Shashi Prabha Nagendra
Designation :
Area of specialization :
Date of Joining BNMIT :
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) :
E-mail Id :
No. of years of Experience :
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing | % of marks obtained |
Ph.D (Pursuing) | Selinus Universityof Science and Literature Italy | ||
MA (English Literature) | 1990 |
Experience: 11-Year
SI. No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Assistant Professor | BNMIT, Bangalore, India |
- Teaching Technical English Communication to BE students – A VTU course
- Designed and streamlined syllabus, course plan and assessment materials for English Communication; delivered lectures in a creative way to enhance the communication Skills for I, II year MBA and I, II year B.E. students.
- Trained students in Business English Certification (BEC) course at Vantage Level
- Established an English Club in the Institution in 2017
- Compered several events in the Institution
Awards and Achievements:
- Completed NPTEL Certification Course on ‘Technical English for Engineers’ with 90%, Topper, July to September 2019, 8-week course
- Secured Second Prize for the Tertiary /Higher Education Category in the English in the Classroom Competition 2015, organised by Cambridge in South Asia.
- English Club in BNMIT:
- Set up an English Communication Club in corporation with the Department of Training and Placement and provided an additional space for students to communicate effectively in a casual atmosphere.
Expertise/Subjects handled
- Technical English I and II – A VTU program at BNMIT
- English Communication Skills for MBA students
- Business English Certification, Vantage level course
- English as Second Language (ESL) to adult learners from various nationalities
- English for IELTS, SAT, and spoken English- Basic and Advanced level courses.
Research Interest:.
Funding Received:
Journals :
- ID: P-ISSN 2321-788X vol 7 Special Issue, June 2020 Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities, Topic, “Thriving and Burgeoning Education –In an arena where Technology meets Tradition”
- 1D:IJIRE/404 Volume 4, issue 7, Dec-2017International Journal of Innovative Research Explorer; topic, “Revision and Re-interpretation: Reimagining Mythology with an Artistic Twist
- Online National Conference: “Covid-19: Implications for Economy”, Topic: “Thriving and Burgeoning Education –In an arena where Technology meets Tradition”
Sl. No. | Event | Topic | Organized by | Date | No. of days |
National Conference “Modern Trends in English Language Teaching- Placing the Learners in the Spot Light” | Presented a paper on:
“Revolutionising Education: Task –Based Learning and Technology Enhanced Teaching” | St Joseph’s Evening College | 09-08-2015 | 1 |
International Conference “Narratives and Narratology-innovations in story telling” | Presented a paper on:
“Evolving Techniques in Narratives- making stories resonant” | Garden City College | 5-02-2016 6-02-2016 | 2 |
National Conference “The changing Trends in the Teaching of English and Literatures in India” | Presented a paper on: “Connecting the learners with the outside world – The changing trend in teaching of English”
| KUD Karnataka University, Dharwad
| 26th and 27th February 2016
| 2 |
Annual Coordinators’ Conference Cambridge | The battle of the Chalk and the mouse | Cambridge English | 13th July 2016 | 1 |
2-Day International Conference | (His)tory, Her-Story and ‘Other’ Narratives: Revisions and Re-interpretations in Story-telling” “Revision and Reinterpretation: Reimagining mythology with an artistic twist” | Reva University
| 3rd and 4th Feb 2017 | 2 |
2-Day International Conference The Teaching of English Language and Literature: Critical Perspective | “Building liaison between learners and the outside world – The changing trends in teaching and Learning English Language Skills “
| Department of English Gitam University Hyderabad | August 11-12, 2017 | 2 |
Christ Academy’Advaya’ 2018 IMAGES OF THE SELF AND THE OTHER: EXPLORING IDENTITY AND ALTERITY | Oral Narratives, Folklores and Legends, blended with technology, stimulate confabulation
| Christ Academy Institute of Advanced studies | 18th-19th-January 2018 | 2 |
2-Day International Conference on innovative Practices in Management And Entrepreneurship | Technology- A Firm Foundation for Entrepreneurship
| BNMIT MBA department in Association with AIMS (Association of Indian Management School | 27th-28th-December, 2018 | 2 |
Jain College-One day online National Conference: COVID-19:Implications for Economy: | Paper titled: “Thriving and Burgeoning Education –In an arena where Technology meets Tradition” | Jain College-One day online National Conference | 12th June 2020 | Jain College-One day online National Conference: COVID-19:Implications for Economy: |
- Scrabble
- Won prizes in several events on sports day in the college
Any other things
- Community Service – Vice President of the Association- Ramanjeneyanagara Citizen’s Welfare Association