“The value of a college education is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think” quoted Albert Einstein and truly so, I am proud to say that my daughter has had the wonderful opportunity to learn, grow and embark on the journey of gaining knowledge from BNMIT where she has been able to discern the true meaning of education and imbibe moral values and discipline. Of utmost importance, the exceptional teaching faculty have been the source of encouragement and inspiration, who have instilled the fundamentals of technical education have also nurtured her to think creatively at all times. I am thankful to everyone who has unwaveringly played a role in shaping the future of my daughter at BNMIT . I shall always remain grateful to the glorious management of BNMIT who have upheld and rooted ethical values in par with quality education that will certainly benefit the all-round development of every student to take up any challenges in the future.