Pathanjali C
Designation : Associate Professor
Area of specialization : Heterogeneous Computing
Date of Joining BNMIT : 07/07/2016
Nature of Association (Regular/Contractual/Adjunct) : Regular
E-mail Id : pathanjalic@bnmit.in
No. of years of Experience :11 .6 Years (Teaching)
1.9 Years (Industry)
Department : Computer Science & Engineeering
Degree | Institution | Month & Year of Passing | % of marks obtained |
M.Tech. (CSE) | RVCE , Bengaluru, India. | Sept 2012 | 7.5 CGPA |
B.E (CSE) | B N M Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India. | Oct 2006 | 69.12 |
SI. No. | Designation | Institution | Duration |
1 | Associate Professor | BNM Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India | July 2016–To Till date |
2 | Assistant Professor | Sapthagiri College of Engineering, CSE, Bengaluru, India | July 2008 – May 2016 |
2 | Junior Engineer | Data Script, Bengaluru, India | Aug 2006 – May 2008 |
- 11.6 years
Awards and Achievements
- Best student Project award(B.E-2006)
- Bronze Partner Faculty under Inspire- The Campus Connect Faculty Partnership Model, June 2016, Bengaluru, India
Professional Memberships
- Member of International Association of Engineers, Member No. 120143.
Expertise / list of Subjects handled
- Data Structures
- Analysis and design of Algorithms
- Unix Concepts & Applications
- Web Programming
- Computer Networks
- Object Oriented Analysis & Design
- Advanced Computer Architecture (UG & PG)
- Microprocessor and microcontroller
- Microprocessor and Microcontroller Lab
- Multi-core Architecture Programming(PG & UG)
- Storage Area Network
- JAVA and J2E
Instruments Handled/Software’s handled:
- Operating System : Windows , MS-DOS, Unix
- Languages : C, C++, PERL, PHP, SQL, MYSQL, Java
- Web Development: HTML
Research Interest
- Computer Networks
- Data Science
- Blockchain
In National & International Journals
- C, Dr.Vimutha E Salis. and Jalaja G, “A Comparative Study of Indian Food Image Classification Using K-Nearest-Neighbour and Support-Vector-Machines”, International Journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET) , Vol 7 (3.12) (2018) ,Page No 521-525.
- Prince Kumar , Vaibhav Garg , Pavan Somvanshi , Pathanjali C ,“A Comparative Study of Object Detection Algorithms in A Scene”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181 Vol. 8 Issue 05, May-2019.
- Pathanjali C, Ranjana S. Chakrasali, Vimuktha E. Salis , Usha C. R. ,“A novel approach to improve the LZW data compression algorithm”, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, ISSN: 2454-132X,Volume 5, Issue 3, Page No 2220-2224, June 2019.
Papers presented in International/National Conferences
- Pathanjali C. and Dr. Nagaraja G., “Cross Layer Design for Video Streaming Over 3g Network” , International conference at RGCET, Puducherry, India, September 2012
- Pathanjali C. and Deepa S.R., “Comparative Analysis of Genetic algorithm Gradient Descent Algorithm in Training ANN for Weaning Mechanical ventilator”, International conference at New Horizon College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India, November2011.
- International Conference on Computer Networks, Security & Computing-2018 (ICCSC2018) at SVCE, Bengaluru, India, May 4th & 5th 2018.
- International Conference on Data Science, Machine Learning and Applications ,” An Efficient Approach for Document Categorization using Weighted Sum” in CMRIT, Hyderabad, Telangana on 29th -30th March2019.
- Naveen Kumar and Pathanjali C., “An Improved Strategy to Reduce Information Skew using HDDM by CDP Method”, National Conference at SCE, Bengaluru, India, 2014
- Pathanjali C. and Sankamavalli., “Data Mining Technique for CRM”, National conference at CIT, Bengaluru, India, December 2011 3 Participation in Training courses/Seminars/W
Participation in Training courses/Seminars/Workshops:
- Five Days Short Term Training Program conducted by Mission10X (Wipro),at M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India, from 20th – 24th Jan 2009.
- Two Days Faculty Development Program conducted by Mission10X (Wipro),at M. S. Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India, 14th – 15th April 2009.
- Three Days Workshop on “Network Simulation” organized by VTU,from 16th -18th February 2012 at VTU, Belagavi, India.
- Five Days Workshop on “Storage Area Network” organized by BMSCE.,from 20th – 24th July 2013 at BMSCE, Bengaluru, India.
- Five Days Infosys Campus Connect Foundation Program 3.1 at INFOSYS Campus Mysore from 27th – 31st January 2014, Mysuru, India.
- One day workshop on “Future of Internet – Economy of Sharing”, at Sapthagiri College Engineering, Bengaluru, India on 21st July2015.
- Six-days Faculty Development Programme on “IBM-Blue mix for IOT & Security”, at BNMIT, Bengaluru, India, from 11th -16th July 2016.
- Two days Workshop on “ARM7 and KEIL IDLE” organized at Global Academy of Technology by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering on 4th – 5 th January 2017, Bengaluru, India.
- Six-day Faculty Development Programme on “Research Frontiers in Networking- A tool Driven Approach” at BNMIT, Bengaluru, India from 16th -21th January2017
- Attended one day training on “ARM7 and KEIL IDE”, at BNMIT, Bengaluru, India on 31stMarch 2017.
- One day IEEE Awareness Workshop on “Accreditation in Engineering Education”, at BMS college of Engineering, Bengaluru, India on July 3rd 2017.
- Five days Faculty Development Program on “Data science using Python”, at DSATM college, Bengaluru, India from 8th – 12th January2018.
- Five days Faculty Development Programme on “Biomedical Signal Processing” at BNMIT Bengaluru, India from 11th –15th June 2018.
- One-week Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analytics” at BNMIT, Bengalur, India from 21st – 25th January 2018.
- Two day workshop on “Introduction to Robotics “ through e-Yantra Lab,at CMRIT college from 5th -6 th October 2018.
- Faculty Development Program on “Data Analytics”, BNMIT, Banshankari II Stage, Bangalore, from 21st – 25th January2019
- Certificate of completion of Task Based Training (TBT-2018) as a part of Teacher Training through the e-yantra from 1st Oct 2018 to 10th Jan 2019. 4
- Pathanjali C has successfully undergone a Six Weeks Online Summer Training on Data Science from 3rd May, 2019 to 14th June, 2019 at Internshala.
- Faculty Development Program on “Industry 4.0”, NTTF, Electronic city, Bangalore, from 8th to 12th July2019.
- Classical Dance
- Folk Dance
- Carnatic music – vocal
Any other things