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July 20, 2023
Computer Science Engineering

What is the Scope of Computer Science Engineering? Essential Skills and Qualities you have in you to be an engineer?

    This post was last updated on       November 17th, 2023
October 29, 2021

Zero emission EV charging station at BNMIT

As the pandemic tails off and campuses open for offline learning, BNMIT has transpired a green way to rebound. With more and more signs of the world closing in on the end of fossil fuel era, the institute has decided to promote Electric Vehicles (EVs) among its students and faculty members with an EV charging station.
October 23, 2021

BNMIT’s free training programme for PGCET/KMAT aspirants

Unsure about the upcoming PGCET/KMAT pattern? Doubtful about the syllabus? Want some tips and tricks to ace the tests? Join eMBArk, a free training programme by BNMIT to fancy your chances in the competition.
October 1, 2021

Power plant on your vehicle…

What if you could power your vehicle by bolting an energy-storing, rotating, and flapping device to your roof? The device could generate the energy, pump it to the engines, and store the extra amount for later usage too.
September 24, 2021

An AI software to communicate with deaf and mute in real time

This World Sign Language Day (September 23), a BNMIT student has come up with an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based software to help the deaf and mute. The software will assist them in establishing a two-way communication channel even with unimpaired people who have never studied sign language.
September 15, 2021

Success stories of ‘180-degree’ career shifts…

After graduating from an engineering or a management course, while most people treasure a secured job matching their qualifications, here are some stunning acts of alternate career shifts from BNMIT campus.
September 3, 2021

Embarking Upon a New Journey

Jeevan Aditya, a recently graduated BNMITian will soon be jetting off to the University of Minnesota to pursue a master’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineer (VLSI).
August 31, 2021

Electrical Engineering… looking ahead

The world population, as per the UN population division was 7.8 billion in 2020 and is expected to level out at 10.9 billion by around 2100. This ever-increasing population, when coupled with environmental issues, spews out a plethora of problems that we need to tackle, head-on.
August 20, 2021

On Cloud Nine…

After landing that dream job, Varshini Vijay is all set to begin her new journey and only sky is her limit.