Industries / IT companies today recruit graduates based on skills acquired by them during the years of gradation. We have seen in the past that just scoring 70% and above marks does not guarantee job for students. Apart from looking for soft skills, industries want individuals who are ready to take up work immediately after joining their companies. Further, graduates with higher and better skills, adjust / adopt to dynamic environment, and more effectively to the challenges & opportunities at work. Hence, there is a need to produce skilled and industry ready individuals in the domains of current interest. In order to address this issue, the institute has introduced Skill Development Programme (SDP) for 3rd year B.E. students. The expected outcome of the programme is to mould students to be industry ready technocrats of tomorrow. This, in turn would increase the employability of students in industries – particularly core industries.
The on-going SDPs are listed below:
Embedded Systems in Robotics (ROS)
Mean Stack
App Development
VLSI-FPGA and ASIC Synthesis
IoT & its Applications
Machine Learning Techniques for Signal & Image Processing
Industrial Automation using PLC, SCADA, HMI & VFD
Design of Power Frequency & High Frequency Transformers and Rotating Machines for Industrial Applications