrasali, “Requisite Trust-Based Secure Routing Protocol for MANETs”, published in the proceedings of National Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Networking, Page No.277, 2013
- Saritha Chakrasali, Raman Bhaskaran, Murugesan Ramachandran, “Watermarking of ColorEchocardiograms using Dual Watermarking & Adaptive Thresholding”, abstract in 53ndCongress of The Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Page No.102, 2008
- Saritha Chakrasali, Raman Bhaskaran, Murugesan Ramachandran“Wavelet Based Image AdaptiveDual watermarking for Teleradiology”, , abstract in 52nd Congress of The Indian Society ofTheoretical and Applied Mechanics, Page No.104, 2007.
Chairmanships at National/International Conference/Seminars:
- Chairperson of the Technical session in IEEE International Conference on “Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics” during 27th & 28th , January 2023 at BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Chairperson of the Technical session in International conference on Fluid Dynamics and its Applications during 20-22nd, July 2011 at BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
Workshops / Seminars Organized
- Conducted a webinar on “Campus Placement Preparation” on 26thJune 2020 for 3rd Year B.E. and 1st year MBA Students of Chettinad College of Engineering & Technology, Trichy, Tamil Nadu.
- Conducted a webinar on “How to Engage and Inspire your students through Innovative Teaching Methodologies” as a part of the Faculty Development Program that was conducted on 6th June 2020 by Sri Meenakshi Government Arts College for Women, Madhurai
- Conducted a webinar on “Recent trends in Medical Image Processing & Are you Industry-ready?” on 3rdJune 2020 as a part of the IEEE Webinar Series that were conducted in association with BNMIT.
- Convener, for one week FDP Program on Cloud Computing held at BNM Institute ofTechnology, Bengaluru during 10-16, July 2016.
- Invited to conduct workshop on Basic & advanced algorithms by ACE Hackers at Wipro digital, Bangalore, September 16th and 23rd 2015.
- Organizing Chair, for The Fifth International conference on signal and image processing held atBNM Institute of Technology, Bengaluru during 8-10, January 2014.
- Chairperson of the Technical session in International conference on Fluid Dynamics and its Applications during 20-22nd, July 2011 at BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
Participation in FDP/Training courses/Seminars/Workshops
- IBM University Round Table conference with IBM Global CSR Leader Ms. Claudia Cortes Romanelli on 23rd February 2023 at IBM Office Bangalore
- FIFTH BITES Annual Convention on the topic, “Industry 4.0: Opportunities & Challenges” in Infosys, Mysore on 10th & 11th February 2023.
- One day VTU Training & Placement Officer’s Conclave at RV College on Engineering on 30th January 2023.
- Two days’ workshop: “Defining Possibilities 2022 – Annual University Senate conclave” conducted by Mindtree on 13th & 14th May 2022
- Workshop on “Teaching the TOEFL Test Online” by ETSTOFEL India on 29th April 2022
- Virtual TPO Connect session with M/s Wipro 1st Feb2022, Tuesday, 2:00PM
- Virtual TPO Connect session with M/s Wipro 18th Jan2022, Tuesday, 11.00AM
- Connect session with Mindtree CEO, 23 Nov 2021, Tuesday, 10.30AM at Mindtree, Global Village Office, Bangalore
- Networking and Academic Leadership Workshop organized by Teaching-Learning Centre, BNMIT during 23rd – 25th November 2021
- Faculty Development Program on Digital Skills & Industry Trends held on 18-Sep-2021 using Digital Platform conducted by TCS
- TCS Virtual Connect with TPOs on 9th Aug 2021
- LTI TPO eConnect on 5th Aug 2021
- One day webinar on “Project Based Learning” by NITTTR- Bhopal on 20-07-2021
- Five Days workshop by AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Framework for Online Assessment” from 12-07-2021 to 16-07-2021 at National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research.
- Cognizant _Campus Hiring Connect_ 2022 – TPO Meet on 12th Jul 2021
- Virtual Session on Enabling Change conducted by Accenture on 22-12-2020
- Five days’ workshop: “AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative)” from 14-12-2020 to 18-12-2020.
- Accenture Training & Placement Officers’ Webinar on 17-09-2020
- Five days’ workshop: AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on”Block chain” from 7-12- 2020 to 11-12-2020 at Amity University.
