Two Days’ Technical Webinar
Participants: Members of the Institution of Engineers (India) Students’ Chapter, Dept. of EEE, BNMIT.
Description: A two-day webinar on “Research & Advancement in Electric Vehicle Technology” was organized by the Department of EEE under Institution of Engineers (India) Students’ Chapter, BNMIT on 12/11/2020 & 13/11/2020. This workshop was an opportunity for the second year, pre-final year and final year students to enrich their knowledge and skills in developing various engineering solutions in the field of Electric Vehicle Technology.
The resource person for day-1 was Dr. Saikrishna Gaud, Professor, MIT, Manipal. He delivered technical talk on “BMS in Electric Vehicles”. He shared information about chemistry of battery, Estimation of state of charge, battery capacity, efficiency calculation of battery, cell equalization, battery management system, adaptation of BMS in electric vehicle technology.
The resource person for the day-2 was Dr. Sanjeev K Naik, Project Manager, L&T, Bangalore division. The topic for the second day webinar was on “Interdisciplinary Approach to Electric Vehicles”. The major topics covered were evolution of EV technology, Comparison between Gasoline and full electric vehicles, power train, mathematical calculations of force, torque, battery size, motor specifications, BMS, charging types, advantages of DC over AC charging, smart charging, advancement in EV technology, Off board charger benefits and role of digital controllers & Power Electronic converters in Electric vehicle technology.
The participants were able to gain knowledge of Battery size, Motor specification, BMS, power train, role of power electronics in EV, research openings and advancement in EV technology. The two days’ webinar was quite useful for the participants to do better projects in future endeavors in the field of Electric Vehicle Technology.
IE(I) Coordinator
Professor, Dept. of EEE, BNMIT