- Five days’ workshop: AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Deep Learning Using Convolutional Networks and Sequence Models” from 23-11-2020 to 27-11-2020 at Rao Bahadur Y. Mahabaleswarappa Engineering College.
- Anchor Program – A Networking session with EY leaders and representatives on 14th August 2020
- EY GDS – Connect with EY Campus Team program on 7th August 2020
- Virtual Faculty Development Program – Agile Methodology & Framework by Cognizant on 13th June 2020
- One day workshop: “Training & Placement Officer’s meet” conducted by Infosys on 28thJanuary 2020.
- Three days workshop: “Defining Dialogues 2019 – Training & Placement Officers’ Meet” conducted by Cognizant on 7th& 9th June 2019.
- One day workshop: “Training and Placement Officers’ Meet 2019” conducted by Accenture on 30thMay 2019
- One day workshop: “Training and Placement Officers’ Meet” conducted by Infosys on 21stMay 2019
- One day workshop: “2ndIndustry – Academia Forum” conducted by DEM n SMART on 7th March 2019
- Two days workshop: “Infosys Summit “conducted by Infosys on 14th& 15th February 2019.
- One day workshop: “Connect with BNM IT college – Discussion with Ms. Sumati” conducted by Cognizant on 6th December 2018
- Three days workshop: “Defining Dialogues – 2018 (Technology National Meet with TPOs)” conducted by Cognizant from 17thto 19th August 2018.
- Two days workshop: “Training and Placement Officers’ Meet 2018” conducted by Accenture from 5thto 6th June 2018
- One day workshop: “Cognizant Placement Officers Connect Session” conducted by Cognizant on 20thApril 2018.
- One day workshop: “Accenture TPO Hub Connect 2018” conducted by Accenture on 2ndFebruary 2018
- One week FDP on “Internet of Everything” at BNMIT , from 31stJuly – 5th August, 2017
- One week FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and its Application” at BNMIT , from 9th-13th Jan, 2017
- One day seminar on “Teachers as Catalysts for Change”, conducted by Heartfulness Institute at BNMIT , from 21stJan, 2017
- One week FDP on “Innovative Teaching Methods” at BNMIT , conducted by NITTTR, Govt. of India, Ministry of HRD, from 18th-23rd July, 2016
- One week FDP on “Cloud Computing” at BNMIT from 11th-16th July, 2016
- One week FDP on “Machine Learning” at BNMIT from 18th-23rd January, 2016
- One week FDP on “IT Infrastructure Management Services” at BNMIT from 5th-9thJanuary, 2015
- One day workshop on Awareness Workshop on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation in collaboration with VTU at BMS College of Engineering on 21stJuly, 2015.
- Two days workshop on Outcome Based Education and Accreditation at BMS College of Engineering, August 2ndto 3rd , 2015
- Three days faculty development program at BNMIT, Bangalore, from July 18thto 20th 2012
- Three days Academic Leadership Program for faculties of engineering colleges under VTU, between 2ndto 4th March, 2012 at PESIT campus, Bangalore
- Completed Continuing Education Course on Intelligent Agents with Overall performance grade of A during August-December 2012 at IISc, Bangalore.
- Attended the NI Educator’s Day held at Leela Palace, Bangalore, on 24th November 2008
- Faculty development program course at Keane International (India) Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore, between June 2ndto 13th -2008.
- Three days course on Essentials Of functional Testing with ibm Rational Robot held at RVCE, Bangalore, from 26-06-2006 to 28-06-2006.
- One week course on Instructional Design and Delivery held at BNMIT, Bangalore, from 09-08-2004 to 14-08-2004.
- Two days workshop on Wireless Internet conducted by IWIN at IISc, Bangalore, from 26-04-2002 to 27-04-2002.
- Fifteen days curriculum Development workshop on e-Business at iiitb, Bangalore, from 01-04-2002 to 15-04-2002.
- Course on OOPS and C++ from Tata Infotech Education in April-May, 2001
- Web Designing course from WINTECH Computers in October, 2000.
- Completed Entrepreneurship Development Programme during April-May 1996 at SJCE-STEP, Mysore
- Gardening
- Cooking
- Badminton
- Throwball
- Chess
- Carnatic
- Classical
- Western music
Any other things
- Blogging